Mukamas Learning Designin fasilitointikoulutusten vaikuttavuuden ja siirtovaikutukseen liittyvien tekijöiden arviointi
Mukamas Learning Design järjestää organisaatioille fasilitointikoulutuksia, joiden vaikuttavuutta ei ole aiemmin tutkittu kovinkaan laajasti. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitetään monimenetelmäisen pitkittäistutkimuksen avulla fasilitointikoulutusten vaikuttavuutta ja sitä, millaiset siirtovaikutukseen liittyvät tekijät mahdollistavat tai estävät vaikuttavan koulutuksen toteutumista. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa pyritään selvittämään, millaisilla toimenpiteillä koulutusprosessien vaikuttavuutta voidaan parantaa. Tutkimuksessa käytetty arviointimalli huomioi aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa käytettyjä arviointimalleja sekä tarkastelee oppimisen siirtovaikutusta oppijoiden, organisaatioiden työympäristöjen ja koulutuksen näkökulmasta. Koulutusten vaikuttavuuden havaittiin vaihtelevan eri vastaajilla. Työympäristöissä ja koulutuksessa havaittiin tekijöitä, jotka mahdollistavat tai estävät opittujen asioiden siirtämisen työpaikalle. Havaintojen perusteella muotoiltiin kehitysehdotukset sekä Mukamas Learning Designin fasilitointikoulutusten kehittämisen tueksi että koulutukseen osallistuneiden organisaatioiden koulutusprosessien parantamiseksi.
Mukamas Learning Design offers facilitation training for organizations. However, the effectiveness of the training has not been studied very extensively in the past. Using a multi-method longitudinal study, this study investigates the effectiveness of facilitation training and the factors involved in the transfer of training that enable or hinder the implementation of effective training. In addition, the study seeks to find out what measures can be taken to improve the effectiveness of training processes. The evaluation model used in the study takes into account the evaluation models used in the previous studies and examines the transfer of training from the perspective of learners, organizations' work environments and training. The effectiveness of the training was found to vary from one respondent to another. Factors that enable or prevent the transfer of training were identified in work environments and training. Based on the findings, development proposals were formulated both to support the development of Mukamas Learning Design's facilitation training and to improve the training processes of the participating organizations.
Mukamas Learning Design offers facilitation training for organizations. However, the effectiveness of the training has not been studied very extensively in the past. Using a multi-method longitudinal study, this study investigates the effectiveness of facilitation training and the factors involved in the transfer of training that enable or hinder the implementation of effective training. In addition, the study seeks to find out what measures can be taken to improve the effectiveness of training processes. The evaluation model used in the study takes into account the evaluation models used in the previous studies and examines the transfer of training from the perspective of learners, organizations' work environments and training. The effectiveness of the training was found to vary from one respondent to another. Factors that enable or prevent the transfer of training were identified in work environments and training. Based on the findings, development proposals were formulated both to support the development of Mukamas Learning Design's facilitation training and to improve the training processes of the participating organizations.
Main Author
Master thesis
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