Unlocking Circular Economy for Capital Equipment : Exploring Implementation of Lifecycle Extension
Tämän Pro Gradu työn tavoitteena on tutkia kiertotalouteen perustuvaa tuotteen elinkaaren pidentämistä pääomahyödykkeiden teollisuudenalalla. Tutkijat korostavat tuotteen elinkaaren pidentämisen roolia kiertotalouden edistämisessä etenkin tällä teollisuudenalalla, jossa tuotteille ominaista on pitkä elinkaari ja huomattava materiaalien käyttö. Huolimatta pääomahyödykkeiden jo saadusta huomiosta elinkaaren pidentämisen tutkimusalalla, vaikuttaa siltä, että tutkijat ovat ylenkatsoneet haasteiden ja mahdollisuuksien tunnistamisen roolin osana elinkaaren pidentämisen edistämistä.
Tuotteen elinkaaren pidentämisen käytäntöönpanoa tutkitaan tässä työssä yrityksen liiketoiminnan näkökulmasta keskittyen havaittuihin haasteisiin ja mahdollisuuksiin sekä koettuihin hyötyihin. Tätä aihetta tutkimalla tämä Pro Gradu pyrkii parantamaan käsitystä siitä, miten pääomahyödykkeiden elinkaaren pidentämistä voidaan edistää. Tämä tutkimus on toteutettu laadullisena, intensiivisenä tapaustutkimuksena. Tapaustutkimuksen kohdeyrityksenä on ollut materiaalien käsittelylaitteiden tuottaja. Tutkimusaineisto on kerätty haastatteluissa yrityksen sisällä ja ulkopuolisten asiantuntijoiden kanssa.
Tämän tutkimuksen tulokset viittaavat siihen, että palvelustrategiaan, sidosryhmäyhteistyöhön ja organisatorisiin tekijöihin liittyvät haasteet ja mahdollisuudet vaikuttavat olennaisesti tuotteen elinkaaren pidentämiseen. Lisäksi tulokset osoittavat monia hyötyjä elinkaaren pidentämisestä, joista todennäköisimmät vaikuttavat olevan arvonluonti asiakkaille, positiiviset ympäristövaikutukset ja riskien väheneminen. Näiden tulosten perusteella suosituksia kohdeyritykselle on annettu arvojen ja hyötyjen uudelleenajattelemiseen, sekä palvelukonseptin, sidosryhmäyhteistyön ja kiertotalouden johtamisen kehittämiseen
This Master’s Thesis study aims to explore the implementation of circular economy driven lifecycle extension (LCE) in the capital equipment industry. Researchers highlight the role of LCE to contribute to a circular economy (CE) in this industry where common product characteristics include inherently long lifetime and high material intensity. Despite the attention capital equipment has received from researchers in the context of LCE, it seems that previous research has somewhat overlooked the role of studying implementation through challenges and opportunities. Implementation of LCE is researched in this study from a business point of view, through perceived challenges and opportunities as well as expected benefits. Studying benefits is justified, as expected benefits are noticed as the most important driver for companies to implement CE activities. By exploring this topic, the thesis intends to improve the understanding of how LCE can be promoted among capital equipment companies. This thesis has been conducted as a qualitative, intensive case study. The case organization is a manufacturer of material handling equipment. The data has been gathered in interviews with the personnel of the company as well as with representatives of four companies within this industry. The findings from this study propose service strategy, stakeholder collaboration, and organizational factors as the main factors whose challenges and opportunities influence LCE implementation. Additionally, the results propose various benefits from addressing LCE, from which the most likely seem to be customer value creation, positive environmental impact, and risk reduction. Based on these findings, recommendations for action are given for the case company in the areas of rethinking value and benefits, developing the service concept, collaborating with suppliers and recyclers, and advancing management for CE.
This Master’s Thesis study aims to explore the implementation of circular economy driven lifecycle extension (LCE) in the capital equipment industry. Researchers highlight the role of LCE to contribute to a circular economy (CE) in this industry where common product characteristics include inherently long lifetime and high material intensity. Despite the attention capital equipment has received from researchers in the context of LCE, it seems that previous research has somewhat overlooked the role of studying implementation through challenges and opportunities. Implementation of LCE is researched in this study from a business point of view, through perceived challenges and opportunities as well as expected benefits. Studying benefits is justified, as expected benefits are noticed as the most important driver for companies to implement CE activities. By exploring this topic, the thesis intends to improve the understanding of how LCE can be promoted among capital equipment companies. This thesis has been conducted as a qualitative, intensive case study. The case organization is a manufacturer of material handling equipment. The data has been gathered in interviews with the personnel of the company as well as with representatives of four companies within this industry. The findings from this study propose service strategy, stakeholder collaboration, and organizational factors as the main factors whose challenges and opportunities influence LCE implementation. Additionally, the results propose various benefits from addressing LCE, from which the most likely seem to be customer value creation, positive environmental impact, and risk reduction. Based on these findings, recommendations for action are given for the case company in the areas of rethinking value and benefits, developing the service concept, collaborating with suppliers and recyclers, and advancing management for CE.
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Master thesis
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https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-202206203497Use this for linking