Contrasting Norway spruce disturbance dynamics in managed forests and strict forest reserves in Slovakia

Forest disturbances are intensifying globally, yet regional drivers of these dynamics remain poorly understood. We investigated recent disturbance intensities in Norway spruce (Picea abies L.) forests in Slovakia (Central Europe) with different management objectives in 2000–2017 based on Landsat imagery. We focused on 122 strict reserves without any management, their actively managed surroundings (500 m and 2000 m buffers), and managed production forests beyond the buffer areas. We used generalized additive mixed models to test for differences in temporal trends of disturbance intensity among these management categories. We found that disturbance intensity was increasing in all management categories during the studied period. The increase was more pronounced in the managed forests (compound annual disturbance rate 1.76% year−1) and the 2000 m buffer (2.21% year−1) than in the strict reserves (0.58% year−1). The predicted cumulative disturbance during the 18-year period was 9.9% in the reserves and 30.5% in the 2000 m buffer. We found that forests in nature reserves can be more resistant to disturbances than forests managed for timber production, despite management efforts to control disturbances in managed forests. Our findings can help reconcile the different perceptions of natural disturbances and their management in Central Europe and support climate-adapted management strategies that consider natural disturbances as an indispensable component of ecosystem dynamics.
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Oxford University Press (OUP)
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Peer reviewed
Published in
  • Potterf, M., Svitok, M., Mezei, P., Jarčuška, B., Jakuš, R., Blaženec, M., & Hlásny, T. (2023). Contrasting Norway spruce disturbance dynamics in managed forests and strict forest reserves in Slovakia. Forestry, 96(3), 387-398.
CC BY 4.0Open Access
Additional information about funding
Stefan Schwarz fund of the Slovak Academy of Sciences; by the Slovak Research and Development Agency, Slovakia (APVV-15-0761, APVV19-0606, APVV-18-0347, APVV-18-0347); by the Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education and the Slovak Academy of Sciences under contract VEGA 02/0076/19; by the Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure (OPII) funded by the ERDF (ITMS 313011 T721) and by the Operational Programme Research, Development and Education (OP RDE) (Grant EVA4.0, CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000803).
Copyright© The Author(s) 2022. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Institute of Chartered Foresters
