Value co-creation in ITIL 4 -framework
ITIL on maailman käytetyin IT-palveluhallinnan viitekehys, jonka uusin versio
julkaistiin vuonna 2019. Uudessa versiossa asiakasarvo ja arvon yhteisluonti nostettiin merkittäviksi IT-palveluhallintaan ohjaavaksi tekijäksi viitekehyksessä.
Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin miten arvonluonti, ja erityisesti arvon yhteisluonti, näkyy käytännössä ja minkälaisia asiakkaan arvoa mittaavia mittareita on
otettu käyttöön tämän monitoroimiseksi. Teoreettinen viitekehys rakentuu valloilla olevien arvon yhteisluonnin tutkimusten ympärille, jonka lisäksi myös ITIL
4 -viitekehystä ja sen keskeisiä komponentteja avataan lukijalla. Tutkimus toteutettiin teemahaastatteluilla kvalitatiivisena tutkimuksena. Asiakkaan kokema
arvo koettiin tärkeäksi tekijäksi IT-palveluhallinnan parissa, mutta se ei ollut kuitenkaan absoluuttisesti tärkein IT-palveluhallintaa ohjaava tekijä. Asiakkaita
osallistutettiin yhteisluontiin palvelusta riippuen vaihtelevilla tavoilla. Asiakkaan kokeman arvon määrittäminen mitattavaksi suureeksi ja täten mittaamisen
rakentaminen tämän ympärille koettiin yleisesti ottaen vaikeaksi.
ITIL is the world's most widely used IT service management guiding framework, which the latest version was released in 2019. In the latest version, customer value and value creation were raised as important factors to guide ITSM in the framework following operations. This study examined how value creation, and in particular value co-creation, is reflected in practice, and what kind of metrics have been established to monitor customer received value. The theoretical framework is built around the current value creation in services research, and in addition the ITIL 4 framework and its key components are opened for the reader as well. The research was carried out through semi-structured interviews as a qualitative study. The value experienced by the customer was perceived as an important factor in IT service management, but it was not however the most important factor to guide IT service management. Customers were involved in value co-creation by differing ways depending on the particular service. Determining the value experienced by the customer as measurable quantity and thus constructing the measurement around it was generally considered as a difficult task.
ITIL is the world's most widely used IT service management guiding framework, which the latest version was released in 2019. In the latest version, customer value and value creation were raised as important factors to guide ITSM in the framework following operations. This study examined how value creation, and in particular value co-creation, is reflected in practice, and what kind of metrics have been established to monitor customer received value. The theoretical framework is built around the current value creation in services research, and in addition the ITIL 4 framework and its key components are opened for the reader as well. The research was carried out through semi-structured interviews as a qualitative study. The value experienced by the customer was perceived as an important factor in IT service management, but it was not however the most important factor to guide IT service management. Customers were involved in value co-creation by differing ways depending on the particular service. Determining the value experienced by the customer as measurable quantity and thus constructing the measurement around it was generally considered as a difficult task.
Main Author
Master thesis
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