Teknostressi etätyössä
Etätyö on ollut käytössä vaihtoehtoisena työjärjestelynä jo pitkään, mutta viime
vuosina se on saanut ennennäkemättömän merkityksen covid-19-pandemian ja
sosiaalisen eristäytymisen johdosta. Teknologian rooli etätyön mahdollistajana
on merkittävä, sillä se toimii lähes ainoana viestinnän ja yhteistyön välineenä.
Samaan aikaan teknologia kuitenkin luo uusia vaatimuksia käyttäjilleen. Teknologian käyttöön ja sen vaatimuksiin liittyvää stressiä, eli teknostressiä, on tutkittu
paljon työympäristössä. Teknostressin on havaittu vaikuttavan yksilöiden psykologiseen ja behavioraaliseen kuormitukseen. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli
lisätä tietoa teknostressistä etätyön kontekstissa. Tutkielmassa selvitettiin, mitkä
tekijät aiheuttavat teknostressiä etätyössä ja mitkä ovat sen mahdollisia seurauksia. Tutkielma toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena olemassa olevan
kirjallisuuden pohjalta. Tuloksina havaittiin, että etätyössä korostuvia teknostressitekijöitä olivat työn ja kodin konflikti, työn ylikuormitus ja roolien epäselvyys. Näihin kokemuksiin voivat vaikuttaa teknologian ominaisuudet, kuten
presenteeismi ja muutoksen tahti, mutta myös muita tekijöitä, kuten sosiaalinen
eristäytyminen ja etätyön intensiteetti. Lisäksi havaittiin, että stressitekijät olivat
yhteydessä muun muassa työntekijöiden heikompaan työtyytyväisyyteen ja etä työuupumukseen. Tutkielmassa käsiteltyjen stressitekijöiden tarkastelu voi antaa uusia näkökulmia etätyön kehittämiseen. Ymmärryksen lisääminen etätyön
ja teknostressin yhteydestä on tärkeää niin yksilöiden hyvinvoinnin kuin organisaatioiden toiminnan kannalta, jotta etätyön käytäntöjä pystytään kehittämään ja
täten mahdollisesti lisäämään positiivisia etätyökokemuksia.
Telework has been used as an alternative working arrangement for a long time, but it has gained exceptional importance due to covid-19 pandemic and social distancing over the past years. The enabling role of technology for telework is crucial because it is almost the only tool used for communication and co operation within an organization. At the same time, however, technology brings new demands to its users. The stress due to technology usage and its demands, that is technostress, has been widely studied in the work environment. Technostress has been found to affect individual's psychological and behavioral strain. The aim of this thesis was to increase the knowledge of technostress in the context of telework. The antecedents behind technostress and possible consequences were investigated. The thesis was conducted as a literature review based on existing literature. As a result, it was established that specific technostressors might become highlighted in the context of telework, including work-home conflict, work overload and role ambiguity. Additionally, it was perceived that the stressors were influenced by technology characteristics, such as presenteeism and pace of change, but also by other factors, such as social distancing and the intensity of telework. Finally, it was noticed that the stressors were associated with a decrease in teleworkers’ job satisfaction and telework exhaustion. Studying these stressors can give new perspectives for developing telework conditions. Increasing understanding of the association between telework and technostress is crucial for individuals’ wellbeing and organizations so that telework arrangements can be improved, and thus increase positive teleworking experiences.
Telework has been used as an alternative working arrangement for a long time, but it has gained exceptional importance due to covid-19 pandemic and social distancing over the past years. The enabling role of technology for telework is crucial because it is almost the only tool used for communication and co operation within an organization. At the same time, however, technology brings new demands to its users. The stress due to technology usage and its demands, that is technostress, has been widely studied in the work environment. Technostress has been found to affect individual's psychological and behavioral strain. The aim of this thesis was to increase the knowledge of technostress in the context of telework. The antecedents behind technostress and possible consequences were investigated. The thesis was conducted as a literature review based on existing literature. As a result, it was established that specific technostressors might become highlighted in the context of telework, including work-home conflict, work overload and role ambiguity. Additionally, it was perceived that the stressors were influenced by technology characteristics, such as presenteeism and pace of change, but also by other factors, such as social distancing and the intensity of telework. Finally, it was noticed that the stressors were associated with a decrease in teleworkers’ job satisfaction and telework exhaustion. Studying these stressors can give new perspectives for developing telework conditions. Increasing understanding of the association between telework and technostress is crucial for individuals’ wellbeing and organizations so that telework arrangements can be improved, and thus increase positive teleworking experiences.
Main Author
Bachelor thesis
The permanent address of the publication
https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-202206063114Use this for linking