Training load and its relationhip with measures of aerobic fitness and fatigue, and the monitoring of changes in aerobic fitness with a submaximal running test with high-level female soccer players
Kestävyyssuorituskyky on tärkeää jalkapallossa, sillä maksimaalisen hapenottokyvyn (VO2max) nousun on havaittu olevan yhteydessä parantuneeseen suoritukseen otteluissa. Kestävyysharjoittelun onnistumista arvioidaan usein laboratoriotesteillä tai lajispesifeillä kenttätesteillä. Myös submaksimaalisia testejä on ehdotettu. Harjoituskuorma voi olla joukkueurheilijoilla liian suuri tai toisaalta taas riittämätön, mikä voi johtaa väsymykseen tai suorituskyvyn heikkenemiseen. Menetelmä, joka arvioi urheilijan yksilöllisiä vasteita harjoitteluun, on hyödyllinen, jotta harjoittelua voidaan valvoa ja muokata urheilijan yksilöllisten tarpeiden mukaan. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli määrittää, onko harjoitusjakson aikainen sisäinen harjoituskuorma yhteydessä muutoksiin kestävyyssuorituskyvyssä, ja ovatko viikoittaiset muutokset harjoituskuormassa yhteydessä viikoittaisiin muutoksiin väsymyksen mittareissa naisjalkapalloilijoilla. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin onko submaksimaalisen juoksutestin avulla mahdollista arvioida pelaajien kestävyyssuorituskyvyn muutoksia.
Viisitoista naisjalkapalloilijaa osallistui tutkimukseen. Tutkittavat suorittivat ottelukauden aikaisen 12 viikon mittaisen ajanjakson alussa ja lopussa maksimaalisen hapenottokyvyn testin. Testistä määritettiin VO2max ja muita kestävyyssuorituskyvyn muuttujia. Harjoituskuormitus ja -intensiteetti määritettiin kaikista kentällä suoritetuista harjoituksista ja otteluista käyttäen Edwardsin menetelmää (Edward’s TL) ja eri sykealueilla vietettyä aikaa. Lisäksi tutkittavat suorittivat harjoitusviikkojen alussa submaksimaalisen juoksutestin (SRT), josta määritettiin sykettä (HRSRT), sykkeen palautumista (HRRSRT) ja koettua rasittavuutta (RPESRT) sekä kevennyshyppytestin (CMJ) väsymyksen arvioimiseksi. Tutkittavien koettua palautumista (PRS) kysyttiin myös. Submaksimaalinen juoksutesti suoritettiin yhteensä 7 eri viikon aikana ja kevennyshyppytesti 10 eri viikon aikana.
VO2max ei muuttunut tilastollisesti merkitsevästi tutkimusjakson aikana. Tilastollisesti merkitsevää korrelaatiota ei löydetty Edward’s TL:n ja VO2max:n prosentuaalisten muutosten (%VO2max) välillä. Vietetty aika 90–100 % alueella maksimisykkeestä korreloi merkitsevästi %VO2max kanssa (r = 0.74, p < 0.01). HRSRT:n prosentuaalinen muutos korreloi merkitsevästi 4 mmol/l juoksunopeuden (S4) prosentuaalisten muutosten kanssa (r = -0.69, p < 0.05). Yksilöiden välisiä korrelaatioita tarkastellessa pieni yhteys (r = 0.29, p < 0.01) havaittiin Edward’s TL:n ja HRRSRT:n viikoittaisten muutosten välillä, kun taas merkitsevää yhteyttä ei havaittu Edward’s TL:n viikoittaisten muutosten ja HRSRT:n tai CMJ:n viikoittaisten muutosten välillä. Edward’s TL:n ja PRS:n viikoittaisten muutosten välillä havaittiin yhteys (-0.41, p < 0.01). Vastaavanlaisia keskimääräisiä yksilön sisäisiä korrelaatioita havaittiin tarkasteltavissa muuttujissa. Näissä oli kuitenkin suurta yksilöllistä vaihtelua.
Korkean intensiteetin harjoittelu yli 90 % maksimisykkeestä voi olla hyödyllistä jalkapalloilijoille, kun tavoitteena on kasvattaa tai ylläpitää VO2max:a. Sykkeen yksilöllinen tarkkailu on suositeltavaa, jotta jokaiselle pelaajalle voidaan varmistaa riittävästi korkean intensiteetin harjoittelua. Standardoidun 4-minuuttisen submaksimaalisen juoksutestin sykkeen hyödyntäminen voi tarjota aikaa säästävän vaihtoehdon kestävyyssuorituskyvyn muutosten seurantaan. Vaikuttaa siltä, että HR ja CMJ eivät ole herkkiä akuuteille muutoksille harjoituskuormituksessa. Lisää tutkimuksia kaivataan harjoituskuorman muutosten ja HRR:n välisen suhteen selvittämiseen. On suositeltavaa käyttää niin objektiivisia, subjektiivisia kuin ulkoisiakin harjoituskuorman mittareita, jotta saadaan mahdollisimman kokonaisvaltainen kuva jalkapalloilijan harjoittelun ja otteluiden vaatimuksista.
Aerobic fitness is important in soccer, as an improvement in maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) has been associated with increased match performance. The aerobic training outcome is usually assessed with laboratory tests or soccer-specific field tests, with submaximal tests also proposed as an alternative. Team sport players may experience training loads either excessive or insufficient, possibly leading to fatigue or a decrease in performance. A method evaluating athletes’ individual responses to training is useful, so the training can be monitored and modified according to athletes’ needs. The purpose of this study was to determine if the total internal training load of a 12-week period was associated with changes in aerobic fitness, and if the changes in weekly internal training load were associated with changes in weekly measures of fatigue with female soccer players. Another aim was to assess if a submaximal running test could be used to detect changes in players’ aerobic fitness. Fifteen female soccer players participated in the study. The participants performed an incremental treadmill test to measure the VO2max and other aerobic fitness variables at the start and at the end of a 12-week in-season study period. Training load and intensity distribution were measured from all field-based training sessions using the Edward’s training load-method (Edward’s TL) and the time spent in different heart rate-zones. In addition, during the study period the subjects performed a submaximal running test (SRT), with measures of heart rate (HRSRT), heart rate recovery (HRRSRT) and rating of perceived exertion (RPESRT), and a countermovement jump test (CMJ) at the beginning of the training weeks to assess fatigue. Perceived recovery status (PRS) of the participants was also asked. The SRT was performed during 7 weeks and the CMJ-test during 10 weeks. No significant change was observed in VO2max after the study period in group-level. No significant correlation was found between the Edward’s TL and the percentage change in VO2max (%VO2max). However, the total time spent at 90–100 % of maximal heart rate (HRmax) was very largely and significantly correlated with %VO2max (r = 0.74, p < 0.01). The percentage change in HRSRT was largely and significantly correlated with the percentage change in the speed at 4 mmol/l (S4) (r = -0.69, p < 0.05). When examining the inter-individual correlations, a small association (r = 0.29, p < 0.01) was found between the weekly changes in Edward’s TL and the weekly changes in HRRSRT, and no significant associations with the weekly changes in HRSRT and CMJ. A moderate correlation was found between the weekly changes in Edward’s TL and the weekly changes in PRS (r = -0.41, p < 0.01). Similar average intra-individual correlations compared to inter-individual correlations were observed for all the variables, with large individual variation in the correlations. High-intensity training above 90 % of HRmax may be useful with soccer players when the aim is to increase or maintain their VO2max. It is recommended to monitor the players’ HR-responses to training individually and ensure each player an adequate amount of high-intensity training. Utilizing the heart rate of a 4-minute standardized submaximal running test may offer a time-saving alternative to monitor changes in aerobic fitness. It seems that HR and CMJ alone are not sensitive to acute changes in training load measured with Edward’s TL. More research is needed in order to clarify the relationship between changes in training load and HRR. It is recommended to utilize both objective and subjective, as well as external, indicators of training load, in order to have the most comprehensive understanding of the demands of training and match-play of individual players.
Aerobic fitness is important in soccer, as an improvement in maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) has been associated with increased match performance. The aerobic training outcome is usually assessed with laboratory tests or soccer-specific field tests, with submaximal tests also proposed as an alternative. Team sport players may experience training loads either excessive or insufficient, possibly leading to fatigue or a decrease in performance. A method evaluating athletes’ individual responses to training is useful, so the training can be monitored and modified according to athletes’ needs. The purpose of this study was to determine if the total internal training load of a 12-week period was associated with changes in aerobic fitness, and if the changes in weekly internal training load were associated with changes in weekly measures of fatigue with female soccer players. Another aim was to assess if a submaximal running test could be used to detect changes in players’ aerobic fitness. Fifteen female soccer players participated in the study. The participants performed an incremental treadmill test to measure the VO2max and other aerobic fitness variables at the start and at the end of a 12-week in-season study period. Training load and intensity distribution were measured from all field-based training sessions using the Edward’s training load-method (Edward’s TL) and the time spent in different heart rate-zones. In addition, during the study period the subjects performed a submaximal running test (SRT), with measures of heart rate (HRSRT), heart rate recovery (HRRSRT) and rating of perceived exertion (RPESRT), and a countermovement jump test (CMJ) at the beginning of the training weeks to assess fatigue. Perceived recovery status (PRS) of the participants was also asked. The SRT was performed during 7 weeks and the CMJ-test during 10 weeks. No significant change was observed in VO2max after the study period in group-level. No significant correlation was found between the Edward’s TL and the percentage change in VO2max (%VO2max). However, the total time spent at 90–100 % of maximal heart rate (HRmax) was very largely and significantly correlated with %VO2max (r = 0.74, p < 0.01). The percentage change in HRSRT was largely and significantly correlated with the percentage change in the speed at 4 mmol/l (S4) (r = -0.69, p < 0.05). When examining the inter-individual correlations, a small association (r = 0.29, p < 0.01) was found between the weekly changes in Edward’s TL and the weekly changes in HRRSRT, and no significant associations with the weekly changes in HRSRT and CMJ. A moderate correlation was found between the weekly changes in Edward’s TL and the weekly changes in PRS (r = -0.41, p < 0.01). Similar average intra-individual correlations compared to inter-individual correlations were observed for all the variables, with large individual variation in the correlations. High-intensity training above 90 % of HRmax may be useful with soccer players when the aim is to increase or maintain their VO2max. It is recommended to monitor the players’ HR-responses to training individually and ensure each player an adequate amount of high-intensity training. Utilizing the heart rate of a 4-minute standardized submaximal running test may offer a time-saving alternative to monitor changes in aerobic fitness. It seems that HR and CMJ alone are not sensitive to acute changes in training load measured with Edward’s TL. More research is needed in order to clarify the relationship between changes in training load and HRR. It is recommended to utilize both objective and subjective, as well as external, indicators of training load, in order to have the most comprehensive understanding of the demands of training and match-play of individual players.
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Master thesis
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