Teknologian mahdollistaman tiedon helpon saatavuuden negatiiviset vaikutukset kognitioon
Älypuhelimen ja internetin yhdistelmä on hyvin lyhyessä ajassa tuonut valtavan määrän tietoa ihmisten ulottuville, ja samaan aikaan internetistä on tullut käytännössä kaikkialla läsnä oleva ja näennäisesti kaikkitietävä tiedonhakutyökalu. Olemme tulleet varsin riippuvaisiksi internetistä tiedonhaun suhteen, ja viime vuosina onkin herännyt kysymyksiä sen mahdollisista vaikutuksista ihmisen kognitiivisiin toimintoihin, kuten ajatteluun ja muistiin. Tässä kirjallisuuskatsauksena toteutetussa tutkielmassa pyrittiin selvittämään, millä negatiivisilla tavoilla teknologian mahdollistama tiedon helppo saatavuus vaikuttaa ihmisen kognitioon. Aihetta lähestyttiin yleisestä näkökulmasta, sekä tarkemmin neljän eri kognitiivisen toiminnon näkökulmasta, jotka toistuivat eniten lähdekirjallisuudessa. Lähempään tarkasteluun kognitiivisista toiminnoista valikoituivat ajattelu, muisti, oppiminen sekä tarkkaavaisuus. Tutkielmassa selvisi, että teknologian mahdollistamalla tiedon helpolla saatavuudella on negatiivisia vaikutuksia kognitioon kaikilla tarkastelluilla osa-alueilla. Ilmiö on kuitenkin hyvin uusi, jonka takia tutkimusnäyttö aiheesta on tuoretta ja jokseenkin vähäistä, eikä etenkään pitkäaikaistutkimusta aiheesta ole olemassa. Ilmiön tuoreuden takia ei ole myöskään vielä täysin selvää, kuinka tiedon helppo saatavuus lopulta täysin vaikuttaa meihin.
The combination of smartphone and the Internet has brought a massive amount of information to our fingertips in a very short time, and at the same time the Internet has become a virtually ubiquitous and seemingly omniscient tool to find information. We have become quite reliant on the Internet for finding information, and in recent years questions have arisen about its possible effects on human cognitive functions, such as thinking and memory. This bachelor’s thesis, which is conducted as a literature review, sought to find out in what negative ways the easy access to information that is made possible by technology affects people’s cognition. The topic was approached from a general perspective, as well as more specifically from the perspective of four different cognitive functions that recurred most in the reviewed literature. Thinking, memory, learning, and attention were selected for a closer look. It was found out in this study that the easy access to information made possible by technology has negative effects on cognition in all of the areas that were examined. However, the phenomenon in question is very new, which is why research evidence on the subject is somewhat limited and recent, and long-term research on the subject in particular does not exist. Also, due to the recentness of the phenomenon, it is not yet entirely clear how the easy access to information will ultimately fully affect us.
The combination of smartphone and the Internet has brought a massive amount of information to our fingertips in a very short time, and at the same time the Internet has become a virtually ubiquitous and seemingly omniscient tool to find information. We have become quite reliant on the Internet for finding information, and in recent years questions have arisen about its possible effects on human cognitive functions, such as thinking and memory. This bachelor’s thesis, which is conducted as a literature review, sought to find out in what negative ways the easy access to information that is made possible by technology affects people’s cognition. The topic was approached from a general perspective, as well as more specifically from the perspective of four different cognitive functions that recurred most in the reviewed literature. Thinking, memory, learning, and attention were selected for a closer look. It was found out in this study that the easy access to information made possible by technology has negative effects on cognition in all of the areas that were examined. However, the phenomenon in question is very new, which is why research evidence on the subject is somewhat limited and recent, and long-term research on the subject in particular does not exist. Also, due to the recentness of the phenomenon, it is not yet entirely clear how the easy access to information will ultimately fully affect us.
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Bachelor thesis
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