Versailles project on advanced materials and standards (VAMAS) interlaboratory study on measuring the number concentration of colloidal gold nanoparticles

We describe the outcome of a large international interlaboratory study of the measurement of particle number concentration of colloidal nanoparticles, project 10 of the technical working area 34, “Nanoparticle Populations” of the Versailles Project on Advanced Materials and Standards (VAMAS). A total of 50 laboratories delivered results for the number concentration of 30 nm gold colloidal nanoparticles measured using particle tracking analysis (PTA), single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (spICP-MS), ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) light spectroscopy, centrifugal liquid sedimentation (CLS) and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The study provides quantitative data to evaluate the repeatability of these methods and their reproducibility in the measurement of number concentration of model nanoparticle systems following a common measurement protocol. We find that the population-averaging methods of SAXS, CLS and UV-Vis have high measurement repeatability and reproducibility, with between-labs variability of 2.6%, 11% and 1.4% respectively. However, results may be significantly biased for reasons including inaccurate material properties whose values are used to compute the number concentration. Particle-counting method results are less reproducibile than population-averaging methods, with measured between-labs variability of 68% and 46% for PTA and spICP-MS respectively. This study provides the stakeholder community with important comparative data to underpin measurement reproducibility and method validation for number concentration of nanoparticles.
Main Authors
Minelli, Caterina Wywijas, Magdalena Bartczak, Dorota Cuello-Nuñez, Susana Infante, Heidi Goenaga Deumer, Jerome Gollwitzer, Christian Krumrey, Michael Murphy, Karen E. Johnson, Monique E. Montoro, Bustos Antonio R. Strenge, Ingo H. Faure, Bertrand Høghøj, Peter Tong, Vivian Burr, Loïc Norling, Karin Höök, Fredrik Roesslein, Matthias Kocic, Jovana Hendriks, Lyndsey Kestens, Vikram Ramaye, Yannic Contreras Lopez, Maria C. Auclair, Guy Mehn, Dora Gilliland, Douglas Potthoff, Annegret Oelschlägel, Kathrin Tentschert, Jutta Jungnickel, Harald Krause, Benjamin C. Hachenberger, Yves U. Reichardt, Philipp Luch, Andreas Whittaker, Thomas E. Stevens, Molly M. Gupta, Shalini Singh, Akash Lin, Fang-hsin Liu, Yi-Hung Costa, Anna Luisa Baldisserri, Carlo Jawad, Rid Andaloussi, Samir E. L. Holme, Margaret N. Lee, Tae Geol Kwak, Minjeong Kim, Jaeseok Ziebel, Johanna Guignard, Cedric Cambier, Sebastien Contal, Servane Gutleb, Arno C. Tatarkiewicz, Jan “Kuba” Jankiewicz, Bartłomiej J. Bartosewicz, Bartosz Wu, Xiaochun Fagan, Jeffrey A. Elje, Elisabeth Rundén-Pran, Elise Dusinska, Maria Kaur, Inder Preet Price, David Nesbitt, Ian O′ Reilly, Sarah Peters, Ruud J. B. Bucher, Guillaume Coleman, Dennis Harrison, Angela J. Ghanem, Antoine Gering, Anne McCarron, Eileen Fitzgerald, Niamh Cornelis, Geert Tuoriniemi, Jani Sakai, Midori Tsuchida, Hidehisa Maguire, Ciarán Prina-Mello, Adriele Lawlor, Alan J. Adams, Jessica Schultz, Carolin L. Constantin, Doru Thanh Nguyen, Thi Kim Tung, Le Duc Panariello, Luca Damilos, Spyridon Gavriilidis, Asterios Lynch, Iseult Fryer, Benjamin Carrazco, Quevedo Ana Guggenheim, Emily Briffa, Sophie Valsami-Jones, Eugenia Huang, Yuxiong Keller, Arturo A. Kinnunen, Virva-Tuuli Perämäki, Siiri Krpetic, Zeljka Greenwood, Michael Shard, Alexander G.
Articles Research article
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Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
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Review status
Peer reviewed
Published in
  • Minelli, C., Wywijas, M., Bartczak, D., Cuello-Nuñez, S., Infante, H. G., Deumer, J., Gollwitzer, C., Krumrey, M., Murphy, K. E., Johnson, M. E., Montoro, B. A. R., Strenge, I. H., Faure, B., Høghøj, P., Tong, V., Burr, L., Norling, K., Höök, F., Roesslein, M., . . . Shard, A. G. (2022). Versailles project on advanced materials and standards (VAMAS) interlaboratory study on measuring the number concentration of colloidal gold nanoparticles. Nanoscale, 14(12), 4690-4704.
CC BY-NC 4.0Open Access
Additional information about funding
This work was partially funded by the 14IND12 Innanopart and 18SIP01 ISOCONCur projects of the European Union through the European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR). EMPIR is jointly funded by the EMPIR participating countries within EURAMET and the European Union. The work was also funded by the UK Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy through the National Measurement System programme (projects NMS/ST18-21). NILU acknowledge funding from the EU H2020 project Nanoreg2 (Grant agreement No. 646221). The University of Birmingham acknowledge funding from the EU H2020 project ACEnano (Grant agreement No. 720952).
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