The effect of experimental conditions on the performance of a small-scale dissolution-permeation model in drug development
Useimmat uudet lääkeaineet ovat heikosti liukenevia ja lääkeaineen määrä lääkekehityksessä on hyvin rajallinen. Sen vuoksi on tarve löytää uusia liukoisuutta parantavia formulaatioita ja pienen mittakaavan metodeja ja malleja niiden tutkimiseen. Lääkekehitys on hyödyntänyt eläinkokeita lääkeaineiden in vivo -käyttäytymisen tutkimiseen järjestelemällä eri formulaatioita paremmuusjärjestykseen perustuen niiden in vivo -olosuhteissa liuottamaan lääkeaineen määrään. Näitä järjestyksiä voidaan verrata in vitro -tuloksiin, jotka saadaan pienen mittakavaan dissoluutio-permeaatiomallin mittauksista.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia kokeellisten olosuhteiden vaikutusta pienen mittakavaan dissoluutio-permeaatiomallin toimivuuteen lääkekehityksessä. Lisäksi haluttiin tutkia kykeneekö tutkittava in vitro -malli tehokkaasti mallintamaan rotan in vivo suolisto-olosuhteita. Tutkittavat kokeelliset olosuhteet olivat käytettävän annoksen ja väliaineen vaikutukset. Tutkimukset suoritettiin neljällä eri liukoisuutta parantavalla formulaatiosuspensiolla. Tavoitteena oli selvittää tuottaako käytetty pienen mittakaavan malli saman järjestyksen formulaatiosuspensioiden välillä kuin aiemmissa rotilla suoritetuissa mittauksissa oltiin havaittu. Lisäksi tutkittiin in vitro ja in vivo -tulosten välistä korrelaatiota.
Tuloksista nähtiin eroja kokeellisten olosuhteiden välillä. Erityisesti käytetyn väliaineen huomattiin aiheuttavan muuntelua tulosten välillä. Tuloksista havaittiin, että annoksella ei ollut yksinään suurta vaikutusta, mutta käytetty väliaine lisäsi myös annoksen vaikutusta. Voitiin todeta, että fosfaattipuskuri pH 3.0 väliaineessa tehdyt mittaukset tuottivat tasaisempia ja täsmällisempiä tuloksia jopa alemmalla annoksella. Sen sijaan FeSSIF väliaineessa korkeampi annos oli suositeltavampi. Tulosten perusteella FeSSIF väliaineen koostumusta ja siten sen vaikutusta dissoluutio-permeaatiomalliin tulisi tutkia vielä lisää.
Neljän eri suspensioformulaatioiden välillä saatiin sama järjestys molemmilla väliaineilla ja annosmäärillä. Nämä olivat samat kuin aiemmissa in vivo -testeissä havaitut järjestykset. Tutkimuksissa saatiin myös suhteellisen korkeita korrelaatioita in vitro ja in vivo -tulosten välillä. Täten tutkittu dissoluutio-permeaatiomalli soveltuu mallintamaan rotan suolisto-olosuhteita ja sitä voidaan tulevaisuudessa käyttää tämän lääkeaineen pienen mittakaavan dissoluutio-permeaatiotutkimuksissa.
Most of the newly-developed drugs are poorly-soluble and the amount of drug substance available for drug development is very limited. Therefore, there is a need to find new solubility-enhancing formulations and small-scale methods and models to study them. Drug development has utilized animal models to study drug substances’ in vivo behavior, by ranking the formulations according to the dissolved drug substance amounts with in vivo conditions. These rankings can be compared to in vitro results, which are obtained from small-scale dissolution-permeation model’s measurements. The aim of this study was to investigate what effect experimental conditions have on a small-scale dissolution-permeation model in drug development and if the studied in vitro model could efficiently simulate rat’s gastrointestinal in vivo conditions. Studied experimental conditions were dose effect and used medium’s effect. Experiments were performed with four different solubility enhancing suspension formulations. The aim was to find if used small-scale model was able to produce same ranking between suspension formulations as was previously obtained with rat studies. It was also investigated if correlation could be obtained between in vitro and in vivo results. The results indicated differences between experimental conditions. Especially used medium caused variation between results. From the results was seen that dose itself did not have a major effect, but used medium also enhanced dose’s impact. Results showed that measurements made with phosphate buffer pH 3.0 were able to produce constant and accurate results even with lower dose. With FeSSIF, higher dose was preferable, and the medium composition and thus its performance in dissolution-permeation studies needs more research. The same ranking between four suspension formulations were obtained with both media and both doses. Rankings were same as in vivo tests have been obtained. In the studies were also obtained relatively high correlations between in vitro and in vivo results. Due to correct suspension formulation rankings and good correlation between in vitro and in vivo results, it could be concluded that studied dissolution-permeation model could simulate rat’s gastrointestinal conditions. Therefore it could be used in the future, with this drug substance, for small-scale dissolution-permeation studies.
Most of the newly-developed drugs are poorly-soluble and the amount of drug substance available for drug development is very limited. Therefore, there is a need to find new solubility-enhancing formulations and small-scale methods and models to study them. Drug development has utilized animal models to study drug substances’ in vivo behavior, by ranking the formulations according to the dissolved drug substance amounts with in vivo conditions. These rankings can be compared to in vitro results, which are obtained from small-scale dissolution-permeation model’s measurements. The aim of this study was to investigate what effect experimental conditions have on a small-scale dissolution-permeation model in drug development and if the studied in vitro model could efficiently simulate rat’s gastrointestinal in vivo conditions. Studied experimental conditions were dose effect and used medium’s effect. Experiments were performed with four different solubility enhancing suspension formulations. The aim was to find if used small-scale model was able to produce same ranking between suspension formulations as was previously obtained with rat studies. It was also investigated if correlation could be obtained between in vitro and in vivo results. The results indicated differences between experimental conditions. Especially used medium caused variation between results. From the results was seen that dose itself did not have a major effect, but used medium also enhanced dose’s impact. Results showed that measurements made with phosphate buffer pH 3.0 were able to produce constant and accurate results even with lower dose. With FeSSIF, higher dose was preferable, and the medium composition and thus its performance in dissolution-permeation studies needs more research. The same ranking between four suspension formulations were obtained with both media and both doses. Rankings were same as in vivo tests have been obtained. In the studies were also obtained relatively high correlations between in vitro and in vivo results. Due to correct suspension formulation rankings and good correlation between in vitro and in vivo results, it could be concluded that studied dissolution-permeation model could simulate rat’s gastrointestinal conditions. Therefore it could be used in the future, with this drug substance, for small-scale dissolution-permeation studies.
Main Author
Master thesis
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