“I utilize those resources that are given to us” : middle management strategic agency and participation through the lens of social positioning and practices
Esimiehillä on usein keskeinen rooli yrityksen strategiaprosessissa. He usein toimivat organisaation ylimmän johdon ja työntekijöiden välillä, sekä vastaanottavina että välittävinä tahoina. Esimiehet eivät kuitenkaan ole passiivisia jalkauttamisessa, vaan heillä on aktiivinen rooli strategian omaksumisessa ja harjoittamisessa, strategisina toimijoina. Tämän tutkimuksen teoreettisena viitekehyksenä toimii yksi strategian tutkimusaloista, strategia sosiaalisena käytäntönä (eng. Strategy-as-Practice, SAP), jonka rooli on korostunut etenkin viimeaikaisessa strategiatutkimuksessa. SAP tutkii sosiaalisia käytäntöjä strategisen toiminnan takana. Yksilön ja kontekstin välistä suhdetta huomioidakseen voidaan ajatella, että toimijoiden ja sosiaalisten käytäntöjen välinen vuorovaikutus tuo struktuuria esille. Tämä tutkimus pyrkii huomioimaan tätä tutkimalla esimiesten strategista toimijuutta ja strategiaan osallistumista sekä sosiaalisten asemien että käytäntöjen kautta. Tämän työn tutkimusantina on se, että se pyrkii laajentamaan SAP-tutkimusta strukturalistisilla ja sosiokognitiivisilla lähestymistavoilla huomioidakseen sekä toimijuutta että struktuuria (organisaatiotason systeemi) yhtäläisesti.
Tutkimuksessa haastateltiin 11 esimiestä yhdestä organisaatiosta. Aineisto analysoitiin laadullisesti diskurssianalyysimenetelmää käyttäen, myös aikaisempien tutkimusten viitekehyksiä sosiaalisista asemista ja käytännöistä soveltaen. Esille nousseet diskurssit osoittivat erilaisia sosiaalisia asemia, jotka koostuivat osallistumisen diskursseista heijastaen organisaatiosysteemin rakentumista. Siten kunkin sosiaalisen aseman takana rakentuivat osallistumisen diskursseja, jotka tulkittiin aineiston perusteella tukevan tai hankaloittavan strategiaan osallistumista. Lopuksi, kolme laajempaa teemaa muodostettiin koskien toimijuutta ja struktuuria.
Diskurssien kautta välittyi miten strateginen toimijuus muodostui erityisesti systeemirakenteista ja ylhäältä alas –lähestymistavasta omaksutusta kokemusmaailmasta oikeutuksen (legitimiteetti), resursseihin ja sääntöihin pohjaten. Siten systeemin (organisaatio) ja sen käytäntöjen rakentuminen vaikutti olevan johdattavassa roolissa myös laajentaen tai kaventaen esimiehen toimijuutta strategiaan osallistumisessa yksilön ja organisaatiosysteemin välisen vuorovaikutuksen kautta.
In the strategy process, middle managers often have a pivotal role. They are often in a position as implementors and mediators within the whole organization between upper management and other employees. However, managers are not passive in implementation, instead have an active role in adopting and practicing strategy, as strategic agents. In this study, the theoretical framework used is based on Strategy-as-Practice (SAP), a recently re-emerging research field in strategy research focusing on the social practice behind strategic activity. To reinforce the connection between the individual and the context, it can be argued that agents and social practice interact to bring existence of structure. The aim of this study is to examine middle management strategic agency and strategy participation from the lens of both social positioning and practices. This study contributes to SAP research by continuing to extend SAP with structurationist and socio-cognitive views to address both agency and structure (organizational system) in equal terms. The data were collected through 11 managerial interviews from one organization, which were analyzed using qualitative methods and further applying some frameworks from previous studies on strategic agency and practices. In combination, the data analysis identified and incorporated different social positions reflecting agency that were constructed through participation discourses reflecting social practices and structure. Behind each social position, participation discourses were identified as to supporting or hindering strategy participation. Ultimately, three larger themes were derived based on views of agency and structure. It emerged through discourse how strategic agency was adopted based on reflective experiences of rules, resources and legitimizing power dimensions in the organizational system and its top-down approach in particular. The structural system (organization) and its emerging practices seemed to be in a leading role also expanding or narrowing sense of agency in strategy participation in the interaction between the individual and the organizational system.
In the strategy process, middle managers often have a pivotal role. They are often in a position as implementors and mediators within the whole organization between upper management and other employees. However, managers are not passive in implementation, instead have an active role in adopting and practicing strategy, as strategic agents. In this study, the theoretical framework used is based on Strategy-as-Practice (SAP), a recently re-emerging research field in strategy research focusing on the social practice behind strategic activity. To reinforce the connection between the individual and the context, it can be argued that agents and social practice interact to bring existence of structure. The aim of this study is to examine middle management strategic agency and strategy participation from the lens of both social positioning and practices. This study contributes to SAP research by continuing to extend SAP with structurationist and socio-cognitive views to address both agency and structure (organizational system) in equal terms. The data were collected through 11 managerial interviews from one organization, which were analyzed using qualitative methods and further applying some frameworks from previous studies on strategic agency and practices. In combination, the data analysis identified and incorporated different social positions reflecting agency that were constructed through participation discourses reflecting social practices and structure. Behind each social position, participation discourses were identified as to supporting or hindering strategy participation. Ultimately, three larger themes were derived based on views of agency and structure. It emerged through discourse how strategic agency was adopted based on reflective experiences of rules, resources and legitimizing power dimensions in the organizational system and its top-down approach in particular. The structural system (organization) and its emerging practices seemed to be in a leading role also expanding or narrowing sense of agency in strategy participation in the interaction between the individual and the organizational system.
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Master thesis
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The material is available for reading at the archive workstation of the University of Jyväskylä Library.
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