Digitaalinen markkinointi ja asiakashankinta : asiantuntijoiden näkemykset parhaista käytännöistä pankkisektorilla
Digitaalisen markkinoinnin sekä asiakashankinnan tulisi syystä olla jokaista organisaatiota kiinnostava aihe. Mainonnan ja asiakashankinnan muodot ovat kehittyneet valtavasti viime vuosikymmeninä. Digitaalisuus ja digitaaliset kanavat
ovat mahdollistaneet markkinoinnin ja asiakashankinnan sähköisissä kanavissa
eli siellä, missä nykyajan ihmiset ovat: verkossa, sovelluksissa ja alustoilla useita
tunteja päivässä. Tämän kokonaisuuden ymmärtäminen ja hyödyntäminen on
nykypäivän yrityksille haaste, mutta myös ehdoton elinehto.
Digitaalinen markkinointi on moniulotteista, ja sen toteuttaminen vaatii suunnittelua ja ammattitaitoa. Haasteita ilmenee erityisesti silloin, kun aiheeksi valitaan
pitkäaikaiset ja vaativat asiakassuhteet, kuten pankkisuhteet. Kaikki yritykset
tarvitsevat uusia asiakkaita sekä keinoja, joilla erottautua kilpailijoistaan erityisesti pankkialan kaltaisilla markkinoilla, joilla tuotteet eivät eroa toisistaan.
Tutkimuksen alussa muodostettiin kokonaiskäsitys digitaalisesta markkinoinnista, kasvuhakkeroinnista ja asiakashankinnasta ottaen huomioon kuluttajakäyttäytyminen sekä pankkisektori. Jokaisesta aihealueesta löytyy aiempaa tutkimusta, mutta aihealueita yhdistävää tutkimustietoa on vaikea löytää. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen pohjalta luotiin uusi mukaileva digitaalisen markkinoinnin kehys. Tutkimuksen empiirisessä osiossa haastateltiin kuutta digitaalisen markkinoinnin asiantuntijaa saaden vastauksia, jotka vahvistivat kirjallisuuskatsauksessa saatua tietoa, mutta myös rikastivat sekä yksinkertaistivat sitä. Tämän lisäksi heiltä saatiin kerättyä tietoa liittyen pankkisektorin mainontaan ja asiakashankintaan.
Tutkimus toi erinomaisen kokonaiskäsityksen digitaalisesta markkinoinnista,
asiakashankinnasta sekä pankkisektorista. Tulokset korostivat pankkisektorin
omaleimaisuutta konservatiivisena toimialana, jota vahvasti ohjaa sääntely sekä
erittäin pitkäkestoiset asiakassuhteet, joihin vaikuttaminen vaatii rohkeampaa ja
erottuvampaa mainontaa ja asiakashankintaa sekä puolestapuhujien apua.
Digital marketing and customer acquisition should be a key topic of interest to every organization for a reason. Forms of advertising and customer acquisition have evolved tremendously in recent decades. Digitalization and digital channels have enabled marketing and customer acquisition online in electronic channels. Modern people use mobile applications and different platforms several hours every day. Understanding and utilizing this entity is a challenge for today's businesses, but also an absolute lifeline. Digital marketing is multidimensional and requires planning and professionalism in implementation. Challenges arise especially when long-term and demanding customer relationships, such as banking relationships, are in the focus. All companies need new customers and ways of differentiating themselves from their competitors, especially in markets such as banking, where products do not differ from each other. At the beginning of the study an overall understanding of digital marketing, growth hacking, and customer acquisition was formed, considering consumer behavior and the banking sector. There is some previous research in each topic, but it is difficult to find research data, linking the thematic areas. Based on the literature review, a new adaptive digital marketing framework was created. In the empirical section of the study, six digital marketing experts were interviewed, receiving responses that reinforced the information obtained in the literature review, but also enriched and simplified it. In addition, they were able to collect information related to advertising and customer acquisition in the banking sector. The study gave an excellent understanding of digital marketing, customer acquisition and the banking sector. The results underlined the distinctiveness of the banking sector as a conservative industry strongly guided by regulation and very long-term customer relationships, which require bolder and more distinctive advertising and customer acquisition, as well as the help of advocates.
Digital marketing and customer acquisition should be a key topic of interest to every organization for a reason. Forms of advertising and customer acquisition have evolved tremendously in recent decades. Digitalization and digital channels have enabled marketing and customer acquisition online in electronic channels. Modern people use mobile applications and different platforms several hours every day. Understanding and utilizing this entity is a challenge for today's businesses, but also an absolute lifeline. Digital marketing is multidimensional and requires planning and professionalism in implementation. Challenges arise especially when long-term and demanding customer relationships, such as banking relationships, are in the focus. All companies need new customers and ways of differentiating themselves from their competitors, especially in markets such as banking, where products do not differ from each other. At the beginning of the study an overall understanding of digital marketing, growth hacking, and customer acquisition was formed, considering consumer behavior and the banking sector. There is some previous research in each topic, but it is difficult to find research data, linking the thematic areas. Based on the literature review, a new adaptive digital marketing framework was created. In the empirical section of the study, six digital marketing experts were interviewed, receiving responses that reinforced the information obtained in the literature review, but also enriched and simplified it. In addition, they were able to collect information related to advertising and customer acquisition in the banking sector. The study gave an excellent understanding of digital marketing, customer acquisition and the banking sector. The results underlined the distinctiveness of the banking sector as a conservative industry strongly guided by regulation and very long-term customer relationships, which require bolder and more distinctive advertising and customer acquisition, as well as the help of advocates.
Main Author
Master thesis
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The material is available for reading at the archive workstation of the University of Jyväskylä Library.
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