Turvallisuuskäsitys organisaatioissa
Turvallisuustoiminta ja turvallisuuskäsitys organisaatiossa voi olla merkittävä tekijä, joka erottaa organisaation toimintaa sen eduksi. Turvallisuustoiminta onnistuessaan voi tarjota organisaatiolle mahdollisuuden menestyä, esimerkiksi kilpailutilanteessa ja toisaalta taas epäonnistuessaan uhata organisaation olemassaoloa kilpailutilanteessa. Viranomaistoiminnassa organisaation turvallisuustoimintaan liittyy toimintaedellytysten takaaminen sekä viranomaistehtävien hoitaminen niin normaalioloissa, kuin häiriötilanteissakin. Turvallisuudella voidaan tarkoittaa kontekstista riippuen eri asioita ja usein korostuvat myös eroavaisuudet keskeisesti turvallisuutta uhkaavista tekijöistä. Maailmanhistorian tapahtumat ovat määrittäneet turvallisuutta pitkälti sotilaallisten uhkien kautta. Turvallisuusympäristön nopea muutos ja uhkien siirtyminen myös digitaaliseen toimintaympäristöön, ovat laajentaneet turvallisuuden käsitystä. Nykyisin turvallisuus käsitteenä voi pitää sisällään hyvinkin laajasti muutakin kuin sotilaallisen uhan aspektin ja Suomessa puhutaankin yhä enemmän kokonaisturvallisuuden käsitteestä. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus on selvittää miten suomalaisten organisaatioiden turvallisuuden asiantuntijat käsittävät turvallisuutta niin yksilötasolla, kuin organisaatiotasolla. Tutkimusaineisto kerätään haastatteluin ja haastatteluihin kutsutaan turvallisuuden asiantuntijoita niin viranomaistoimijoista, kuin yksityisen sektorin organisaatioista. Kyseessä on laadullinen tutkimus ja aineistoa analysoidaan aineistolähtöisen sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Tutkimustulokset vahvistavat käsitystä turvallisuuden käsitteen ja uhkakentän laajenemisesta. Lisäksi tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että yksilötasolla turvallisuutta pidetään pitkälti tunteena, kun taas organisaatiotasolla se on tila, jossa riskit saadaan pidettyä hyväksyttävällä tasolla. Tutkimustulosten mukaan organisaation turvallisuustoiminnan keskiössä ovat turvallisuuskulttuuri sekä henkilöstön toimintatavat. Keskeisinä uhkaavina tekijöinä pidetään turvallisuustyöhön liittyvien resurssien, sitoutumisen ja ymmärryksen puutetta.
Security performance and the perception of security in an organization can be a significant factor that differentiates an organization’s operations in its favor. If successful, security can offer and organization the opportunity to succeed for example in a competitive situation. On the other hand, if organization fails, it can threaten the organization’s existence in a competitive situation. In the activities of the authorities, the organization’s security activities involve guaranteeing the operation conditions and performing the duties of the authorities both under normal conditions and in the event of disturbances. Depending on the context, security can mean different things, and differences in key threats to security are often emphasized. Events in world history have determined security largely through military threats. The rapid change in security environment has broadened the perception of security also in organizational context. Today, the concept of security can include more than just the aspect of a military threat and in Finland there is more and more talk about the concept for comprehensive security. The purpose of this study is to find out how the security experts of Finnish organizations perceive security both at the individual level and at the organizational level. The research material is collected through interviews and security experts from both government officials and private sector organizations are invited to the interviews. This is a qualitative study, and the material is analyzed using material-driven content analysis. The research results confirm the notion of expanding the concept of security and the field of threat. In addition, the research shows that at the individual level, security is largely seen as a feeling, while at the organizational level, it is a state in which risks can be kept at an acceptable level. According to the research results, the security culture and the operating methods of the personnel are at the heart of the organization’s security activities. Lack of resources, commitment and understanding related to the security work can be considered the key threats.
Security performance and the perception of security in an organization can be a significant factor that differentiates an organization’s operations in its favor. If successful, security can offer and organization the opportunity to succeed for example in a competitive situation. On the other hand, if organization fails, it can threaten the organization’s existence in a competitive situation. In the activities of the authorities, the organization’s security activities involve guaranteeing the operation conditions and performing the duties of the authorities both under normal conditions and in the event of disturbances. Depending on the context, security can mean different things, and differences in key threats to security are often emphasized. Events in world history have determined security largely through military threats. The rapid change in security environment has broadened the perception of security also in organizational context. Today, the concept of security can include more than just the aspect of a military threat and in Finland there is more and more talk about the concept for comprehensive security. The purpose of this study is to find out how the security experts of Finnish organizations perceive security both at the individual level and at the organizational level. The research material is collected through interviews and security experts from both government officials and private sector organizations are invited to the interviews. This is a qualitative study, and the material is analyzed using material-driven content analysis. The research results confirm the notion of expanding the concept of security and the field of threat. In addition, the research shows that at the individual level, security is largely seen as a feeling, while at the organizational level, it is a state in which risks can be kept at an acceptable level. According to the research results, the security culture and the operating methods of the personnel are at the heart of the organization’s security activities. Lack of resources, commitment and understanding related to the security work can be considered the key threats.
Main Author
Master thesis
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https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-202206033071Use this for linking