Yläkoululaisten suoriutumisuskomusten ja arvostusten yhteys motivaatioon koululiikunnassa
Suoriutumisuskomukset ja yksilön sisäiset arvostukset liikunnanopetusta kohtaan ovat tärkeitä
suoriutumisen ja toimintaan sitoutumisen taustalla olevia selittäjiä liikuntatunneilla.
Tutkimusten mukaan oppilaiden suoriutumisuskomukset omasta kyvykkyydestä laskevat
alakoulusta yläkouluun siirryttäessä mutta koululiikunta-arvostukset pysyvät pitkälti
muuttumattomana. Suoriutumisuskomusten kehittymisen osalta sukupuolten välillä ei näyttäisi
olevan eroa, vaikkakin pojilla suoriutumisuskomukset ovat lähtökohtaisesti korkeammat. Tässä
tutkielmassa sukupuolten eroja ei vertailtu, vaan havaintoja tehtiin ainoastaan yläkoululaisten
pohjalta. Työssä havaittiin suoriutumisuskomusten ja arvostusten yhteys
koululiikuntamotivaatioon. Työ rakentuu Ecclesin ym. (1983) kehittämän odotusarvoteorian
sekä Decin ja Ryanin (2000) kehittämän itsemääräämisteorian ympärille. Odotusarvoteoriassa
yksilön saavutukset ja saavutuksiin liittyvät valinnat määrittyvät kahden tekijän kautta, joita
ovat odotukset onnistumisesta ja subjektiiviset tehtävän arvot. Itsemääräämisteoriassa yksilön
motivaation laatu määräytyy kolmen psykologisen perustarpeen, koetun autonomian, koetun
pätevyyden ja sosiaalisen yhteenkuuluvuuden mukaan. Odotusarvoteoriassa mainitut
suoriutumisuskomukset ja arvostukset voivat olla yhteydessä koululiikuntamotivaatioon. Tässä
työssä suoriutumisuskomuksilla tarkoitetaan yläkoulun oppilaiden suoriutumisuskomuksia
koululiikunnassa ja arvostuksilla tarkoitetaan, pitävätkö yläkoulun oppilaat koululiikuntaa
hyödyllisenä ja tärkeänä.
Pro gradu -tutkielman aineistona käytettiin neljästä eri suomalaisesta peruskoulusta saatuja
vastauksia, joilla pyrittiin selvittämään yläkoululaisten suoriutumisuskomusten ja arvostusten
yhteyttä koululiikuntamotivaatioon. Aineiston koko oli yhteensä 212 vastausta ja sen
kohderyhmänä toimivat yläkoulun oppilaat. Aineisto kerättiin joulukuussa 2021 sekä tammihelmikuussa 2022.
Tutkimustulosten mukaan oppilaiden suoriutumisuskomukset olivat yhteydessä
motivaatioluokista tunnistetun säätelyn ja sisäisen motivaation kanssa sekä psykologisten
perustarpeiden osalta autonomian ja koetun pätevyyden kanssa, mutta ei sosiaalisen
yhteenkuuluvuuden kanssa. Arvostukset, toisin sanoen koululiikunnan tärkeys ja hyödyllisyys,
oli yhteydessä motivaatioluokista tunnistetun säätelyn, sisäisen motivaation sekä amotivaation
kanssa. Oppilaiden koululiikuntaan liittyvät suoriutumisuskomukset olivat siis sitä paremmat,
mitä motivoituneempia he olivat koululiikuntaa kohtaan. Oppilaiden suoriutumisuskomukset
olivat myös paremmat, jos he saivat liikuntatunneilla autonomian sekä pätevyyden kokemuksia.
Lisäksi oppilaat, jotka kokivat koululiikunnan tärkeäksi ja hyödylliseksi, olivat sisäisesti
motivoituneita koululiikuntaa kohtaan. Puolestaan oppilaat, jotka eivät kokeneet koululiikuntaa
tärkeäksi ja hyödylliseksi, eivät olleet myöskään motivoituneita koululiikuntaa kohtaan.
Performance expectacions and the individual´s internal appreciation of physical education are important explanatory factors for performance and commitment to physical activity during exercise classes. According to studies students´ beliefs about their own ability decrease during the transition from primary to upper secondary school, but school sports values remain largely unchanged. There are no gender differences in the development of performance beliefs, although boys seem to have higher performance beliefs. In this dissertation, gender differences were not compared, but observations were made only on the basis of upper secondary school students. The connection between performance beliefs and values and school sports motivation was observed in the work. The work is built around the expectation value theory developed by Eccles (1983) and the theory of self-determination developed by Deci and Ryan (2000). In expectation value theory, an individual’s achievements and achievement-related choices are determined through two factors, which are expectations of success and subjective values of the task. In the theory of self-determination, the quality of an individual’s motivation is determined by three basic psychological needs, perceived autonomy, perceived competence, and social cohesion. The performance beliefs and valuations mentioned in expectation value theory may be related to school sports motivation. In this work, performance beliefs refer to the performance beliefs of upper secondary school students in school sports, and values refer to whether upper secondary school students find school sports useful and important. The material used in the master's thesis was the answers obtained from four different Finnish primary schools, which sought to find out the connection between the performance beliefs and values of upper secondary school students and school sports motivation. The size of the material was a total of 212 responses and its target group was upper secondary school students. The data were collected in December 2021 and in January-February 2022. According to the research results, students' performance expectations were related to the regulation and intrinsic motivation identified in motivational classes and to autonomy and perceived competence in basic psychological needs, but not to social cohesion. Values, i.e., the importance and usefulness of school exercise, were associated with regulation identified from motivational classes, intrinsic motivation, and motivation. Thus, the more motivated they were about school exercise, the better the students' performance expectations related to school exercise. Pupils’ performance beliefs were also better if they gained experiences of autonomy as well as qualifications during exercise classes. In addition, students who found school exercise important and useful were internally motivated toward school exercise. On the other hand, students who did not find school sports important and useful were also not motivated to go PE classes.
Performance expectacions and the individual´s internal appreciation of physical education are important explanatory factors for performance and commitment to physical activity during exercise classes. According to studies students´ beliefs about their own ability decrease during the transition from primary to upper secondary school, but school sports values remain largely unchanged. There are no gender differences in the development of performance beliefs, although boys seem to have higher performance beliefs. In this dissertation, gender differences were not compared, but observations were made only on the basis of upper secondary school students. The connection between performance beliefs and values and school sports motivation was observed in the work. The work is built around the expectation value theory developed by Eccles (1983) and the theory of self-determination developed by Deci and Ryan (2000). In expectation value theory, an individual’s achievements and achievement-related choices are determined through two factors, which are expectations of success and subjective values of the task. In the theory of self-determination, the quality of an individual’s motivation is determined by three basic psychological needs, perceived autonomy, perceived competence, and social cohesion. The performance beliefs and valuations mentioned in expectation value theory may be related to school sports motivation. In this work, performance beliefs refer to the performance beliefs of upper secondary school students in school sports, and values refer to whether upper secondary school students find school sports useful and important. The material used in the master's thesis was the answers obtained from four different Finnish primary schools, which sought to find out the connection between the performance beliefs and values of upper secondary school students and school sports motivation. The size of the material was a total of 212 responses and its target group was upper secondary school students. The data were collected in December 2021 and in January-February 2022. According to the research results, students' performance expectations were related to the regulation and intrinsic motivation identified in motivational classes and to autonomy and perceived competence in basic psychological needs, but not to social cohesion. Values, i.e., the importance and usefulness of school exercise, were associated with regulation identified from motivational classes, intrinsic motivation, and motivation. Thus, the more motivated they were about school exercise, the better the students' performance expectations related to school exercise. Pupils’ performance beliefs were also better if they gained experiences of autonomy as well as qualifications during exercise classes. In addition, students who found school exercise important and useful were internally motivated toward school exercise. On the other hand, students who did not find school sports important and useful were also not motivated to go PE classes.
Main Authors
Master thesis
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