Terveyden edistämisen määrärahalla rahoitettujen hankkeiden arviointi sosioekonomisten terveyserojen kaventamisen näkökulmasta
Sosioekonomisten terveyserojen kaventamisen tärkeys on tunnistettu muun muassa ihmisten perusoikeuksien toteutumisen, kansanterveyden ja taloudellisten säästöjen näkökulmasta. Lukuisista tavoitteista ja toimista huolimatta kaventamisessa ei olla onnistuttu. Suomessa terveydenedistämistyö on usein hankemuotoista. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin ensiksi, mitä sosioekonomisia terveyseroja on Suomessa vuosina 2016–2018 terveyden edistämisen määrärahalla rahoitetuissa hankkeissa pyritty kaventamaan, ja toiseksi millaisin toimenpitein. Kolmanneksi selvitettiin hankkeiden vaikuttavuutta tukevien terveyden edistämisen arviointiperiaatteiden avulla sitä, kuinka laadukasta hankkeiden suunnittelu, toteutus ja arviointi olivat. Neljäntenä kuvattiin, minkälaisia vaikutuksia hankkeilla oli sosioekonomisten terveyserojen kaventumiseen. Tutkimusaineisto oli sosioekonomisia terveyseroja kaventamaan pyrkineiden vuosina 2016–2018 terveyden edistämisen määrärahalla rahoitettujen hankkeiden hankehakemukset ja loppuselvitykset (n=12), joiden kautta hankkeista oli saatavilla kattavasti tietoa. Aineiston analyysi toteutettiin laadullisen sisällönanalyysin avulla: ensimmäisen, toisen ja neljännen tutkimuskysymyksen analyysi aineistolähtöisesti ja kolmannen tutkimuskysymyksen analyysi teorialähtöisesti. Teorialähtöinen analyysi toteutettiin tutkimuksessa luotujen terveyden edistämisen arviointiperiaatteiden mukaan. Sosioekonomisia terveyseroja pyrittiin kaventamaan monipuolisesti eri terveyden osa-alueilla ja eri kohderyhmillä. Fyysisen ja sosiaalisen hyvinvoinnin eroihin keskittyviä toimenpiteitä toteutettiin kaikille kohderyhmille, eli lapsille, nuorille, työttömille ja muille kohderyhmille, kun taas mielen hyvinvoinnin eroihin keskittyvät hankkeet toteutettiin lapsille ja muille kohderyhmille. Terveyseroja pyrittiin kaventamaan eri tahoille kohdistuvilla toimilla. Kohderyhmälle tarjottiin välineitä, ohjausta, tukea ja neuvontaa, järjestettiin toimintaa sekä lisättiin tietoa. Kohderyhmän käyttämissä palveluissa otettiin käyttöön uusia toimintamalleja ja kehitettiin palveluja eri tavoin. Kohderyhmän käyttämien palvelujen henkilökuntaa koulutettiin sekä tuotettiin heille tietoa ja materiaaleja. Sekä kohderyhmälle että heidän käyttämiinsä palveluihin kohdistuvissa toimissa kohderyhmää käytettiin apuna palvelujen kehittämisessä. Yleisesti hankkeeseen liittyvissä toimissa tuotettiin uutta hyvinvointi- ja terveystietoa. Laadukas suunnittelu, toteutus ja arviointi toteutui hankkeissa kokonaisuudessaan kohtalaisesti. Suunnittelu ja toteutus toteutuivat vähintään kohtalaisesti, kun taas arviointi toteutui heikosti. Sosioekonomisten terveyserojen kaventumisesta hankkeissa ei saatu juurikaan tuloksia, sillä vain yhdessä hankkeessa arvioitiin hankkeen vaikutuksia sosioekonomisten terveyserojen kaventumiseen. Tutkimuksen tulokset myötäilevät aiempaa aiheesta tehtyä kirjallisuutta; terveyden edistämisen hankkeiden arvioinnissa oli puutteita, johon hankeajan lyhyt kesto ja hanketyöhön kuuluvan raportoinnin piirteet ovat voineet vaikuttaa. Kaikki hankkeet eivät myöskään vaikuttaneet siltä, että ne olisi suunniteltu kaventamaan sosioekonomisia terveyseroja, sillä kaikista hankkeista ei löytynyt todellisia terveyseroja kaventavia toimia. Tutkimuksen tuloksia ja niistä todettuja johtopäätöksiä sekä jatkotutkimusehdotuksia voidaan käyttää sosioekonomisten terveyserojen kaventamistyön ja hankkeiden arvioinnin kehittämiseksi tulevaisuudessa.
The importance of reducing socioeconomic health inequalities has been identified, inter alia, in terms of the realization of fundamental human rights, public health and economic savings. Despite numerous goals and actions, the reduction has not been successful. In Finland, health promotion is often done in the form of projects. This study first examined what socioeconomic health inequalities have been aimed to be reduced in Finland in projects funded by the grant for health promotion (terveyden edistämisen määräraha) in 2016–2018, and second, with what measures. Thirdly, health promotion evaluation principles, that support projects’ effectiveness, were used to assess the quality of projects’ design, implementation, and evaluation. Fourthly, the impact of projects on reducing socioeconomic health inequalities was described. The research material was project applications and final reports of projects aimed at reducing socioeconomic health inequalities funded by the grant for health promotion in 2016–2018 (n=12). Comprehensive information on the projects was available through the applications and the reports. The analysis of the material was carried out using qualitative content analysis: analysis of the first, second and fourth research question was material-driven and analysis of the third research question theory-driven. Theory-driven analysis was carried out by using health promotion evaluation principles that were developed in this study. Socioeconomic health inequalities were aimed to be reduced in various areas of health and in different target groups. Measures focusing on differences in physical and social well-being were implemented for all target groups: children, adolescents, the unemployed and other target groups, while projects focusing on health differences in mental well-being were implemented for children and the others. Efforts were made to reduce health inequalities through various measures. The target groups were provided with tools, guidance, support and counselling, organized activities, and increased information. New operating models were introduced in the services used by the target group and services were developed in various ways. The staff of the services used by the target group were trained and provided with information and materials. In the activities targeted at both the target group and the services they use, the target group was used to assist in the development of the services. General actions related to projects was generating new well-being and health information. Quality of project design, implementation, and evaluation as a whole was moderate. Planning and implementation realized moderately or well, while evaluation realized poorly. There were few results from the projects on the reduction of socioeconomic health inequalities, as only one project assessed the impact of the project on the reduction of socioeconomic health inequalities. The results of the study correspond to the previous literature on the subject; there were insufficiency in the evaluation of health promotion projects, which may have been affected by the short duration of the project and the nature of the reporting involved in the project work. Also, not all projects appeared to be designed to reduce socioeconomic health inequalities, as not all projects seem to have implemented real measures to reduce health inequalities. The results of the study and the conclusions drawn from them, as well as suggestions for further research, can be used to develop the work on reducing socioeconomic health inequalities and project evaluation in the future.
The importance of reducing socioeconomic health inequalities has been identified, inter alia, in terms of the realization of fundamental human rights, public health and economic savings. Despite numerous goals and actions, the reduction has not been successful. In Finland, health promotion is often done in the form of projects. This study first examined what socioeconomic health inequalities have been aimed to be reduced in Finland in projects funded by the grant for health promotion (terveyden edistämisen määräraha) in 2016–2018, and second, with what measures. Thirdly, health promotion evaluation principles, that support projects’ effectiveness, were used to assess the quality of projects’ design, implementation, and evaluation. Fourthly, the impact of projects on reducing socioeconomic health inequalities was described. The research material was project applications and final reports of projects aimed at reducing socioeconomic health inequalities funded by the grant for health promotion in 2016–2018 (n=12). Comprehensive information on the projects was available through the applications and the reports. The analysis of the material was carried out using qualitative content analysis: analysis of the first, second and fourth research question was material-driven and analysis of the third research question theory-driven. Theory-driven analysis was carried out by using health promotion evaluation principles that were developed in this study. Socioeconomic health inequalities were aimed to be reduced in various areas of health and in different target groups. Measures focusing on differences in physical and social well-being were implemented for all target groups: children, adolescents, the unemployed and other target groups, while projects focusing on health differences in mental well-being were implemented for children and the others. Efforts were made to reduce health inequalities through various measures. The target groups were provided with tools, guidance, support and counselling, organized activities, and increased information. New operating models were introduced in the services used by the target group and services were developed in various ways. The staff of the services used by the target group were trained and provided with information and materials. In the activities targeted at both the target group and the services they use, the target group was used to assist in the development of the services. General actions related to projects was generating new well-being and health information. Quality of project design, implementation, and evaluation as a whole was moderate. Planning and implementation realized moderately or well, while evaluation realized poorly. There were few results from the projects on the reduction of socioeconomic health inequalities, as only one project assessed the impact of the project on the reduction of socioeconomic health inequalities. The results of the study correspond to the previous literature on the subject; there were insufficiency in the evaluation of health promotion projects, which may have been affected by the short duration of the project and the nature of the reporting involved in the project work. Also, not all projects appeared to be designed to reduce socioeconomic health inequalities, as not all projects seem to have implemented real measures to reduce health inequalities. The results of the study and the conclusions drawn from them, as well as suggestions for further research, can be used to develop the work on reducing socioeconomic health inequalities and project evaluation in the future.
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Master thesis
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