E-urheilijan henkinen hyvinvointi, kuormittuneisuus ja palautuminen
E-urheilijat kohtaavat työssään perinteiseen urheiluun verrattavissa olevaa henkistä kuormitusta, mutta tutkimusnäyttö heidän henkisestä hyvinvoinnistaan, kuormittuneisuudestaan ja palautumisestaan on vielä hyvin vähäistä. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, missä määrin e-urheilijat kokevat henkistä ylikuormitusta ja siihen liittyviä oireita ja millaiseksi he kokevat
elämänlaatunsa, unensa ja palautumisensa samanikäisiin miehiin verrattuna. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin, mikä e-urheilijoita kuormittaa ja palauttaa, millaiseksi he kokevat suorituskykynsä ja miten kuormittuneisuus, palautuminen ja elämänlaatu ovat yhteydessä heidän koettuun suorituskykyynsä.
Tutkimukseen osallistui suomalaisia ammatikseen pelaavia miespuolisia e-urheilijoita (n = 6),
joita verrattiin samanikäisiin (18–30 v.) opiskeleviin tai fyysisesti kevyttä työtä tekeviin miehiin (n = 6). Molempien ryhmien henkistä kuormittuneisuutta, elämänlaatua ja palautumista
selvitettiin anonyymillä sähköisellä kyselyllä, jonka kysymyksiin vastattiin Likert-asteikolla.
Molemmat ryhmät vastasivat omaan kyselyynsä, joka koski e-urheilijoiden osalta heidän peliuraansa ja verrokkien osalta heidän työtään tai opiskeluaan.
Ryhmien välillä ei havaittu tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja kokonaiskuormittuneisuudessa, palautumisessa tai elämänlaadussa. E-urheilijat pitivät työtään verrokkeja merkitsevästi enemmän
elämänsä tärkeimpänä sekä ajatuksia vallitsevana ja iloa tuottavana asiana ja kokivat myös
enemmän, että uran päättävä loukkaantuminen aiheuttaisi masennusta (p < 0,050). Lisäksi he
kokivat verrokkeja enemmän työssään menestymisen tärkeäksi, käyttävänsä paljon aikaa tullakseen hyväksi työssään ja olevansa tyytyväisiä organisaatioltaan saamaansa tukeen (p < 0,050). Suurimpia kuormitustekijöitä e-urheilijoille olivat e-urheilun elämän tärkeimpänä asiana pitäminen, sen jatkuva miettiminen sekä ajatus uran päättymisestä loukkaantumiseen. Nukkuminen ja lepo oli heille tärkein palautumiskeino. E-urheilijat kokivat suorituskykynsä hyväksi. Kuormittuneisuudella, palautumisella tai elämänlaadulla ei havaittu olevan tilastollisesti merkitseviä yhteyksiä koettuun suorituskykyyn. Vähäiset kuormitusoireet ja hyvä palautuminen näyttivät korreloivan kohtalaisesti hyvän suorituskyvyn kanssa.
E-urheilijat eivät eronneet muista samanikäisistä miehistä hyvinvoinniltaan, kuormittuneisuudeltaan tai palautumiseltaan. Heidän elämässään työn tärkeys korostui selkeästi. E-urheiluun liittyy erityispiirteitä, jotka olisi otettava huomioon harjoittelussa palautumisen turvaamiseksi ja suorituskyvyn optimoimiseksi. Aiheesta tarvitaan tutkimusta laajemmalla aineistolla toteutettuna ja e-urheilijoille tyypillisiin kuormitustekijöihin kohdistuen. E-urheiluun olisi tärkeää kehittää perinteistä urheilua vastaavia käytänteitä, jotta e-urheilijoiden hyvinvointia ja suorituskykyä olisi mahdollista seurata ja edistää kohtaamaan heidän lajinsa vaatimukset paremmin.
Esports athletes face a mental strain comparable to traditional sports in their work but research evidence of their well-being, overload and recovery is still limited. The aim of the study was to clarify the extent to which e-athletes experience mental overload and related symptoms and how they perceive their quality of life, sleep and recovery compared to men of the same age. It was also studied what are the stressful or restorative factors for e-athletes, how they perceive their performance and how mental strain, recovery and quality of life are related to their perceived performance. The study involved Finnish professional male e-athletes (n = 6), who were compared to men of the same age (18–30 years) studying or doing physically light work (n = 6). The mental strain, quality of life, and recovery of both groups were assessed using an anonymous electronic survey, which was answered on a Likert scale. Both groups responded to their own questionnaire regarding their gaming careers for e-athletes and their work or study for controls. No statistically significant differences between groups were observed in overall workload, recovery, or quality of life. E-athletes considered significantly more than controls their work to be the most important, thought-provoking, and joy-producing thing in their lives, and they also felt more than controls that career-ending injury would cause depression (p < 0.050). In addition, they felt more than controls that succeeding at work is important, that they spent a lot of time getting good at their work and that they were satisfied with the support they received from their organization (p < 0.050). The biggest stressors for e-athletes were considering e-sports as the most important thing in life, the constant reflection on it, and the thought of ending a career due to injury. Sleeping and resting was the most important way for them to recover. E-athletes rated their performance as good. Mental strain, recovery, or quality of life were not found to be significantly associated with perceived performance. Low overload symptoms and good recovery appeared to be associated with good performance. E-athletes did not differ from other men of the same age in terms of well-being, overload, or recovery. The importance of work in their lives was clearly emphasized. There are specific features associated with e-sports that should be considered in training to ensure recovery and optimize performance. Research on this topic is needed with more extensive data and focusing on the load factors typical of e-athletes. For e-sports, it would be important to develop practices similar to traditional sports so that the well-being and performance of e-athletes can be monitored and promoted to better meet the demands of their sport.
Esports athletes face a mental strain comparable to traditional sports in their work but research evidence of their well-being, overload and recovery is still limited. The aim of the study was to clarify the extent to which e-athletes experience mental overload and related symptoms and how they perceive their quality of life, sleep and recovery compared to men of the same age. It was also studied what are the stressful or restorative factors for e-athletes, how they perceive their performance and how mental strain, recovery and quality of life are related to their perceived performance. The study involved Finnish professional male e-athletes (n = 6), who were compared to men of the same age (18–30 years) studying or doing physically light work (n = 6). The mental strain, quality of life, and recovery of both groups were assessed using an anonymous electronic survey, which was answered on a Likert scale. Both groups responded to their own questionnaire regarding their gaming careers for e-athletes and their work or study for controls. No statistically significant differences between groups were observed in overall workload, recovery, or quality of life. E-athletes considered significantly more than controls their work to be the most important, thought-provoking, and joy-producing thing in their lives, and they also felt more than controls that career-ending injury would cause depression (p < 0.050). In addition, they felt more than controls that succeeding at work is important, that they spent a lot of time getting good at their work and that they were satisfied with the support they received from their organization (p < 0.050). The biggest stressors for e-athletes were considering e-sports as the most important thing in life, the constant reflection on it, and the thought of ending a career due to injury. Sleeping and resting was the most important way for them to recover. E-athletes rated their performance as good. Mental strain, recovery, or quality of life were not found to be significantly associated with perceived performance. Low overload symptoms and good recovery appeared to be associated with good performance. E-athletes did not differ from other men of the same age in terms of well-being, overload, or recovery. The importance of work in their lives was clearly emphasized. There are specific features associated with e-sports that should be considered in training to ensure recovery and optimize performance. Research on this topic is needed with more extensive data and focusing on the load factors typical of e-athletes. For e-sports, it would be important to develop practices similar to traditional sports so that the well-being and performance of e-athletes can be monitored and promoted to better meet the demands of their sport.
Main Author
Master thesis
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