Hybrid Work through the lens of Distributed Cognition : case Gofore Oyj
Hybridityö on ajasta ja paikasta riippumaton työnteon muoto, joka on lisääntynyt nopeasti erityisesti tietotyötä tekevillä asiantuntija-aloilla. Hybridityön ollessa monimutkainen sosiotekninen ilmiö, sen tarkastelussa on tässä tutkielmassa käytetty sosioteknisten systeemien tutkimiseen tarkoitettua Hajautettua Kognitiota ja tarkemmin DiCoT-CL viitekehystä. Tämä teoreettinen lähestymiskulma sopii osaltaan myös hybridityön tutkimisen kirjallisuuden kasvattamiseen toistaiseksi pieneksi jääneelle kognitiiviselle näkökannalle. Tutkimuskohteena on digitaalisen muutoksen alalla toimiva asiantuntijaorganisaatio Gofore Oyj, jonka organisaatiota ja hybridityön tekemistä tutkitaan kognitiivisen etnografian keinoin.
Hybrid work is unrestricted by time and place, and which has seen much growth as a working mode especially in the field of expert-led knowledge work. Since hybrid work is considered a complex sociotechnical phenomenon, a sociotechnical perspective research tradition Distributed Cognition has been used in this thesis as a theoretical base and more precisely the DiCoT-CL framework. This research perspective is also in line with providing contribution to the existing literature, by building into the scarcely used cognitive perspective on hybrid working. The researched case in this thesis is an organization that is situated in the digital transformation industry as an expert-led knowledge organization, Gofore Oyj. This organization and its details of hybrid working are researched by the means of cognitive ethnography.
Hybrid work is unrestricted by time and place, and which has seen much growth as a working mode especially in the field of expert-led knowledge work. Since hybrid work is considered a complex sociotechnical phenomenon, a sociotechnical perspective research tradition Distributed Cognition has been used in this thesis as a theoretical base and more precisely the DiCoT-CL framework. This research perspective is also in line with providing contribution to the existing literature, by building into the scarcely used cognitive perspective on hybrid working. The researched case in this thesis is an organization that is situated in the digital transformation industry as an expert-led knowledge organization, Gofore Oyj. This organization and its details of hybrid working are researched by the means of cognitive ethnography.
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Master thesis
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