Using Neural Networks to Estimate Lower Body Kinematics from IMU Data in Javelin Throwing
Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli hyödyntää koneoppimista kinemaattisten muuttujien arviointiin inertiaalisensoreista saatavasta datasta keihäänheitossa. Perinteisten liikeanalyysimenetelmien rinnalle olisi hyvä löytää menetelmiä, jotka mahdollistaisivat nopean palautteen antamisen urheilijoille. Datankeruun helpottuessa myös aiempaa tarkempi ja suuremmalle kohderyhmälle tehtävä tutkimus mahdollistuisi.
Kymmenen tavoitteellisesti korkealla tasolla kilpailevaa keihäänheittäjää osallistui tutkimukseen. Mittaukset järjestettiin Kuortaneen urheiluopistolla sisätiloissa keväällä 2021. Urheilijat suorittivat tutkimusprotokollan osana tavallista harjoitteluaan. Suoritukset mitattiin optoelektronisella Vicon-järjestelmällä. Tämä menetelmä toimi ”kultaisena standardina” muiden menetelmien vertailua varten. Vicon-järjestelmään yhdistettiin Bluetoothin avulla langattomasti BlueTrident-inertiaalisensorit, jotka kiinnitettiin heittäjän lantiolle, reisiin ja sääriin.
Viidestä sensorista saatuja lineaarikiihtyvyyksiä ja kulmanopeuksia käytettiin pitkäkestoista työmuistia hyödyntävien LSTM-neuroverkkomallien syötteinä. Vastemuuttujia olivat lantion orientaatio (tilt, list, rotation) sekä lonkkien ja polvien kolmiulotteiset nivelkulmat. Ohjattua oppimista varten vastemuuttujat laskettiin Vicon-järjestelmästä saaduista markkerien koordinaateista avoimen lähdekoodin OpenSim-ohjelmistolla. Kolme erilaista mallia koulutettiin. Yksi hyödynsi jokaista viittä sensoria ja opetus tehtiin jättäen vuorotellen yksi urheilijoista testidataksi. Toiseen malliin käytettiin ainoastaan tukijalan reisi- ja säärisensoria ja vastemuuttujana oli pelkkä polvikulma. Kolmas malli käytti kaikkia viittä sensoria, mutta se oli urheilijakohtainen ja opetus tehtiin jättäen vuorotellen yksi maksimaalinen heitto testidataksi.
Urheilijakohtainen malli ennusti kaikki muuttujat parhaiten (RMSE, 2–5.4 astetta; ICC1, 0.88–0.98), mutta oli luultavasti ylisovittunut datan vähyyden vuoksi. Viiden sensorin ryhmämallit ennustivat muuttujat RMSE:n ollen keskimäärin 7.7–16.6 astetta eri muuttujissa. Ennustetut taaemman jalan polvikulmat ja lantion kallistuminen sivuttaissuunnassa vastasivat huonosti ”kultaisen standardin” antamia lukemia sisäkorrelaatiokertoimella arvioituna (ICC1). Muut muuttujat pystyttiin ennustamaan keskimääräisesti tai hyvin (ICC1, 0.72–0.87). Kahden sensorin polvikulmamalli oli parempi kuin viiden sensorin ryhmämalli ja huonompi kuin urheilijakohtainen malli. Ryhmämallit toimivat yllättävän hyvin datan vähyyteen verraten. Mikäli dataa ohjattua oppimista varten olisi tarpeeksi, voisi olla kannattavaa testata tiettyihin keihäänheittosuorituksen vaiheisiin perustuvan LSTM-mallin yleistyvyyskykyä.
The aim of this thesis was to use machine learning to predict kinematic variables in javelin throwing using IMU data. In addition to traditional motion analysis methods, new more flexible methods would enable faster feedback to athletes. If data collection could be simplified, it would be possible to collect accurate data from larger populations. Ten well trained international and national level athletes participated in the study. Measurements were conducted at Kuortane Olympic Training Center in spring 2021. Athletes performed the study protocol as part of their general training. Javelin throw performances were captured via an optoelectronic Vicon system, which was used as the “gold standard” for comparisons to other methods. BlueTrident inertial measurement units were connected wirelessly via Bluetooth to the Vicon system. Sensors were mounted to the pelvic area near the sacrum, thighs and shanks. Linear accelerations and angular velocities from five sensors were used as inputs for long short-term memory (LSTM) models. Pelvic orientations (tilt, list, rotation) and bilateral hip and knee angles were used as target variables. For supervised learning, the target variables were calculated with open source OpenSim software using marker trajectories recorded via Vicon. Three different LSTM models were trained. The first used data from all five sensors and training was implemented using the leave one out method. The second model used only two sensors mounted to the brace leg, with the goal of predicting only the knee angle of this leg. The third model used all five sensors but was athlete-specific, and training was again implemented using the leave one out method. Athlete-specific individual models yielded the most accurate predictions for all variables (RMSE 2–5.4 degrees, ICC1 0.88–0.98) but these models were probably overfitted due to the small training dataset. For the five sensor group model, the RMSEs were 7.7–16.6 degrees for all variables. Based on ICC1, the knee angles of the rear leg and pelvic list corresponded poorly with the “gold standard”. Other variables were predicted with moderate or good accuracy (ICC1 0.72–0.87). The two sensor knee angle model performed better than the five sensor group model but worse than athlete-specific individual models. Group models worked surprisingly well considering the small dataset. If a larger dataset were available for supervised learning, it would be valuable to explore the generalisability of the LSTM model for predicting biomechanical parameters at certain phases of the javelin throw.
The aim of this thesis was to use machine learning to predict kinematic variables in javelin throwing using IMU data. In addition to traditional motion analysis methods, new more flexible methods would enable faster feedback to athletes. If data collection could be simplified, it would be possible to collect accurate data from larger populations. Ten well trained international and national level athletes participated in the study. Measurements were conducted at Kuortane Olympic Training Center in spring 2021. Athletes performed the study protocol as part of their general training. Javelin throw performances were captured via an optoelectronic Vicon system, which was used as the “gold standard” for comparisons to other methods. BlueTrident inertial measurement units were connected wirelessly via Bluetooth to the Vicon system. Sensors were mounted to the pelvic area near the sacrum, thighs and shanks. Linear accelerations and angular velocities from five sensors were used as inputs for long short-term memory (LSTM) models. Pelvic orientations (tilt, list, rotation) and bilateral hip and knee angles were used as target variables. For supervised learning, the target variables were calculated with open source OpenSim software using marker trajectories recorded via Vicon. Three different LSTM models were trained. The first used data from all five sensors and training was implemented using the leave one out method. The second model used only two sensors mounted to the brace leg, with the goal of predicting only the knee angle of this leg. The third model used all five sensors but was athlete-specific, and training was again implemented using the leave one out method. Athlete-specific individual models yielded the most accurate predictions for all variables (RMSE 2–5.4 degrees, ICC1 0.88–0.98) but these models were probably overfitted due to the small training dataset. For the five sensor group model, the RMSEs were 7.7–16.6 degrees for all variables. Based on ICC1, the knee angles of the rear leg and pelvic list corresponded poorly with the “gold standard”. Other variables were predicted with moderate or good accuracy (ICC1 0.72–0.87). The two sensor knee angle model performed better than the five sensor group model but worse than athlete-specific individual models. Group models worked surprisingly well considering the small dataset. If a larger dataset were available for supervised learning, it would be valuable to explore the generalisability of the LSTM model for predicting biomechanical parameters at certain phases of the javelin throw.
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Master thesis
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