Joukkueurheilijoiden kokema henkinen väkivalta
enkinen väkivalta on yhteydessä lapsen ja nuoren kehitykseen. Sillä voi myös olla
pitkäaikaisia yksilön hyvinvointia heikentäviä vaikutuksia. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin
joukkueurheilijoiden kokemaa henkistä väkivaltaa valmentaja–urheilija -suhteessa sekä
urheilija–urheilija -suhteessa. Tutkimme mitä henkisen väkivallan muotoja urheilussa ilmenee.
Toiseksi tutkimme yksittäisen muuttujan eli iän, juridisen sukupuolen, itsetunnon, seksuaalisen
suuntautumisen ja kilpailutason sekä henkisen väkivallan kokemisen yhteyksien eroja
valmentajan ja urheilijan sekä urheilijoiden välisisissä suhteissa. Kolmanneksi selvitimme
näiden viiden taustamuuttujan yhteyttä henkisen väkivallan kokemiseen molemmissa
Tämän tutkimuksen aineisto oli osana PREACT-hanketta, jonka tarkoituksena oli edistää
yhdenvertaisuutta ja vähentää sukupuoli- ja seksuaalivähemmistöjen syrjintää urheilussa ja
koululiikunnassa. PREACT-hankkeen rahoittajana toimi Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö. Tämän
tutkimuksen otanta oli 291 ja vastanneista 72,8 % (n= 211) oli juridiselta sukupuolelta naisia ja
27,2 % (n= 79) miehiä. Tutkimukseen osallistuneiden ikäjakauma oli 10–77 vuotta.
Tutkimustulosten analysoinnissa käytettiin keskiarvoja. Lisäksi analyysimenetelminä käytettiin
yksisuuntaista varianssianalyysiä, jonka avulla selvitimme, onko viiden yksittäisen muuttujan
ja henkisen väkivallan kokemisen yhteyksissä eroja. Toisena analyysimenetelmänä käytettiin
lineaarista regressioanalyysiä, jolla selvitettiin viiden taustamuuttujan yhteyksiä henkisen
väkivallan kokemiseen valmentaja–urheilija -suhteessa ja urheilija–urheilija -suhteessa.
Keskiarvojen mukaan yleisin henkisen väkivallan muoto oli tuen ja huomion kieltäminen
valmentaja–urheilija -suhteessa ja urheilija–urheilija -suhteessa. Tutkittavista muuttujista
heikko itsetunto ja juridinen miessukupuoli olivat tilastollisesti merkitsevästi yhteydessä
henkisen väkivallan kokemiseen niin valmentaja–urheilija- kuin urheilija–urheilija -suhteessa
sekä yksittäisinä muuttujina että mallin avulla tarkasteltuna.
Tämä tutkimus osoittaa, että henkistä väkivaltaa esiintyy joukkueurheilussa. Valmentajilla on
suuri kasvatuksellinen rooli ja vastuu omasta toiminnasta sekä urheilijoiden toiminnasta.
Valmentajien tietoisuutta lisäämällä henkisestä väkivallasta ja siihen vaikuttavista
taustatekijöistä pystyttäisiin ehkäisemään henkisen väkivallan kokemuksia. Valmentaja voi
omalla toiminnallaan tukea esimerkiksi urheilijan itsetuntoa.
Emotional abuse is associated with development of children and youth. It may also have long term effects on an individual's well-being. This study investigated the emotional abuse experienced by team sport athletes in the coach-athlete relationship and in the athlete-athlete relationship. We studied what forms of emotional abuse occur in sport. Secondly, we examined the differences in the association between the individual variables (age, legal sex, self-esteem, competitive level, and sexual orientation) and the experience of emotional abuse, in the coach-athlete and athlete-athlete relationship. Thirdly, we investigated associations between these five background variables and the experience of emotional abuse in both interactions. The material for this study was part of the PREACT project, which aims to promote equality and reduce discrimination against gender and sexual minorities in sport and school sports. The PREACT project funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Our survey gained 291 respondents, of which 72.8% (n= 211) were women of the legal sex and 27.2% (n= 79) were men. The age distribution of the participants in the study ranged from 10 to 77 years of age. Averages were used to analyse the results of the study. In addition, one-way variance analysis was used as analytical methods to determine whether there are differences between five individual variables and experiencing emotional abuse. The second method of analyses was generalized linear model, which investigated associations between background variables and experience of emotional abuse in the coach-athlete relationship and the athlete-athlete relationship. According to the averages, the most common form of emotional abuse was the denial of support and attention in the coach-athlete relationship and in the athlete-athlete relationship. Of the variables studied, statistics showed that low self-esteem and legal male gender were statistically significantly associated to the experience of emotional abuse in both coach-athlete and athlete-athlete relationships both as individual variables and when viewed using the model. This study shows that emotional abuse occurs in team sports. Coaches have a great role and responsibility for their own and athletes’ behavior. By raising coaches' awareness of emotional abuse and the background factors affecting it, it would be possible to prevent experiences of emotional abuse. For example, the coach can support the athlete's self-esteem.
Emotional abuse is associated with development of children and youth. It may also have long term effects on an individual's well-being. This study investigated the emotional abuse experienced by team sport athletes in the coach-athlete relationship and in the athlete-athlete relationship. We studied what forms of emotional abuse occur in sport. Secondly, we examined the differences in the association between the individual variables (age, legal sex, self-esteem, competitive level, and sexual orientation) and the experience of emotional abuse, in the coach-athlete and athlete-athlete relationship. Thirdly, we investigated associations between these five background variables and the experience of emotional abuse in both interactions. The material for this study was part of the PREACT project, which aims to promote equality and reduce discrimination against gender and sexual minorities in sport and school sports. The PREACT project funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Our survey gained 291 respondents, of which 72.8% (n= 211) were women of the legal sex and 27.2% (n= 79) were men. The age distribution of the participants in the study ranged from 10 to 77 years of age. Averages were used to analyse the results of the study. In addition, one-way variance analysis was used as analytical methods to determine whether there are differences between five individual variables and experiencing emotional abuse. The second method of analyses was generalized linear model, which investigated associations between background variables and experience of emotional abuse in the coach-athlete relationship and the athlete-athlete relationship. According to the averages, the most common form of emotional abuse was the denial of support and attention in the coach-athlete relationship and in the athlete-athlete relationship. Of the variables studied, statistics showed that low self-esteem and legal male gender were statistically significantly associated to the experience of emotional abuse in both coach-athlete and athlete-athlete relationships both as individual variables and when viewed using the model. This study shows that emotional abuse occurs in team sports. Coaches have a great role and responsibility for their own and athletes’ behavior. By raising coaches' awareness of emotional abuse and the background factors affecting it, it would be possible to prevent experiences of emotional abuse. For example, the coach can support the athlete's self-esteem.
Main Authors
Master thesis
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