Vastavalmistuneiden liikunnanopettajien valmiudet tukea psykologisia perustarpeita ja tehtäväsuuntautunutta motivaatioilmastoa
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää vastavalmistuneiden liikunnanopettajien valmiuksia tukea psykologisia perustarpeita ja tehtäväsuuntautunutta motivaatioilmastoa. Tavoitteena oli myös avata liikunnanopettajakoulutuksen merkitystä näiden tekijöiden kehittymisessä ja nostaa esiin aiheeseen liittyviä asioita, joihin koulutuksessa tulisi panostaa enemmän. Pyrkimyksenä oli myös tuoda esiin vastavalmistuneiden opettajien kokemuksia omien valmiuksien tasosta suhteessa koulumaailman vaatimuksiin. Tutkimuksen uutuusarvo on suuri, koska vastaavanlaista tutkimusta ei ole aikaisemmin tehty. Tutkimuksen kohteena olivat ensisijaisesti Liito Ry:n jäsenistä koostuvat vastavalmistuneet liikunnanopettajat, joilla oli 1–5 vuoden kokemus liikunnan opettamisesta. Heitä verrattiin 6–20 ja yli 20 vuotta työskennelleiden liikunnanopettajien ryhmiin. Lisäksi tarkastelimme kaikkia kyselyyn vastanneita liikunnanopettajia selvittäessä opetusryhmän koon ja opetettavan kouluasteen vaikutusta motivaation tukemiseen liikuntatunneilla.
Tutkimuksen teoreettisen viitekehyksen muodostivat itsemääräämisteoria (Deci & Ryan 1985) ja tavoiteorientaatioteoria (Nicholls 1989). Tutkimus toteutettiin kvantitatiivisin menetelmin ja keräsimme aineiston sähköisellä kyselylomakkeella. Aineiston analyysissä hyödynsimme faktorianalyysiä, Cronbachin Alfa:a, riippumattomien otosten T-testiä ja yksisuuntaista varianssianalyysiä.
Tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan vastavalmistuneilla liikunnanopettajilla on hyvät valmiudet tukea psykologisia perustarpeita ja tehtäväsuuntautunutta motivaatioilmastoa. Liikunnanopettajakoulutuksella on ollut suuri vaikutus vastavalmistuneille liikunnanopettajille, ja he kokivat koulutuksen merkityksen suuremmaksi verrattuna muihin ryhmiin. Puolestaan koulumaailman vaatimuksista huolimatta vastavalmistuneiden pedagogiset taidot riittivät tukemaan psykologisia perustarpeita ja tehtäväsuuntautunutta motivaatioilmastoa liikuntatunneilla. Vastavalmistuneet ilmoittivat kohtaavansa kaikista tutkittavista harvimmin tilanteita, joissa he eivät kyenneet tukemaan oppilaiden psykologisia perustarpeita tai tehtäväsuuntautunutta motivaatioilmastoa. Lisäksi vastavalmistuneet ja kokeneimmat opettajat kokivat 6–20 vuotta työelämässä olleisiin verrattuna harvemmin omien pedagogisten taitojen riittämättömyyttä tukea koettua pätevyyttä liikuntatunnilla. Opetettavalla kouluasteella oli vaikutusta opettajien valmiuksiin tukea tehtäväsuuntautunutta motivaatioilmastoa. Korkein keskiarvo oli sekä lukiossa että yläkoulussa opettavilla opettajilla ja heikoimman keskiarvon saivat lukion liikunnanopettajat.
Tutkimuksen avointen kysymysten vastauksissa nousi esille, että esimerkiksi ryhmäkoko, ryhmädynamiikka sekä oppilaiden kilpailusuuntautuneisuus ovat tekijöitä, jotka heikentävät vastavalmistuneiden liikunnanopettajien valmiuksia tukea psykologisia perustarpeita ja tehtäväsuuntautunutta motivaatioilmastoa. Opettajakoulutuksessa tulisikin jatkossa tarjota enemmän mahdollisuuksia harjoitella opettamista suurissa ja heterogeenisissä oppilasryhmissä, jotta vastavalmistuneiden valmiuksia voitaisiin kehittää entisestään.
The purpose of the study was to find out the capabilities of recently graduated physical education teachers to support basic psychological needs and a task-oriented motivational climate. The goal was also to examine the role of physical education teachers’ education in the development of given factors, and highlight issues related to that where more emphasis should be placed. The aim was also to bring the experience of the newly graduated teachers on their own level of competence in relation to the requirements of the education system. The novelty value of the study is large, because no similar study has been performed in the past. The research focused on recently graduated physical education teachers, consisting primarily of members of Liito Ry who had 1–5 years of experience in teaching physical education. They were compared to groups of physical education teachers who have worked for 6–20 and over 20 years. In addition, we looked at all physical education teachers who responded to the survey to find out how the teaching group size and the education level affected teachers’ capabilities to support motivation. The theoretical framework of the study was formed by the self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan 1985) and the achievement goal theory (Nicholls 1989). The research was carried out using quantitative methods and we collected the data with an electronic questionnaire. In the analysis of the data, we used factor analysis, Cronbach's Alpha, T-test of independent samples, and one-way analysis of variance. According to the results of the study, recently graduated physical education teachers had good abilities to support basic psychological needs and a task-oriented motivational climate. Physical education teacher training has had a major impact on physical education teachers and the recently graduated teachers felt that the importance of education was greater compared to other groups. In turn, despite the demands of the school world, the pedagogical skills of recently graduated teachers were sufficient enough to support basic psychological needs and a task-oriented motivational climate during PE class. Recently graduated teachers were the least likely to encounter situations in which they were unable to support students’ basic psychological needs or a task-oriented motivational climate. In addition, recently graduated teachers and the most experienced teachers were less likely to experience the inadequacy of their own pedagogical skills to support perceived competence in a PE class than those who had been in employment for 6 to 20 years. The level of education where the teachers worked had also an impact on teachers’ ability to support a task-oriented motivational climate. The answers to the open questions revealed that, for example, the group size, group dynamics and students' competitive orientation are factors that weaken the ability of recently graduated physical education teachers to support basic psychological needs and a task-oriented motivational climate. In the future, PE-teachers’ education should provide more opportunities to practice teaching in large and heterogeneous groups of students in order to further develop the skills of recent graduates.
The purpose of the study was to find out the capabilities of recently graduated physical education teachers to support basic psychological needs and a task-oriented motivational climate. The goal was also to examine the role of physical education teachers’ education in the development of given factors, and highlight issues related to that where more emphasis should be placed. The aim was also to bring the experience of the newly graduated teachers on their own level of competence in relation to the requirements of the education system. The novelty value of the study is large, because no similar study has been performed in the past. The research focused on recently graduated physical education teachers, consisting primarily of members of Liito Ry who had 1–5 years of experience in teaching physical education. They were compared to groups of physical education teachers who have worked for 6–20 and over 20 years. In addition, we looked at all physical education teachers who responded to the survey to find out how the teaching group size and the education level affected teachers’ capabilities to support motivation. The theoretical framework of the study was formed by the self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan 1985) and the achievement goal theory (Nicholls 1989). The research was carried out using quantitative methods and we collected the data with an electronic questionnaire. In the analysis of the data, we used factor analysis, Cronbach's Alpha, T-test of independent samples, and one-way analysis of variance. According to the results of the study, recently graduated physical education teachers had good abilities to support basic psychological needs and a task-oriented motivational climate. Physical education teacher training has had a major impact on physical education teachers and the recently graduated teachers felt that the importance of education was greater compared to other groups. In turn, despite the demands of the school world, the pedagogical skills of recently graduated teachers were sufficient enough to support basic psychological needs and a task-oriented motivational climate during PE class. Recently graduated teachers were the least likely to encounter situations in which they were unable to support students’ basic psychological needs or a task-oriented motivational climate. In addition, recently graduated teachers and the most experienced teachers were less likely to experience the inadequacy of their own pedagogical skills to support perceived competence in a PE class than those who had been in employment for 6 to 20 years. The level of education where the teachers worked had also an impact on teachers’ ability to support a task-oriented motivational climate. The answers to the open questions revealed that, for example, the group size, group dynamics and students' competitive orientation are factors that weaken the ability of recently graduated physical education teachers to support basic psychological needs and a task-oriented motivational climate. In the future, PE-teachers’ education should provide more opportunities to practice teaching in large and heterogeneous groups of students in order to further develop the skills of recent graduates.
Main Authors
Master thesis
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