Vahvuuksiin perustuvan valmennuksen yhteys jalkapalloilijoiden minäpystyvyyden ja koetun pätevyyden kokemuksiin
Pro gradu –tutkielmamme tarkoituksena oli selvittää, minkälainen yhteys vahvuuksiin perustuvalla lähestymistavalla on jalkapalloilijoiden minäpystyvyyteen ja koettuun pätevyyteen. Olimme kiinnostuneita siitä, miten urheilijat kokevat vahvuuksiin perustuvan valmennuksen ja voisiko sen käyttö sopia nuorten urheiluun. Tutkimus toteutettiin interventiotutkimuksena, jossa jalkapalloilijoille toteutettiin vahvuuksiin perustuvaa valmennusta kahden viikon ajan. Koehenkilöinä toimi etelä-suomalaisen 13-14-vuotiaiden poikien jalkapallojoukkueen pelaajat. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin sekä laadullisin että määrällisin menetelmin hyödyntämällä monimenetelmällistä lähestymistapaa (mixed – method research). Kaikki joukkueen pelaajat (n=19) täyttivät määrälliset alku- ja loppukyselyt. Laadullisena menetelmänä toteutimme puolistrukturoidun teemahaastattelun, johon valitsimme satunnaisesti viisi pelaajaa. Tutkimuksen määrällinen aineisto analysoitiin SPSS- ohjelmalla (IBM SPSS Statistics 24). Aineiston kuvaamiseen käytettiin keskiarvoja (ka) ja keskihajontaa (kh). Muutoksia ja vaikutusten suuruutta tarkasteltiin toistettujen mittausten t-testillä sekä Cohen`s d-arvon avulla. Laadullinen aineisto puolestaan analysoitiin litteroimalla haastattelut ja toteuttamalla litteraateille laadullinen sisällönanalyysi.
Määrällisen aineiston perusteella minäpystyvyyden ja koetun pätevyyden tasot nousivat hieman alkumittauksista. Aineiston pienestä koosta johtuen tarkastelimme muutosten vaikutusta lähinnä Cohen`s d:n arvon avulla, sillä vain yhdessä minäpystyvyys -mittarissa tulos oli tilastollisesti merkitsevä. Cohen`s d- arvo vaihteli mittarista riippuen välillä ei vaikutusta- keskisuuri vaikutus. Alkumittausten lähtötaso oli korkea ja interventio lyhyt, joten keskisuurta vaikutusta voidaan pitää merkittävänä löydöksenä.
Laadullisen aineiston perusteella vahvuuksiin perustuva valmennus kasvatti pelaajien luottamusta itseen sekä muihin joukkuelaisiin. Pelaajat raportoivat vahvuuksien tiedostamisen ja kannustamisen vaikuttaneen erityisesti luottamuksen kasvuun. Kokemukset vahvuuksiin perustuvasta valmennuksesta olivat myönteisiä ja interventio koettiin hyödylliseksi niin pelaajille itselle kuin koko joukkueelle. Interventio ei ollut vaikuttanut haastateltavien kykyyn selviytyä haastavista tilanteista, tai heidän käsityksiin omista taidollisista kyvyistä muihin pelaajiin verrattuna. Haastateltavien mukaan heillä oli hyvät taidolliset kyvyt ja kyky selviytyä haastavista tilanteista jo ennen interventiota.
Yhteenvetona tämän tutkielman tulokset osoittivat, että vahvuuksiin perustuva valmennus kasvatti lievästi pelaajien minäpystyvyyttä ja koettua pätevyyttä. Laadulliset tulokset tukivat määrällistä aineistoa pelaajien raportoidessa luottamuksen kasvaneen intervention seurauksena. Näiden tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta positiivisen psykologian ja vahvuuksiin perustuvan valmennuksen olevan potentiaalinen keino tukea urheilijoiden myönteistä kehittymistä ja psykologista hyvinvointia.
The purpose of this study was to survey the connection between strength-based coaching and the level of self-efficacy and perceived competence of football players. We were also interested in how athletes experience strength-based coaching style and whether its’ use could be suitable for youth sports. The study was conducted as an intervention study in which strength-based coaching style was executed for football players for two weeks. The sample consisted of 13-14-year-old football players from a Southern Finnish football team. The research material was collected using both qualitative and quantitative methods using a mixed - methods research. All players in the team (n = 19) completed quantitative initial and final surveys. As a qualitative method, we conducted a semi-structured thematic interview in which we randomly selected five players. Quantitative data from the study was analyzed using SPSS (IBM SPSS Statistics 24). Mean values (mv) and standard deviation (sd) were used to describe the data. Changes and magnitude of effects were examined by repeated measures t-test and Cohen's d-value. Qualitative material was analyzed by transcribing the interviews and performing a qualitative content analysis for the transcripts. Based on the quantitative data, the levels of self-efficacy and perceived competence increased slightly from the initial survey. Due to the small size of the data, we examined the effect of the changes mainly with the value of Cohen's d, because in only one self-efficacy indicator the result was statistically significant. Cohen's d-value varied depending on the indicator between no effect - medium effect. The baseline for the initial survey was high and the intervention short, so for those reasons the medium impact can be considered as a significant finding. Based on the qualitative data, strength-based coaching increased players' confidence in themselves and trust in other team members. Players reported that both awareness-raising of the strengths and encouragement had particularly contributed to the increase in confidence. Experiences with strength-based coaching were positive and the intervention was mentioned to be beneficial to the players themselves and the team. The interviewees reported that the intervention had not contributed to overcoming challenging situations or influenced their perceptions of their skills compared to other players. They mentioned having good skill abilities and the ability to cope with challenging situations even before the intervention. In summary, the results of this study showed that strength-based coaching slightly raised players’ self-efficacy and perceived competence. Qualitative results supported quantitative data as players reported increased self-confidence as a result of the intervention. Based on these results, it can be concluded that positive psychology and strength-based coaching can be a potential way to support the positive development and psychological well-being of athletes. Key words: Mixed-methods – research, intervention study, positive psychology, strength-based coaching, self-efficacy, perceived competence
The purpose of this study was to survey the connection between strength-based coaching and the level of self-efficacy and perceived competence of football players. We were also interested in how athletes experience strength-based coaching style and whether its’ use could be suitable for youth sports. The study was conducted as an intervention study in which strength-based coaching style was executed for football players for two weeks. The sample consisted of 13-14-year-old football players from a Southern Finnish football team. The research material was collected using both qualitative and quantitative methods using a mixed - methods research. All players in the team (n = 19) completed quantitative initial and final surveys. As a qualitative method, we conducted a semi-structured thematic interview in which we randomly selected five players. Quantitative data from the study was analyzed using SPSS (IBM SPSS Statistics 24). Mean values (mv) and standard deviation (sd) were used to describe the data. Changes and magnitude of effects were examined by repeated measures t-test and Cohen's d-value. Qualitative material was analyzed by transcribing the interviews and performing a qualitative content analysis for the transcripts. Based on the quantitative data, the levels of self-efficacy and perceived competence increased slightly from the initial survey. Due to the small size of the data, we examined the effect of the changes mainly with the value of Cohen's d, because in only one self-efficacy indicator the result was statistically significant. Cohen's d-value varied depending on the indicator between no effect - medium effect. The baseline for the initial survey was high and the intervention short, so for those reasons the medium impact can be considered as a significant finding. Based on the qualitative data, strength-based coaching increased players' confidence in themselves and trust in other team members. Players reported that both awareness-raising of the strengths and encouragement had particularly contributed to the increase in confidence. Experiences with strength-based coaching were positive and the intervention was mentioned to be beneficial to the players themselves and the team. The interviewees reported that the intervention had not contributed to overcoming challenging situations or influenced their perceptions of their skills compared to other players. They mentioned having good skill abilities and the ability to cope with challenging situations even before the intervention. In summary, the results of this study showed that strength-based coaching slightly raised players’ self-efficacy and perceived competence. Qualitative results supported quantitative data as players reported increased self-confidence as a result of the intervention. Based on these results, it can be concluded that positive psychology and strength-based coaching can be a potential way to support the positive development and psychological well-being of athletes. Key words: Mixed-methods – research, intervention study, positive psychology, strength-based coaching, self-efficacy, perceived competence
Main Authors
Master thesis
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