Literature review data for conceptual framework of UX dimensions

A narrative literature review was conducted to identify 50 most cited research articles on user experience (UX). The focus on finding UX definitions that can be divided into dimensions via conceptual analysis to create of a conceptual analysis framework of UX dimensions that can be utilised in analysing different experience concepts for developing the concept of total experience (TX). ACM Digital Library was utilized as the database. Research articles were selected based on the following inclusion and exclusion criteria. In the ACM Digital Library database, “User Experience” was used as a search keyword. The search resulted in a total of 30,723 publications. Due to a large number of publications, the results were sorted so that UX was mentioned in full text, abstract, keywords, and cited by highest. Then the 50 most referenced studies were selected and scanned carefully through titles and abstracts, and then through our research question. The main focus was on finding and selecting articles that focus on UX in a technology-interaction context.  Only publications in which the authors explicitly mention UX in the context of HCI were included. Papers studying UX from a technology driven perspective were not included, because we wanted to focus on how human experiences are created and shaped in technology interaction. Also, publications included for in the analysis had to be original full papers and written in English. Out of the 50 most cited articles, 3 articles were found that we have already cited in our initial framework. At this point, we excluded articles that did not focus on experiences with technology. Also, we excluded 23 research articles that focused either on UX design and evaluation methods, or children´s UX. After that, a full-text review was performed, and 10 research articles were found that focused on UX design in specific technology development context but did not include definition of how UX was defined. The contexts were wearable mobile augmented reality system, driving simulator, mobile devices equipped with Near-Field Communication, viewing sports videos on mobile phones, recommended system, immersive gaming, mobile network performance on social media, a robot privacy and face enrolment system on a humanoid robot, interactive television and panoramic video in CAVE-like environment and head mounted display viewing conditions. Then we selected the articles that were included in this review. A total of 14 primary UX research articles (out of 389 research articles) were included for detailed analysis based on defined inclusion and exclusion criteria.  In the literature review data all the 50 most cited articles are listed and 14 included to further analysis are marked with an asterisk.
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  • Silvennoinen, Johanna; Mikkonen, Hanna. Literature review data for conceptual framework of UX dimensions. V. 14.9.2022. 10.17011/jyx/dataset/83322
CC BY 4.0Open Access
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CopyrightSilvennoinen, Johanna and Mikkonen, Hanna
