Searching for New Physics in two-neutrino double beta decay with CUPID

In the past few years, attention has been drawn to the fact that a precision analysis of two-neutrino double beta decay (2υββ) allows the study of interesting physics cases like the emission of Majoron bosons and possible Lorentz symmetry violation. These processes modify the summed-energy distribution of the two electrons emitted in 2υββ. CUPID is a next-generation experiment aiming to exploit 100Mo-enriched scintillating Li2MoO4 crystals, operating as cryogenic calorimeters. Given the relatively fast half-life of 100Mo 2υββ and the large exposure that can be reached by CUPID, we expect to measure with very high precision the 100Mo 2υββ spectrum shape, reaching great sensitivities in the search for distortions induced by the physics beyond the Standard Model. In this contribution, we present the CUPID exclusion sensitivity for such New Physics processes, as well as the preliminary projected background of CUPID.
Main Authors
Armatol, A. Armengaud, E. Armstrong, W. Augier, C. Avignone, F. T. Azzolini, O. Barabash, A. Bari, G. Barresi, A. Baudin, D. Bellini, F. Benato, G. Beretta, M. Bergé, L. Biassoni, M. Billard, J. Boldrini, V. Branca, A. Brofferio, C. Bucci, C. Camilleri, J. Capelli, S. Cappelli, L. Cardani, L. Carniti, P. Casali, N. Cazes, A. Celi, E. Chang, C. Chapellier, M. Charrier, A. Chiesa, D. Clemenza, M. Colantoni, I. Collamati, F. Copello, S. Cremonesi, O. Creswick, R. J. Cruciani, A. Addabbo, A. D’ Imperio, G. D’ Dafinei, I. Danevich, F. A. de Combarieu, M. Jesus, M. De de Marcillac, P. Dell’Oro, S. Domizio, S. Di Dompè, V. Drobizhev, A. Dumoulin, L. Fantini, G. Faverzani, M. Ferri, E. Ferri, F. Ferroni, F. Figueroa-Feliciano, E. Formaggio, J. Franceschi, A. Fu, C. Fu, S. Fujikawa, B. K. Gascon, J. Ghislandi, S. Giachero, A. Gironi, L. Giuliani, A. Gorla, P. Gotti, C. Gras, P. Gros, M. Gutierrez, T. D. Han, K. Hansen, E. V. Heeger, K. M. Helis, D. L. Huang, H. Z. Huang, R. G. Imbert, L. Johnston, J. Juillard, A. Karapetrov, G. Keppel, G. Khalife, H. Kobychev, V. V. Kotila, J. Kolomensky, Yu. G. Konovalov, S. Liu, Y. Loaiza, P. Ma, L. Madhukuttan, M. Mancarella, F. Mariam, R. Marini, L. Marnieros, S. Martinez, M. Maruyama, R. H. Mauri, B. Mayer, D. Mei, Y. Milana, S. Misiak, D. Napolitano, T. Nastasi, M. Navick, X. F. Nikkel, J. Nipoti, R. Nisi, S. Nones, C. Norman, E. B. Novosad, V. Nutini, I. O’Donnell, T. Olivieri, E. Oriol, C. Ouellet, J. L. Pagan, S. Pagliarone, C. Pagnanini, L. Pari, P. Pattavina, L. Paul, B. Pavan, M. Peng, H. Pessina, G. Pettinacci, V. Pira, C. Pirro, S. Poda, D. V. Polakovic, T. Polischuk, O. G. Pozzi, S. Previtali, E. Puiu, A. Quitadamo, S. Ressa, A. Rizzoli, R. Rosenfeld, C. Rusconi, C. Sanglard, V. Scarpaci, J. Schmidt, B. Sharma, V. Shlegel, V. Singh, V. Sisti, M. Speller, D. Surukuchi, P. T. Taffarello, L. Tellier, O. Tomei, C. Tretyak, V. I. Tsymbaliuk, A. Velazquez, M. Vetter, K. J. Wagaarachchi, S. L. Wang, G. Wang, L. Welliver, B. Wilson, J. Wilson, K. Winslow, L. A. Xue, M. Yan, L. Yang, J. Yefremenko, V. Yumatov, V. Zarytskyy, M. M. Zhang, J. Zolotarova, A. Zucchelli, S.
Conferences Conference paper
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IOP Publishing
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Review status
Peer reviewed
International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics
Published in
Journal of Physics : Conference Series
Is part of publication
TAUP 2021 : 17th International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics
  • Armatol, A., Armengaud, E., Armstrong, W., Augier, C., Avignone, F. T., Azzolini, O., Barabash, A., Bari, G., Barresi, A., Baudin, D., Bellini, F., Benato, G., Beretta, M., Bergé, L., Biassoni, M., Billard, J., Boldrini, V., Branca, A., Brofferio, C., . . . Zucchelli, S. (2021). Searching for New Physics in two-neutrino double beta decay with CUPID. In TAUP 2021 : 17th International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics (2156, Article 012233). IOP Publishing. Journal of Physics : Conference Series.
CC BY 3.0Open Access
Research Council of Finland
Research Council of Finland
Research Council of Finland
Funding program(s)
Research costs of Academy Research Fellow, AoF
Research costs of Academy Research Fellow, AoF
Academy Research Fellow, AoF
Akatemiatutkijan tutkimuskulut, SA
Akatemiatutkijan tutkimuskulut, SA
Akatemiatutkija, SA
Research Council of Finland
Copyright© the Authors, 2022.
