Urheiluseuratoimintaan osallistumisen vaikutus terveyteen lapsuudessa ja nuoruudessa
Urheiluseuratoimintaan osallistuminen lapsuudessa on yleistä. Tutkimusten perusteella urheiluseuratoimintaan osallistuvat lapset ja nuoret liikkuvat enemmän kuin ei urheiluseuratoimintaan osallistuvat. Urheiluseuratoimintaan kuuluvilla ravitsemus on mahdollisesti parempaa, jonka lisäksi unen sekä valtimoterveyden osalta tieto on vielä epäselvää. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää vaikuttaako urheiluseuratoimintaan osallistuminen lasten ja nuorten fyysiseen aktiivisuuteen, ravitsemukseen, uneen sekä valtimoterveyteen.
Tutkimuksen aineistona käytettiin PANIC-tutkimuksen aineistoa. Tutkimukseen osallistuvia tutkittiin pitkäaikaisseurannassa 1-, 3- ja 9-luokalla. Koehenkilöt jaettiin urheiluseuratoimintaan osallistuviin sekä ei-urheiluseuratoimintaan osallistuviin. 1-luokalla tutkimukseen osallistui 504 henkilöä, 3-luokalla 428 henkilöä ja 9-luokalla 277 henkilöä. Urheiluseuratoimintaan osallistui 1-luokalla 240 henkilöä, 3-luokalla 265 henkilöä ja 9-luokalla 164 henkilöä. Fyysinen aktiivisuus mitattiin yhdistetyllä syke- ja liikemittarilla, ravitsemusta tutkittiin ravintopäiväkirjojen avulla, unimittaukset suoritettiin kyselylomakkeella sekä liikemittarilla ja valtimoterveyttä mitattiin impedanssikardiografialla (pulssiaallon nopeus) sekä karotisvaltimon ultraäänikuvauksella (verenpaine, valtimon halkaisija diastolisessa ja systolisessa vaiheessa, sisäkalvon paksuus ja Stiffness Index).
Urheiluseuratoimintaan osallistuneilla oli enemmän liikuntaa VPA tasolla kaikissa mittauskohdissa. Lisäksi urheiluseuratoimintaan osallistuneilla oli enemmän MPA ja MVPA tasoista liikuntaa 1- ja 3-luokalla. Ravitsemuksen osalta urheiluseuratoimintaan osallistuneilla oli 1- ja 9-luokalla suurempi kokonaisenergiansaanti ja korkeampi hiilihydraattien grammamääräinen päiväsaanti. 9-luokalla proteiinien grammamääräinen päiväsaanti oli suurempaa urheiluseuratoimintaan osallistuneilla. 9-luokalla urheiluseuratoiminnassa mukana olleilla oli parempi unen laatu kuin ei-urheiluseuratoiminnassa mukana olleilla. Tässä tutkimuksessa löydettiin tilastollisesti merkitsevä ero valtimoterveyden muuttujista ainoastaan diastolisessa verenpaineessa ja sormen lämpötilan muutoksessa kuntotestin jälkeen 1-luokalla.
Urheiluseuratoimintaan osallistuminen lisää reippaan ja rasittavan liikunnan määrää lapsilla ja nuorilla. Urheiluseuratoiminnan vaikutusta muihin terveysmuuttujiin on tutkittava lisää jatkossa. Tulevaisuudessa on syytä tutkia myös eroja terveysmuuttujissa ryhmien sisällä.
Sports club participation is common during childhood. From previous research we know that children and adolescents move more when they participate sport club action compared to those who doesn´t participate. Nutrition might be better when you participate sport club action. It is unclear how sport club participation affects children’s and adolescents sleep habits and arterial health. This research answers how sport club participation affects physical activity, nutrition, sleep and arterial health during childhood and youth. Research subjects were from PANIC-Study. Research participants were followed in longitudinal study when they were 1st, 3rd and 9th graders. Participants were split into two categories based on their sport club participation. In the 1st grade there were 504 participants, in 3rd grade there were 428 participants and in the 9th grade there were 277 participants. In the 1st grade there were 240 participants who participated sport club action, 3rd grade had 265 participants who participated sport club action and in the 9th grade 164 participants were in sport club action. Physical activity was measured objectively by actigraphy, nutrition was researched based on food records, sleep was measured objectively by actigraphy and by survey. Arterial health was measured by pulse contour analyze (PWV, Pulse Wave Velocity) and ultra-sound imaging (blood pressure, arterial diameter in systole and diastole phase, intima-media thickness, and Stiffness index) Sport club participants had more VPA in every grade. Sport club participants had also more MPA ja MVPA in 1st and 3rd grade. Sport club participants had higher energy intake and carbohydrate intake in the 1st and 9th grade. In the 9th grade sport club participants had also higher protein intake. In the 9th grade there were also more statistically meaningful differences in nutrition. Sport club participants had better sleep quality in the 9th grade. Arterial health differences were found in diastole pressure and finger temperature after exercise test in the 1st grade. Sport club participants had higher diastole pressure and finger temperature after exercise test. Sport club participating adds more moderate and vigorous physical activity during childhood and youth. Sport club participating affecting other health variables needs more research in the future. In the future it is necessary to research also differences in health variables inside the sport club participants and non-participants.
Sports club participation is common during childhood. From previous research we know that children and adolescents move more when they participate sport club action compared to those who doesn´t participate. Nutrition might be better when you participate sport club action. It is unclear how sport club participation affects children’s and adolescents sleep habits and arterial health. This research answers how sport club participation affects physical activity, nutrition, sleep and arterial health during childhood and youth. Research subjects were from PANIC-Study. Research participants were followed in longitudinal study when they were 1st, 3rd and 9th graders. Participants were split into two categories based on their sport club participation. In the 1st grade there were 504 participants, in 3rd grade there were 428 participants and in the 9th grade there were 277 participants. In the 1st grade there were 240 participants who participated sport club action, 3rd grade had 265 participants who participated sport club action and in the 9th grade 164 participants were in sport club action. Physical activity was measured objectively by actigraphy, nutrition was researched based on food records, sleep was measured objectively by actigraphy and by survey. Arterial health was measured by pulse contour analyze (PWV, Pulse Wave Velocity) and ultra-sound imaging (blood pressure, arterial diameter in systole and diastole phase, intima-media thickness, and Stiffness index) Sport club participants had more VPA in every grade. Sport club participants had also more MPA ja MVPA in 1st and 3rd grade. Sport club participants had higher energy intake and carbohydrate intake in the 1st and 9th grade. In the 9th grade sport club participants had also higher protein intake. In the 9th grade there were also more statistically meaningful differences in nutrition. Sport club participants had better sleep quality in the 9th grade. Arterial health differences were found in diastole pressure and finger temperature after exercise test in the 1st grade. Sport club participants had higher diastole pressure and finger temperature after exercise test. Sport club participating adds more moderate and vigorous physical activity during childhood and youth. Sport club participating affecting other health variables needs more research in the future. In the future it is necessary to research also differences in health variables inside the sport club participants and non-participants.
Main Author
Master thesis
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https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-202206153322Use this for linking