Selkäydinvammaisten henkilöiden kokemukset osallistumista rajoittavista ympäristötekijöistä Suomessa (FinSCI-tutkimus)
Ympäristötekijät voivat edistää tai rajoittaa selkäydinvammaisten henkilöiden osallistumista. Suomessa asuvien selkäydinvammaisten henkilöiden kohtaamia ympäristöstä aiheutuvia rajoitteita ei ole aiemmin tutkittu, mutta niiden selvittäminen on olennaista, jotta voidaan kehittää mahdollisuuksia yhdenvertaiseen ja esteettömään osallistumiseen. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, miten Nottwil Environmental Factors Inventory Short Form (NEFI-SF) -mittariin kuuluvat ympäristötekijät vaikeuttivat suomalaisten selkäydinvammaisten henkilöiden osallistumisen mahdollisuuksia heidän oman arvionsa mukaan. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin, miten sukupuoli, ikä, vammautumisesta kulunut aika ja vamman vaikeusaste olivat yhteydessä ympäristötekijöistä aiheutuviin koettuihin osallistumisrajoitteisiin.
Tutkimus oli osa FinSCI, Selkäydinvammaisten henkilöiden terveys ja toimintakyky sekä haasteet esteettömyydessä -tutkimusta. Tutkimuksen osallistujien (n = 1772) tiedot kerättiin Helsingin, Tampereen ja Oulun yliopistollisten sairaaloiden selkäydinvammapoliklinikoiden potilasrekistereistä. Sisäänottokriteerit olivat: ikä ≥ 16 vuotta, trauma- tai sairausperäinen selkäydinvamma sekä vamman vaikeusasteen luokitus American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale (AIS) A, B, C tai D. Tutkittaville postitettuun kyselyyn sisältyi selkäydin-vammaspesifi NEFI-SF-osio. NEFI-SF-mittari sisältää 14 kysymystä ympäristöstä aiheutuvista osallistumisrajoitteista. NEFI-SF vastausvaihtoehdot ovat ”ei vaikutusta” (0), ”vaikeutti hieman elämääni” (1) ja ”vaikeutti selvästi elämääni” (2). Mitä korkeammat henkilön yhteenlasketut NEFI-SF kokonaispisteet ovat (asteikko 0–28), sitä enemmän hän kokee ympäristötekijöiden rajoittavan elämäänsä. Vastauksia analysoitiin tilastollisesti ei-parametrisilla testeillä ja multinomiaalisilla logistisilla regressiomalleilla.
FinSCI-kyselyyn vastasi 884 henkilöä (vastausprosentti 50). Heistä NEFI-SF-kysymyksiin vastasi 880 henkilöä. Vähäistä haittaa raportoitiin pääsääntöisesti enemmän kuin huomattavaa haittaa. Eniten vastaajien elämää vaikeutti ilmasto, jonka koki rajoitteena 72 % ja vakavana rajoitteena 44 % vastaajista. Julkisten tilojen esteellisyydessä luvut olivat 59 % ja 24 %, haasteissa ystävien ja sukulaisten koteihin pääsemisessä 46 % ja 18 % ja pitkien matkojen liikkumisessa 45 % ja 20 %. Taloudellinen tilanne, apuvälineiden puute lyhyitä matkoja liikuttaessa sekä kansallinen lainsäädäntö rajoittivat yhteiskuntaan osallistumista neljällä kymmenestä vastaajasta. Vähiten osallistumista rajoittivat ympäristön asenteet. Vastaajien NEFI-SF kokonaispisteet vaihtelivat välillä 0–27 (mediaani 5, keskiarvo 6,3). Naissukupuoli ja vamman vakavampi vaikeusaste AIS A, B tai C olivat yhteydessä korkeampiin kokonaispisteisiin.
Ilmasto, julkisten ja yksityisten tilojen esteellisyys, haasteet liikkumisessa sekä taloudellinen tilanne rajoittivat merkittävimmin suomalaisten selkäydinvammaisten henkilöiden osallis-tumista. Eniten rajoitteita kokivat naiset sekä vaikeammin vammautuneet henkilöt. Tutkimuksen tulokset tuovat päätöksentekijöiden työn tueksi tietoa selkäydinvammaisten henkilöiden kohtaamista ympäristön rajoitteista. Tätä tietoa voidaan hyödyntää yhdenvertaisen ja esteettömän osallistumisen mahdollisuuksien parantamiseksi Suomessa.
Environmental factors may be either facilitators or barriers to participation for persons with spinal cord injury (SCI). In Finland environmental barriers (EB) that the population with SCI encounter have never been studied. However, investigating EBs is pivotal in order to enable equal and barrier-free societal participation for the people with SCI. Once the EBs causing most hindrance are identified, it is possible to work towards minimising their impact on the lives of people with SCI. This study aimed at finding out, based on the Nottwil Environmen-tal Factors Inventory Short Form (NEFI-SF), which EBs made the daily life and participation in society harder for the Finnish population with SCI. We also compared the prevalence of encountering EBs in the Finnish population with SCI in relation to gender, age, time since injury, and severity of SCI. This study was part of the Finnish Spinal Cord Injury study (FinSCI). Participants (n = 1772) were recruited from the registers of Helsinki, Tampere and Oulu University Hospital SCI outpatient clinics that are responsible for the lifelong care of people with SCI in Finland. Patients selected for the study were at least 16 years old and had a non-traumatic or traumat-ic SCI classified with the American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale (AIS) grade A, B, C, or D. A questionnaire was posted to the participants, including the SCI-specific NEFI-SF measure, which consists of 14 items assessing environmental barriers to participation. Each NEFI-SF item is scored “no influence” (0), “made my life a little harder” (1), or “made my life a lot harder” (2). The higher the total score (range 0–28), the more EBs are perceived. Nonparametric tests and multinomial logistic regression models were utilised for statistical analyses. The FinSCI survey response rate was 50%, and 880 individuals responded the NEFI-SF items. Minor EBs were reported generally more often than major ones. Climate was per-ceived as a barrier by 72% and a serious barrier by 44% of the respondents. Regarding public access the statistics were 59% and 24%, private home access 46% and 18%, and long-distance transport 45% and 20%. Finances, lack of assistive devices in short-distance transport, and political decisions restricted the participation of four out of ten respondents. Attitudes of close people were the least reported EBs. The NEFI-SF total scores ranged be-tween 0 and 27 (median 5, mean 6,3). Women and those more severely injured (AIS A, B and C) had higher NEFI-SF total scores. Climate, access to public and private places, challenges with transport, finances, and political decisions were the most often perceived environmental barriers restricting participation in the Finnish population with SCI. Women and those more severely injured experienced more barriers than other respondents. Most EBs that were prominent causes of impediment are modifiable. This study revealed valuable data on EBs experienced by the Finnish population with SCI. The policymakers can take advantage of this information when planning how to improve possibilities of equal, barrier-free participation in Finland. Reducing the effects of the most common EBs on the lives of persons with SCI should be focused on.
Environmental factors may be either facilitators or barriers to participation for persons with spinal cord injury (SCI). In Finland environmental barriers (EB) that the population with SCI encounter have never been studied. However, investigating EBs is pivotal in order to enable equal and barrier-free societal participation for the people with SCI. Once the EBs causing most hindrance are identified, it is possible to work towards minimising their impact on the lives of people with SCI. This study aimed at finding out, based on the Nottwil Environmen-tal Factors Inventory Short Form (NEFI-SF), which EBs made the daily life and participation in society harder for the Finnish population with SCI. We also compared the prevalence of encountering EBs in the Finnish population with SCI in relation to gender, age, time since injury, and severity of SCI. This study was part of the Finnish Spinal Cord Injury study (FinSCI). Participants (n = 1772) were recruited from the registers of Helsinki, Tampere and Oulu University Hospital SCI outpatient clinics that are responsible for the lifelong care of people with SCI in Finland. Patients selected for the study were at least 16 years old and had a non-traumatic or traumat-ic SCI classified with the American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale (AIS) grade A, B, C, or D. A questionnaire was posted to the participants, including the SCI-specific NEFI-SF measure, which consists of 14 items assessing environmental barriers to participation. Each NEFI-SF item is scored “no influence” (0), “made my life a little harder” (1), or “made my life a lot harder” (2). The higher the total score (range 0–28), the more EBs are perceived. Nonparametric tests and multinomial logistic regression models were utilised for statistical analyses. The FinSCI survey response rate was 50%, and 880 individuals responded the NEFI-SF items. Minor EBs were reported generally more often than major ones. Climate was per-ceived as a barrier by 72% and a serious barrier by 44% of the respondents. Regarding public access the statistics were 59% and 24%, private home access 46% and 18%, and long-distance transport 45% and 20%. Finances, lack of assistive devices in short-distance transport, and political decisions restricted the participation of four out of ten respondents. Attitudes of close people were the least reported EBs. The NEFI-SF total scores ranged be-tween 0 and 27 (median 5, mean 6,3). Women and those more severely injured (AIS A, B and C) had higher NEFI-SF total scores. Climate, access to public and private places, challenges with transport, finances, and political decisions were the most often perceived environmental barriers restricting participation in the Finnish population with SCI. Women and those more severely injured experienced more barriers than other respondents. Most EBs that were prominent causes of impediment are modifiable. This study revealed valuable data on EBs experienced by the Finnish population with SCI. The policymakers can take advantage of this information when planning how to improve possibilities of equal, barrier-free participation in Finland. Reducing the effects of the most common EBs on the lives of persons with SCI should be focused on.
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Master thesis
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The material is available for reading at the archive workstation of the University of Jyväskylä Library.
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