Climate change and consumer behaviour : The impact of eco-anxiety on the consumption habits of Finns below 30 years of age
Ilmastonmuutos on vakava globaali uhka, joka vaikuttaa ympäristön lisäksi myös ihmisten terveyteen, niin fyysisesti kuin henkisestikin. Näin suuren mittaluokan uhka herättää väistämättä laajan joukon erilaisia tunteita, ja etenkin ilmastonmuutokseen liittyvästä ahdistuksesta on puhuttu viime vuosina yhä enenevissä määrin. Tästä nk. ilmastoahdistuksesta löytyy kuitenkin vielä toistaiseksi verrattain vähän akateemista kirjallisuutta - varsinkin Suomessa.
Tämä pro gradu-tutkielma pyrkii lisäämään tietoisuutta ilmastoahdistukseen liittyen tarjoamalla yleiskatsauksen sen esiintyvyyteen Suomen väestössä sekä siihen, miten se vaikuttaa suomalaisten kulutustottumuksiin. Tutkielman laajuus on rajattu käsittelemään alle 30-vuotiaita suomalaisia. Teoreettinen viitekehys käy läpi ilmastonmuutoksen psykologisia vaikutuksia sekä ympäristöystävällisen kuluttajakäyttäytymisen teoriaa. Tämän tutkielman aineisto kerättiin kyselyllä, jossa oli kokonaisuudessaan 2070 vastaajaa, ja joista alle 30-vuotiaita oli 343. Aineiston analyysi tehtiin ristiintaulukoinnilla, jonka avulla selvitettiin kuinka iso osa alle 30-vuotiaista suomalaisista on kokenut ilmastoahdistusta, ja miten se on vaikuttanut heidän kulutustottumuksiinsa.
Tulokset osoittavat, että merkittävä osa – yli kolmasosa – alle 30-vuotiaista suomalaisista on kokenut ilmastoahdistusta. Tämän lisäksi tulokset viittaavat siihen, että ilmastoahdistuksen kokeminen korreloi kestävien kulutustottumusmuutosten kanssa. Korrelaatio oli voimakkainta yleisten kulutustavaroiden kuluttamiseen liittyen, mutta ilmastoahdistusta kokeneet vastaajat olivat muuttaneet myös ravintoon ja asumiseen liittyvää kulutustaan enemmän kuin he, jotka eivät olleet kokeneet ilmastoahdistusta. Jatkotutkimusta voitaisiin keskittää etenkin siihen, miten ilmastoahdistus vaikuttaa muihin käyttäytymisen muotoihin, kuten esim. liikkumiseen tai äänestyskäyttäytymiseen.
Climate change is a severe global concern, which in addition to its effects on the environment will also impact human health, both physically and mentally. A threat of this magnitude will undoubtedly evoke a wide range of emotions, and climate change-induced anxiety in particular has been discussed more in recent years. However, academic literature regarding this so-called eco-anxiety remains limited – especially in Finland. This thesis aims to increase awareness about eco-anxiety by providing an overview on its prevalence in the Finnish population as well as its impacts on consumer behaviour. The scope of this study is focused on Finns below 30 years of age. The theoretical framework goes through the psychological impacts of climate change as well as the theory behind pro-environmental consumer behaviour. The data for this Master’s Thesis was gathered via a questionnaire with 2070 respondents in total, out of which 343 were under 30 years of age. The data was analysed using contingency table analyses to see how big of a portion of below 30-year-old Finns have experienced eco-anxiety, and how it has impacted their consumption habits. The findings indicate that a significant portion – over one third – of below 30-year-old Finns have experienced eco-anxiety. Additionally, the findings suggest that there is a clear correlation between experiencing eco-anxiety and changing one’s consumption habits to more sustainable ones. The correlation was strongest with regards to the consumption of general consumer goods, but those respondents who had experienced eco-anxiety were also more active in changing their dietary and living habits than their non-anxiety-experiencing counterparts. Further research could focus e.g., on how eco-anxiety affects other dimensions of behaviour, such as mobility or electoral behaviour.
Climate change is a severe global concern, which in addition to its effects on the environment will also impact human health, both physically and mentally. A threat of this magnitude will undoubtedly evoke a wide range of emotions, and climate change-induced anxiety in particular has been discussed more in recent years. However, academic literature regarding this so-called eco-anxiety remains limited – especially in Finland. This thesis aims to increase awareness about eco-anxiety by providing an overview on its prevalence in the Finnish population as well as its impacts on consumer behaviour. The scope of this study is focused on Finns below 30 years of age. The theoretical framework goes through the psychological impacts of climate change as well as the theory behind pro-environmental consumer behaviour. The data for this Master’s Thesis was gathered via a questionnaire with 2070 respondents in total, out of which 343 were under 30 years of age. The data was analysed using contingency table analyses to see how big of a portion of below 30-year-old Finns have experienced eco-anxiety, and how it has impacted their consumption habits. The findings indicate that a significant portion – over one third – of below 30-year-old Finns have experienced eco-anxiety. Additionally, the findings suggest that there is a clear correlation between experiencing eco-anxiety and changing one’s consumption habits to more sustainable ones. The correlation was strongest with regards to the consumption of general consumer goods, but those respondents who had experienced eco-anxiety were also more active in changing their dietary and living habits than their non-anxiety-experiencing counterparts. Further research could focus e.g., on how eco-anxiety affects other dimensions of behaviour, such as mobility or electoral behaviour.
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Master thesis
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