Istumatyötä tekevien keski-ikäisten naisten lihasvoimaharjoittelun yhteys kehonkoostumukseen
Istumiseen, paikallaanoloon ja fyysisesti passiiviseen työhön käytetty aika on viime vuosikymmeninä lisääntynyt huomattavasti. Pitkäaikaisen paikallaanolon vaikutuksia terveyteen on tutkittu laajasti. Pitkäaikainen paikallaanolo on yhteydessä heikkoon lihasvoimaan. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on tutkia, onko työn fyysisellä kuormittavuudella yhteys keski-ikäisten naisten kehonkoostumukseen. Lisäksi tarkastellaan, onko lihasvoimaharjoittelulla suojaava yhteys keski-ikäisten istumatyötä tekevien naisten kehonkoostumukseen.
Tutkimuksessa on käytetty Jyväskylän yliopiston liikuntatieteellisen tiedekunnan Gerontologian tutkimuskeskuksessa toteutetun ERMA-tutkimuksen (Estrogenic Regulation of Muscle Apoptosis) aineistoa. Osallistujat olivat 47–55-vuotiaita naisia. Tutkittavat jaettiin kahteen ryhmään työn fyysisen kuormittavuuden mukaan: pääasiassa istumatyö, joka vaatii vain hyvin vähän fyysistä aktiivisuutta (n = 535) ja fyysinen työ, joka sisältää seisomista ja kävelyä tai seisomisen ja kävelemisen lisäksi nostamista ja kantamista tai on raskasta fyysistä työtä (n = 474). Osallistujat jaettiin kolmeen ryhmään kuntosaliharjoittelun tai siihen verrattavissa olevan lihasvoimaharjoittelun määrän ja kuormittavuuden mukaan. Tutkittavien kehonkoostumus mitattiin bioimpedanssimittauksella. Tässä työssä mittaustuloksista analysoitiin kehon rasvaprosentti, viskeraalirasva sekä luustolihasmassa. Ryhmien välisiä kehonkoostumuksen keskiarvoeroja analysoitiin riippumattomien otosten t-testillä. Työn tyypin ja lihasvoimaharjoittelun määrän yhteyttä kehonkoostumukseen analysoitiin kaksisuuntaisella varianssianalyysillä.
Työn fyysisellä kuormittavuudella ei ole tilastollisesti merkitsevää yhteyttä kehonkoostumukseen keski-ikäisillä naisilla. Liikkumisen suositusten mukaisella lihasvoimaharjoittelulla on tilastollisesti merkitsevä yhteys keski-ikäisten naisten kehonkoostumukseen työn tyypistä riippumatta. Suositusten mukainen lihasvoimaharjoittelu oli tilastollisesti merkitsevästi yhteydessä matalampaan rasvaprosenttiin (p = 0,002), vähäisempään viskeraalirasvan määrään (p = 0,025) ja korkeampaan luustolihasmassaan (p = 0,002). Tulosten perusteella lihasvoimaharjoittelua on tehtävä liikkumisen suositusten mukaan vähintään kaksi kertaa viikossa ja sen on oltava riittävän kuormittavaa, jotta saavutetaan kehonkoostumukseen vaikuttavia hyötyjä.
Sedentary behaviour and physically passive work have increased considerably in recent decades. The effects of sedentary behaviour in health have been extensively researched. Sedentary behaviour is associated with weak muscle strength. The purpose of this study was to examine whether the physical workload has an association for the body composition of middle-aged women. In addition, it was examined whether muscle strength training according to the Finnish national recommendations of activity had a protective association for the body composition of middle-aged women doing sedentary work. This study has used the data from the Estrogenic Regulation of Muscle Apoptosis (ERMA) study. The subjects were women aged 47 to 55. The subjects were divided into two groups according to the physical workload: mainly sedentary work, which requires only very little physical activity (n = 535) and physical work that includes standing and walking or lifting and carrying in addition to standing and walking or is heavy physical work (n = 474). Participants were divided into three groups according to the amount of gym training or comparable muscle strength training. The body composition of the subjects was measured by bioimpedance measurement. In this study, based on the results obtained by bioimpedance measurement, body fat percentage, visceral fat, and skeletal muscle mass were analysed. The mean differences of variables measuring body composition between groups were analysed using a t-test of independent samples. The association between the physical workload and the amount of muscular strength training to the body composition was analysed using a two-way variance analysis. The physical workload has no statistically significant association with body composition in middle-aged women. Muscle strength training under the recommendations has a statistically significant association with the body composition of middle-aged women, regardless of the physical workload. Muscle strength training as recommended was statistically significantly associated with lower body fat percentage (p = 0.002), lower visceral fat (p = 0.025) and higher skeletal muscle mass (p = 0.002). According to the results, muscle strength training should be done according to the recommendations of activity at least twice a week and it should be sufficiently strenuous to achieve benefits affecting body composition.
Sedentary behaviour and physically passive work have increased considerably in recent decades. The effects of sedentary behaviour in health have been extensively researched. Sedentary behaviour is associated with weak muscle strength. The purpose of this study was to examine whether the physical workload has an association for the body composition of middle-aged women. In addition, it was examined whether muscle strength training according to the Finnish national recommendations of activity had a protective association for the body composition of middle-aged women doing sedentary work. This study has used the data from the Estrogenic Regulation of Muscle Apoptosis (ERMA) study. The subjects were women aged 47 to 55. The subjects were divided into two groups according to the physical workload: mainly sedentary work, which requires only very little physical activity (n = 535) and physical work that includes standing and walking or lifting and carrying in addition to standing and walking or is heavy physical work (n = 474). Participants were divided into three groups according to the amount of gym training or comparable muscle strength training. The body composition of the subjects was measured by bioimpedance measurement. In this study, based on the results obtained by bioimpedance measurement, body fat percentage, visceral fat, and skeletal muscle mass were analysed. The mean differences of variables measuring body composition between groups were analysed using a t-test of independent samples. The association between the physical workload and the amount of muscular strength training to the body composition was analysed using a two-way variance analysis. The physical workload has no statistically significant association with body composition in middle-aged women. Muscle strength training under the recommendations has a statistically significant association with the body composition of middle-aged women, regardless of the physical workload. Muscle strength training as recommended was statistically significantly associated with lower body fat percentage (p = 0.002), lower visceral fat (p = 0.025) and higher skeletal muscle mass (p = 0.002). According to the results, muscle strength training should be done according to the recommendations of activity at least twice a week and it should be sufficiently strenuous to achieve benefits affecting body composition.
Main Author
Master thesis
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