Fenomenografinen tutkimus nuorten kokemuksista lasku- ja osamaksamisesta verkkokaupassa
Verkkokauppa on muuttanut sitä, kuinka tuotteita ja palveluita ostetaan. Verkkokaupoista ostaessa maksamisen tavat ovat erilaisia, kuin kivijalkakaupoista ostaessa. Verkkokaupoissa ostajille tarjotaan muun muassa lasku- ja osamaksutapoja kohtalaisen aktiivisesti ja tämä on maksamisen tapana suhteellisen uusi verkkomaksutapa. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena onkin pyrkiä ymmärtämään paremmin, kuinka suomalaiset nuoret kokevat ja suhtautuvat lasku- ja osamaksupalveluihin verkkokaupoissa. Tutkielma jakautui kahteen kokonaisuuteen, jotka ovat kirjallisuuskatsaus ja empiirinen osuus. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa pyrittiin selvittämään, millaista tutkimusta aiheesta on toteutettu aiemmin ja millaisia ilmiötä selittäviä teorioita nousee esiin, jotka voisivat selittää ilmiötä. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa nousi esiin innovaation diffuusioteoria ja yhdistetty teknologian hyväksymismalli 2. Näiden teorioiden pohjalta rakentui tutkimuksen viitekehys. Tutkielman empiirisessä osuudessa hyödynnettiin laadullisia tutkimusmenetelmiä, kuten fenomenografista haastattelua ja kriittisten kokemusten kartoitusta. Haastatteluiden avulla voitiin saada esille, että millaisia ovat nuorten kokemukset lasku- ja osamaksupalveluista ja millaista on näiden haastateltavien suhtautumien näihin palveluihin liittyen. Haastateltavien määrä rajattiin saturaatioon ja tästä syystä haastateltavia oli yhdeksän kappaletta. Haastatteluista nousi esiin, että haastateltavien välillä on eroja kokemuksissa ja suhtautumisessa lasku- ja osamaksuihin verkkokauppojen maksutapana. Esiin nousi esimerkiksi negatiivisina kokemuksia velkaantuminen, eettisyyden puute ja tästä johtuva negatiivinen suhtautumien. Toisaalta laskuun ja osamaksuun yhdistettiin paljon myös positiivisia kokemuksia, kuten arkeen saatava jousto, turvallisuus ja helppous ja nämä loivatkin haastateltavien keskuudessa positiivista suhtautumista laskuun ja osamaksuun liittyen.
E-commerce has changed the way products and services are purchased. When buying from online stores, the payment methods are different than when buy-ing from brick-and-mortar stores. In online shopping, buyers are offered moderately actively invoice and installment payment methods, and this is a relatively new online payment method. The aim of this study is to try to bet-ter understand how young Finnish experience invoice and installment ser-vices in online shopping. This study is divided into two entities, a literature review, and an empirical section. The aim of the literature review was to find out what kind of research has been done on the topic in the past and what kind of theories are known that could explain the phenomenon. In the literature review, the diffusion of innovations theory and unified theory of acceptance emerged. Based on these theories, a research framework was built. The empir-ical part of the study utilized qualitative research methods, such as phenome-nographic interviewing and the mapping of critical experiences. The inter-views revealed the young people's experiences of invoice and installment ser-vices and the attitudes of these interviewees towards these services. The num-ber of interviewees was limited to saturation, and for this reason there were nine interviewees. It emerged from the interviews that there are differences between the interviewees in their experiences and attitudes towards invoices and installments as a method of payment for online stores. For example, nega-tive experiences of indebtedness, lack of ethics and the resulting negative atti-tudes emerged. On the other hand, a lot of positive experiences were also as-sociated with the invoice and the installment, such as the flexibility, security, and ease of everyday life, and these created a positive attitude among the in-terviewees regarding the invoice and the installment.
E-commerce has changed the way products and services are purchased. When buying from online stores, the payment methods are different than when buy-ing from brick-and-mortar stores. In online shopping, buyers are offered moderately actively invoice and installment payment methods, and this is a relatively new online payment method. The aim of this study is to try to bet-ter understand how young Finnish experience invoice and installment ser-vices in online shopping. This study is divided into two entities, a literature review, and an empirical section. The aim of the literature review was to find out what kind of research has been done on the topic in the past and what kind of theories are known that could explain the phenomenon. In the literature review, the diffusion of innovations theory and unified theory of acceptance emerged. Based on these theories, a research framework was built. The empir-ical part of the study utilized qualitative research methods, such as phenome-nographic interviewing and the mapping of critical experiences. The inter-views revealed the young people's experiences of invoice and installment ser-vices and the attitudes of these interviewees towards these services. The num-ber of interviewees was limited to saturation, and for this reason there were nine interviewees. It emerged from the interviews that there are differences between the interviewees in their experiences and attitudes towards invoices and installments as a method of payment for online stores. For example, nega-tive experiences of indebtedness, lack of ethics and the resulting negative atti-tudes emerged. On the other hand, a lot of positive experiences were also as-sociated with the invoice and the installment, such as the flexibility, security, and ease of everyday life, and these created a positive attitude among the in-terviewees regarding the invoice and the installment.
Main Author
Master thesis
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