Maakotkan elinympäristövaatimusten mallintaminen Keski-Suomessa
Maakotka (Aquila chrysaetos) on Suomessa erityisesti suojeltava ja vaarantunut
petolintulaji. Lajia pidetään hyvänä luonnonmukaisen ekosysteemin
indikaattorina, koska se vaatii laajan ja monimuotoisen reviirin. Suomen
maakotkakannasta suurin osa (n. 80 %) keskittyy Pohjois-Suomeen, ja tämän takia
lajin elinympäristön suojeleminen myös Keski-Suomessa on tärkeää. Suuri uhka
lajille tällä hetkellä on tuulivoima. Tuulivoimalahankkeet ovat yleistyneet mm.
uusiutuvan energian tarpeen, ja tuulivoiman hyvän sähkön tuottavuuden takia.
Tuulivoimaloita rakennetaan usein kauas asutuksesta luonnonmukaiselle
syrjäseudulle, josta syntyy kaavoituskonflikteja luonnonsuojelun ja
energiantuotannon välille. Tutkielman tavoitteena oli mallintaa maakotkille sopivia
elinympäristöjä Keski-Suomessa maksimientropiamallinnuksen ja
reviirimallinnuksen (resurssienvalintafunktion) avulla, jotta tulevaisuudessa
voitaisiin välttää tuulivoimapuistoja näillä alueilla. Ympäristömuuttujia avoimista
lähteistä käytettiin ennustamaan lajille sopivaa elinympäristöä jo tiedettyjen lajin
pesäpaikkojen avulla. Maksimientropiamallinnuksen avulla pystyttiin erottamaan
lajille sopivia elinympäristöjä Keski-Suomessa. Lisäksi tutkittiin maakotkien
reviirienkäytönastetta kirjallisuudessa käytetyllä reviirimallilla. Näin voitiin erottaa
myös aktiivisesti käytetty ydinreviiri, tunnettujen pesien ympäriltä. Yhdessä nämä
tulokset antoivat selkeän kuvan maakotkien tämänhetkisistä ja potentiaalisista
elinympäristöistä Keski-Suomessa. Lisäksi tuloksissa korostui
tuulivoimahankkeiden sijoittuminen usein maakotkille sopivaan elinympäristöön.
Tutkielman tulosta voidaan soveltaa mm. maakuntakaavan laatimisessa, uusien
tekopesien pystytyksessä ja muissa lajin suojelutoimissa. Toivottavasti
tutkimustulokset edesauttavat maakotkien elinympäristöjen huomioimista, ja
helpottavat kuntia ja tuulivoimatoimijoita sopivien hankealueiden määrittämisessä
Golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) is a top-tier predatory bird that functions as a good indicator species of the ecosystem state. Golden eagle requires a large home range for hunting and nesting; therefore, they are often short for space. In Finland, most of the golden eagle population is focussed on Northern Finland (approx. 80 %), thereby it is even more important to conserve the species habitat in Central Finland. Due to pressures for clean energy, wind power plants are becoming more popular in rural areas. This often leads to conflicts regarding land use, for either nature conservation or for clean energy production. The aim of this study was to use species distribution modelling to discover areas of high suitability for the species, so that in the future these areas could be avoided by wind park projects. The environmental data was from public sources and the nesting data was provided by Central Finland Centre for Economic Development (ELY Centre). The methods were based on predicting potential habitat by the values exhibited in the known species locations. With maximum entropy species distribution modelling we could detect potential species habitat and nesting sites. Also, with resource selection function modelling we could detect active areas near the nest that the existing golden eagle pairs used frequently. Together these results gave a good idea of the most crucial areas to the species currently, and of the potential areas for species distribution in future. In the results we also demonstrated some of the current conflicts for space, as there were already wind power plans in golden eagle areas of high suitability and use. The goal is that the study results will be used to e.g. guide wind power county zoning and provide locations for new man-made nests. Hopefully, by allocating areas more specifically, we can avoid wind power planning in unsuitable areas and be more considerate of golden eagle habitats.
Golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) is a top-tier predatory bird that functions as a good indicator species of the ecosystem state. Golden eagle requires a large home range for hunting and nesting; therefore, they are often short for space. In Finland, most of the golden eagle population is focussed on Northern Finland (approx. 80 %), thereby it is even more important to conserve the species habitat in Central Finland. Due to pressures for clean energy, wind power plants are becoming more popular in rural areas. This often leads to conflicts regarding land use, for either nature conservation or for clean energy production. The aim of this study was to use species distribution modelling to discover areas of high suitability for the species, so that in the future these areas could be avoided by wind park projects. The environmental data was from public sources and the nesting data was provided by Central Finland Centre for Economic Development (ELY Centre). The methods were based on predicting potential habitat by the values exhibited in the known species locations. With maximum entropy species distribution modelling we could detect potential species habitat and nesting sites. Also, with resource selection function modelling we could detect active areas near the nest that the existing golden eagle pairs used frequently. Together these results gave a good idea of the most crucial areas to the species currently, and of the potential areas for species distribution in future. In the results we also demonstrated some of the current conflicts for space, as there were already wind power plans in golden eagle areas of high suitability and use. The goal is that the study results will be used to e.g. guide wind power county zoning and provide locations for new man-made nests. Hopefully, by allocating areas more specifically, we can avoid wind power planning in unsuitable areas and be more considerate of golden eagle habitats.
Main Author
Master thesis
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