Osakkeiden digitalisointi lohkoketjuteknologian avulla
Suurinta osaa osakkeista ylläpidetään nykyään paperimuodossa tai sähköisesti yrityksen toimesta, minkä lisäksi lähinnä suurten ja vilkkaan kaupankäynnin kohteena olevien yritysten osakkeita ylläpidetään digitaalisesti arvo-osuusmuodossa arvo-osuusjärjestelmässä. Vuodesta 2012 lähtien osakkeiden digitalisointi on ollut teknisesti mahdollista myös lohkoketjuteknologialla. Tällä hetkellä suurin osa lohkoketjuteknologialla toteutetuista osakkeista perustuu security-token-viitekehykseen ja ERC20-tokenstandardiin. Tällöin osakkeet on toteutettu osakemuotoisina tokeneina. Osakkeet voidaan digitalisoida myös vahvistetun datan verkossa verifiable-claim-muodossa. Osakkeiden digitalisointi lohkoketjuteknologialla token-muodossa tarjoaa monia etuja verrattuna nykyisiin yksityisten osakeyhtiöiden käyttämiin manuaalisiin järjestelmiin, kuten parantunut likviditeetti ja osakekannan ylläpidon automatisointi, mutta myös arvo-osuusjärjestelmään verrattuna, kuten nopeampi end-to-end-prosessointinopeus ja kaupankäynnin helppous. Se voi myös tehdä välitys- ja säilytyspalvelut tarpeettomiksi. Lohkoketjuteknologian käyttöön liittyy kuitenkin myös paljon ongelmia erityisesti verkon suorituskyvyn ja lainsäädännön kannalta, jotka hidastavat sen käytön yleistymistä. Verifiable-claim-muotoisissa osakkeissa on paljon vähemmän ongelmia verrattuna token-muotoisiin, minkä vuoksi se saattaa tulevaisuudessa olla merkittävämpi tapa digitalisoida osakkeita. Tämä tutkimus koostuu kirjallisuuskatsauksesta, jossa käsitellään osakkeiden luonnetta, lohkoketjuteknologian luonnetta ja sen sopivuutta osakkeiden digitalisointiin sekä haastattelututkimuksesta, joka syventää kirjallisuuskatsauksen tuloksia.
Most of the company shares are now maintained in paper form or electronically by the company, in addition to which the shares of mainly large and heavily traded companies are maintained digitally in book-entry form in the book-entry system. Since 2012, the digitization of shares has also been technically possible with blockchain technology. Currently, most shares implemented with blockchain technology are based on the security token framework and the ERC20 token standard. In this case, the shares have been implemented as tokens in a form of shares. The shares can also be digitized in the verifiable-claim format on verifiable data network. The digitization of shares with blockchain technology in token form offers many advantages over current manual systems used by private limited companies, such as improved liquidity and automation of stock maintenance, but also over a book-entry system, such as faster end-to-end processing speed and ease of trading. It can also make brokerage and custody services unnecessary. However, the use of blockchain technology also poses many problems, especially in terms of network performance and legislation, which is slowing down its use to become common. Verifiable-claim-based stocks have far fewer problems compared to token-based stocks, which may make it a more significant way to digitize stocks in the future. This study consists of a literature review that discusses the nature of the shares, the nature of the blockchain technology and its suitability for digitizing the shares, and an interview study that deepens the results of the literature review.
Most of the company shares are now maintained in paper form or electronically by the company, in addition to which the shares of mainly large and heavily traded companies are maintained digitally in book-entry form in the book-entry system. Since 2012, the digitization of shares has also been technically possible with blockchain technology. Currently, most shares implemented with blockchain technology are based on the security token framework and the ERC20 token standard. In this case, the shares have been implemented as tokens in a form of shares. The shares can also be digitized in the verifiable-claim format on verifiable data network. The digitization of shares with blockchain technology in token form offers many advantages over current manual systems used by private limited companies, such as improved liquidity and automation of stock maintenance, but also over a book-entry system, such as faster end-to-end processing speed and ease of trading. It can also make brokerage and custody services unnecessary. However, the use of blockchain technology also poses many problems, especially in terms of network performance and legislation, which is slowing down its use to become common. Verifiable-claim-based stocks have far fewer problems compared to token-based stocks, which may make it a more significant way to digitize stocks in the future. This study consists of a literature review that discusses the nature of the shares, the nature of the blockchain technology and its suitability for digitizing the shares, and an interview study that deepens the results of the literature review.
Main Author
Master thesis
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