Vokseleihin perustuvat pinnanmuodostusalgoritmit ja maaston proseduraalinen generointi
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli verrata marssikuutiot-algoritmin ja naiivin pintaverkkoalgoritmin suorituskykyä. Tutkielman kirjallisuuskatsaus sisältää maaston proseduraalisen generoinnin menetelmiä, joilla generoitavan korkeusdatan visualisointiin vokseleihin perustuvia pinnanmuodostusalgoritmeja sovellettiin. Tutkimus toteutettiin soveltamalla suunnittelutieteellistä viitekehystä ja konstruktiivista tutkimusotetta. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostui vertailtavien pinnanmuodostusalgoritmien suorituskyvyn mittauksista, jotka perustuivat simpleksikohinalla tuotettuun keinotekoiseen dataan. Tutkimus osoitti, että naiivi pintaverkkoalgoritmi suoriutui kaikilla osa-alueilla marssikuutioita paremmin, vaikka molemmat algoritmit suoriutuivat suhteellisen tasapuolisesti. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan päätellä, että naiivi pintaverkkoalgoritmi on suorituskyvyltään jonkin verran tehokkaampi, joten se kannattaisi valita ensisijaisesti käytännön sovelluksiin.
The purpose of the study was to compare the performance of the marching cubes and the naive surface nets algorithms. The literature review of the treatise includes methods of procedural terrain generation by which voxel-based surface reconstruction algorithms for the visualization of elevation data to be generated were applied. The study was conducted by applying a framework for design science methodology and a constructive research method. The research data consisted of measurements in the performance of reconstruction algorithms being compared, based on artificial data generated by simplex noise. The study indicated that the naive surface nets algorithm performed better than the marching cubes algorithm in all aspects though both algorithms performed relatively equally. In conclusion, the naive surface nets algorithm is somewhat more efficient in performance, thus it appears to be worth choosing primarily for practical applications.
The purpose of the study was to compare the performance of the marching cubes and the naive surface nets algorithms. The literature review of the treatise includes methods of procedural terrain generation by which voxel-based surface reconstruction algorithms for the visualization of elevation data to be generated were applied. The study was conducted by applying a framework for design science methodology and a constructive research method. The research data consisted of measurements in the performance of reconstruction algorithms being compared, based on artificial data generated by simplex noise. The study indicated that the naive surface nets algorithm performed better than the marching cubes algorithm in all aspects though both algorithms performed relatively equally. In conclusion, the naive surface nets algorithm is somewhat more efficient in performance, thus it appears to be worth choosing primarily for practical applications.
Main Authors
Master thesis
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