Design of an efficient environmental management structure : A case study
Yrityksiltä odotetaan yhä enemmän panostamista ympäristövastuun hallintaan. Ympäristövaikutusten hallinta yrityksen aitojen sisällä ei enää riitä, vaan vaikutuksia tulee pyrkiä minimoimaan koko tuote-elinkaaren ajalta. Organisaatiorakenteella on havaittu olevan vaikutusta yritysten ympäristönhallintaan, mutta aiheesta kaivataan yhä lisää tutkimusta. Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma tutkii yrityksen ympäristönhallintarakenteen suunnittelua erilaisten organisaatiorakenteen suunnittelun muuttujien avulla, keskittyen elinkaarinäkökulmaan.
Tutkielma on toteutettu laadullisena tapaustutkimuksena, joka keskittyy lääkealan yritykseen. Tutkielmalla on kaksi tavoitetta. Ensimmäisenä tavoitteena on antaa kattava kuva yrityksen ympäristövastuun hallinnasta elinkaaren aikana ja hallintaan liittyvistä tärkeimmistä haasteista, odotuksista ja kehityskohdista. Toisena tavoitteena tutkielma pyrkii esittämään ehdotuksia yrityksen ympäristönhallinnan organisoinnin kehittämiseksi. Tutkimusaineisto on kerätty haastattelemalla ympäristövastuun parissa työskenteleviä ammattilaisia sekä olemassa olevista asiakirjoista.
Tutkimustuloksista ilmenee, että ympäristövastuu yrityksen oman toiminnan osalta on organisoitu hyvin, mutta hallintaan koko arvoketjun näkökulmalla liittyy jossain määrin epäselvyyttä, erityisesti vastuisiin ja päätöksentekoprosesseihin. Tulokset korostavat vahvan poikkiorganisatorisen yhteistyön, koordinoinnin ja selkeiden vastuiden määrittelemisen tärkeyttä, ja tukevat siten useita aiemmissa tutkimuksissa havaittuja näkökulmia. Näiden näkökulmien nähdään loppujen lopuksi olevan olennaisempia kuin itse organisaatiorakenteen, mikä osittain eroaa kirjallisuuslöydöksistä. Tulosten perusteella ehdotetaan, että case-yritys hyötyisi koko arvoketjun hallinnasta vastaavan ympäristövastuujohtajan ja poikkiorganisatorisen vastuullisuusjohtoryhmän nimittämisestä sekä koko yrityksen kattavasta ympäristö-, terveys- ja turvallisuusfunktion roolin ja vastuiden selkeyttämisestä.
Companies are expected to increasingly invest in the management of environmental responsibility. It is no longer enough to manage the environmental impacts within a company's fences, instead, the impacts throughout the product life cycle should be minimized. Corporate environmental management is found to be affected by the organizational structure, however, more research on the topic is still needed. In this study, the design of environmental management structure is studied with different variables of organizational design, with a focus on the life cycle perspective. The study is conducted as a qualitative case study that focuses on a company in the pharmaceutical industry. The study has two aims. The first aim is to present a comprehensive picture of the management of environmental responsibility in the case company along the product life cycle, and the main challenges, expectations, and points of development relating to it. Secondly, the study aims to provide suggestions for developing the organization of environmental management in the company. The research data are collected through interviews with professionals working with environmental responsibility and from existing documents. The research findings reveal that environmental management is well organized for the company’s own operations, but there is some unclarity in the management with the perspective of the entire value chain, mainly relating to responsibilities and decision-making processes. The findings support many aspects in prior research, emphasizing the importance of strong cross-functional cooperation, coordination, and defining clear responsibilities. In the end, these aspects are considered more essential than the organizational structure, which partly differs from the literature findings. Based on the findings, it is suggested that the case company would benefit from appointing a leader for managing environmental responsibility across the value chain and a cross-functional sustainability leadership team, and further clarifying the role and responsibilities of the Environment, Health, and Safety function across the company.
Companies are expected to increasingly invest in the management of environmental responsibility. It is no longer enough to manage the environmental impacts within a company's fences, instead, the impacts throughout the product life cycle should be minimized. Corporate environmental management is found to be affected by the organizational structure, however, more research on the topic is still needed. In this study, the design of environmental management structure is studied with different variables of organizational design, with a focus on the life cycle perspective. The study is conducted as a qualitative case study that focuses on a company in the pharmaceutical industry. The study has two aims. The first aim is to present a comprehensive picture of the management of environmental responsibility in the case company along the product life cycle, and the main challenges, expectations, and points of development relating to it. Secondly, the study aims to provide suggestions for developing the organization of environmental management in the company. The research data are collected through interviews with professionals working with environmental responsibility and from existing documents. The research findings reveal that environmental management is well organized for the company’s own operations, but there is some unclarity in the management with the perspective of the entire value chain, mainly relating to responsibilities and decision-making processes. The findings support many aspects in prior research, emphasizing the importance of strong cross-functional cooperation, coordination, and defining clear responsibilities. In the end, these aspects are considered more essential than the organizational structure, which partly differs from the literature findings. Based on the findings, it is suggested that the case company would benefit from appointing a leader for managing environmental responsibility across the value chain and a cross-functional sustainability leadership team, and further clarifying the role and responsibilities of the Environment, Health, and Safety function across the company.
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Master thesis
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The material is available for reading at the archive workstation of the University of Jyväskylä Library.
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