Facebook-markkinoinnin vaikutus ostokäyttäytymiseen ja tunnevetoisen facebook-mainonnan vaikutus kahdessa casessa
Facebookista on kasvanut yksi merkittävin digimarkkinoinnin kanava viimeisen kymmenen vuoden aikana, ja Suomessakin käyttäjämäärät lähenevät jo neljää miljoonaa. Verkkokauppojen määrät jatkavat kasvuaan, kun digitalisoituminen kiihtyy. Verkkokauppojen tulisi pystyä kiinnittämään kuluttajien huomio kaiken muun sisällöntuotannon keskeltä Facebookissa. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää onko tunnevetoisella ja järkiperusteisella Facebook-mainonnalla eroa ostoaikeen synnyssä, millaisia tunteita tunnevetoinen ja järkiperusteinen mainonta herättää ja millaisia verkko-ostajatyyppejä on olemassa. Tämä on tärkeää, sillä kuluttajien kokonaisvaltainen ymmärtäminen tunteiden ja ostokäyttäytymisen osalta on merkityksellistä markkinoinnin ja verkkokauppojen kehityksen kannalta. Tutkielman teoreettinen kehys perustuu erilaisiin tunneteorioihin, jotka selittävät ihmisten vuorovaikutusta itsensä ja ympäristönsä välillä. Tutkielmassa on myös hyödynnetty yleisimpiä verkko-ostajatyyppejä sekä UTAUT2-mallia, jotka osaltaan selittävät kuluttajien ostokäyttäytymistä verkossa. Tutkielman empiirinen osuus toteutettiin kyselytutkimuksena lokakuussa 2021. Kyselyyn saatiin 271 analyysiin sopivaa vastausta. Tutkittavia muuttujia analysoitiin epäparametrisen Mann-Whitney U-testin avulla sekä kuvailevalla analyysillä. Lisäksi tutkimuksen pätevyyttä ja mittareita arvioitiin erilaisilla mittareilla. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että tunnevetoisella ja järkiperusteisella Facebook-mainonnalla on eroa ostoaikeen synnyssä. Mann-Whitney U -testin mukaan tulos oli järkiperäisen Facebook-mainonnan suuntaan, mutta tulos ei ole merkittävä, sillä ero oli vain 3,7 %:ia. Tutkimuksen kuvailevat analyysit Facebook-mainostilin datasta ja kyselylomakkeen avoimista vastauksista taas osoittivat, että tunneperäinen Facebook-mainonta herätti paremmin kuluttajan huomion ja kiinnostuksen yrityksen tuotteita kohtaan.
Facebook has grown into one of the most significant digital marketing channels in the last ten years, and the number of users in Finland is already approaching four million. The number of online stores will continue to grow as digitalization accelerates. Online stores should be able to get the attention of consumers in the middle of all other content production on Facebook. The purpose of this study was to determine whether emotional and rational Facebook advertising differ in the generation of intent to purchase, what emotions and rational advertising evoke, and what types of online shoppers exist. This is important because a holistic understanding of consumers in terms of emotions and buying behavior is relevant to the development of marketing and e-commerce. The theoretical framework of the dissertation is based on various emotional theo-ries that explain the interaction of people between themselves and their environment. The dissertation also utilizes the most common types of online shoppers as well as the UTAUT2 model, which contribute to explaining consumers' online shopping behavior. The empirical part of the dissertation was carried out as a survey in October 2021. 271 responses to the analysis were received. The study variables were analyzed using the nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test as well as descriptive analysis. In addition, the validity and metrics of the study were assessed using a variety of metrics. The results of the study show that emotionally driven and rational Facebook advertising has a statistically significant difference in generating intent to buy. According to the Mann-Whitney U test, the result was in the direction of rational Facebook advertising, but the result is not significant, as the difference was only 3.7%. Descriptive analyzes of the study on Facebook advertising account data and open questionnaire responses, on the other hand, showed that emotional Facebook advertis-ing attracted more consumer attention and interest in the company's products.
Facebook has grown into one of the most significant digital marketing channels in the last ten years, and the number of users in Finland is already approaching four million. The number of online stores will continue to grow as digitalization accelerates. Online stores should be able to get the attention of consumers in the middle of all other content production on Facebook. The purpose of this study was to determine whether emotional and rational Facebook advertising differ in the generation of intent to purchase, what emotions and rational advertising evoke, and what types of online shoppers exist. This is important because a holistic understanding of consumers in terms of emotions and buying behavior is relevant to the development of marketing and e-commerce. The theoretical framework of the dissertation is based on various emotional theo-ries that explain the interaction of people between themselves and their environment. The dissertation also utilizes the most common types of online shoppers as well as the UTAUT2 model, which contribute to explaining consumers' online shopping behavior. The empirical part of the dissertation was carried out as a survey in October 2021. 271 responses to the analysis were received. The study variables were analyzed using the nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test as well as descriptive analysis. In addition, the validity and metrics of the study were assessed using a variety of metrics. The results of the study show that emotionally driven and rational Facebook advertising has a statistically significant difference in generating intent to buy. According to the Mann-Whitney U test, the result was in the direction of rational Facebook advertising, but the result is not significant, as the difference was only 3.7%. Descriptive analyzes of the study on Facebook advertising account data and open questionnaire responses, on the other hand, showed that emotional Facebook advertis-ing attracted more consumer attention and interest in the company's products.
Main Author
Master thesis
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The material is available for reading at the archive workstation of the University of Jyväskylä Library.
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