Eri hakkuutapojen vaikutukset boreaalisen kuusivaltaisen metsän kovakuoriaislajistoon 10 vuotta hakkuiden jälkeen
Luonnossa erilaiset luontaiset häiriöt ovat kaikille ekosysteemeille tyypillisiä, mutta Fennoskandiassa hakkuut ovat nykyisin syrjäyttäneet luontaiset häiriöt boreaalisten metsien tärkeimpänä häiriönä. Hakkuut vaikuttavat myös metsien kovakuoriaislajistoon, ja niistä erityisesti joko suoraan tai välillisesti puustosta riippuvaisiin lajeihin. Tasaikäisen metsänkasvatuksen vaikutukset kuoriaislajistoon tunnetaan kohtuullisen hyvin, mutta eri-ikäisrakenteisen metsänkasvatuksen hakkuutapojen vaikutukset tunnetaan huonosti erityisesti keskipitkällä ja pitkällä aikavälillä. Jos eri-ikäisrakenteiseen menetelmään pohjautuvat hakkuutavat tukevat sulkeutuneen metsän lajiston säilymistä yleisesti käytettyjä avohakkuita paremmin, antaisi se toivoa metsätalouden ja luonnon monimuotoisuuden ylläpitämisen paremmasta yhdistämisestä. Tässä tutkielmassa selvitin, miten eri-ikäisrakenteiset hakkuutavat vaikuttivat boreaalisen kuusivaltaisen (Picea abies) metsän kovakuoriaislajiston lajimääriin ja lajikoostumukseen 10 vuotta hakkuiden jälkeen. Tätä varten kerättiin kovakuoriaisaineisto ikkunapyydyksillä kuusivaltaiselta alueelta Kuhmoisista Keski-Suomesta vuosi ennen hakkuita ja yksi, kolme ja kymmenen vuotta hakkuiden jälkeen. Uudistuskypsiä koemetsiköitä käsiteltiin neljällä tavalla (poiminta-, pienaukko- ja avohakkuu, käsittelemätön kontrolli, n = 3—5). Kustakin metsiköstä mitattiin hakkuuintensiteetti, aukkokoko ja järeän lahopuun tilavuus. Hakkuutavat eivät selittäneet kuoriaisten kokonaislajimäärää, mutta ei-saproksyylien ja niistä erotettujen herbivorien lajimäärä oli merkitsevästi korkeampi avo- ja pienaukkohakkuilla. Ympäristömuuttujista vain aukkokoko selitti kokonaislajimäärää. Saproksyylien lajimäärää laski kasvava hakkuuintensiteetti mutta järeä lahopuu nosti lajimäärää. Ei-saproksyylien ja herbivorien lajimäärää nosti kasvava aukkokoko. Hakkuutavoista avo- ja pienaukkohakkuu vaikuttivat säilyneiden lajien osuuksiin ja uusien lajien määriin. Lajikoostumus poikkesi avohakkuilla enemmän kontrolleista kuin muissa käsittelyissä, mutta poimintahakkuilla se ei juuri eronnut kontrolleista. Pienaukkohakkuun lajikoostumus asettui edellisten väliin. Tulokset ovat linjassa aiempien tutkimusten kanssa, ja ne tukevat eri-ikäisrakenteisen metsänkasvatuksen positiivisia vaikutuksia sulkeutuneen metsän kuoriaislajistoon verrattuna tasaikäisrakenteiseen talousmetsään.
In nature, various disturbances are typical for all ecosystems, but in Fennoscandia logging has now replaced natural disturbances as the main disturbance of boreal forests. Logging also affects the beetle fauna of forests, and in particular the beetle species that are either directly or indirectly dependent on forest cover. The effects of even-aged forestry on beetle fauna are reasonable well-known, but the effects of uneven-aged forestry are poorly understood especially in the medium- and long-time interval. If cutting methods based on uneven-aged forestry maintain the fauna of closed forests better than clear-cutting, it gives hope for a better combination of forestry and maintaining of biodiversity. In this master thesis I studied, how uneven-aged cutting methods affected to the species diversity and the community structure of beetle fauna in boreal Norway spruce dominated (Picea abies) forests after ten-year period. For this purpose, beetle samples were collected with window traps from spruce-dominated area in Kuhmoinen in Central Finland one year before and one, three and 10 years after cutting. Mature forest stands were treated four different ways (selection, gap and clear-cutting and untreated control, n = 3—5). Cutting intensity, gap size and coarse dead wood were also measured for each stand. Cutting methods did not explain the total number of beetle species, but the species diversity of non-saproxylic species and herbivores was significantly higher in clear- and gap-cuttings. Gap size was the only environmental variable that explained total species diversity of beetle fauna. The number of saproxylic species was decreased by increasing cutting intensity but it increased with larger gap size. The number of non-saproxylic species and herbivores was increased with larger gap size. Clear- and gap-cutting affected the proportions of preserved species and the number of new species. Community structure of beetle fauna differed more between clear-cutting and controls than between other cutting methods and controls. Instead, community structure of selection-cuttings barely differed from controls. Community structure of gap-cuttings settled between clear- and gap-cuttings. The results agree with earlier research and support the positive effects of uneven-aged forestry to the beetle fauna of closed forest compared to even-aged forestry.
In nature, various disturbances are typical for all ecosystems, but in Fennoscandia logging has now replaced natural disturbances as the main disturbance of boreal forests. Logging also affects the beetle fauna of forests, and in particular the beetle species that are either directly or indirectly dependent on forest cover. The effects of even-aged forestry on beetle fauna are reasonable well-known, but the effects of uneven-aged forestry are poorly understood especially in the medium- and long-time interval. If cutting methods based on uneven-aged forestry maintain the fauna of closed forests better than clear-cutting, it gives hope for a better combination of forestry and maintaining of biodiversity. In this master thesis I studied, how uneven-aged cutting methods affected to the species diversity and the community structure of beetle fauna in boreal Norway spruce dominated (Picea abies) forests after ten-year period. For this purpose, beetle samples were collected with window traps from spruce-dominated area in Kuhmoinen in Central Finland one year before and one, three and 10 years after cutting. Mature forest stands were treated four different ways (selection, gap and clear-cutting and untreated control, n = 3—5). Cutting intensity, gap size and coarse dead wood were also measured for each stand. Cutting methods did not explain the total number of beetle species, but the species diversity of non-saproxylic species and herbivores was significantly higher in clear- and gap-cuttings. Gap size was the only environmental variable that explained total species diversity of beetle fauna. The number of saproxylic species was decreased by increasing cutting intensity but it increased with larger gap size. The number of non-saproxylic species and herbivores was increased with larger gap size. Clear- and gap-cutting affected the proportions of preserved species and the number of new species. Community structure of beetle fauna differed more between clear-cutting and controls than between other cutting methods and controls. Instead, community structure of selection-cuttings barely differed from controls. Community structure of gap-cuttings settled between clear- and gap-cuttings. The results agree with earlier research and support the positive effects of uneven-aged forestry to the beetle fauna of closed forest compared to even-aged forestry.
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Master thesis
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The material is available for reading at the archive workstation of the University of Jyväskylä Library.
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