Suomen tiedontuotannon regiimi : yksi vai monta?
Poliittisen talouden tutkimuksessa tapahtui 1990-luvulla niin kutsuttu ideakäänne. Viimeisen reilun vuosikymmenen aikana on alettu systemaattisesti tutkia ideoiden tuotantoa ja kanavointia poliittis-taloudelliseen päätöksentekoon. Vertailevan poliittisen talouden tutkimuksen piirissä on kehitetty tiedontuotannon regiimin teoria, joka tarkastelee tiedontuotannon institutionaalisia ja organisatorisia koneistoja, jotka tuottavat ideoita ja asiantuntijatietoa poliittis-taloudellista päätöksentekoa varten. Tämä artikkeli esittelee ja problematisoi tiedontuotannon regiimien tutkimusta. Artikkeli problematisoi tutkimuksen taustaoletusta regiimiin kuuluvien tiedontuottajien muodostaman organisaatiokentän yhtenäisyydestä ja pohtii oletuksesta luopumisen seurauksia tutkimukselle. Artikkeli käyttää Suomeen kohdistuvaa upotettua tapaustutkimusta havainnollistamaan taustaoletuksesta luopumisen avaamia mahdollisuuksia. Analyysin perusteella Suomen poliittisessa taloudessa ei esiinny yhtä yhtenäistä tiedontuotannon regiimiä vaan useita sektorikohtaisia regiimejä.
An ideational turn occurred in political economy scholarship in the 1990s. During the last decade systematic research attention has been paid to the production and channelling of ideas into political-economic decision-making. One of the key theories in comparative political economy has been that of knowledge regimes, which focuses on the institutional and organizational devices that produce ideas and expertise for national political-economic decision-making. This article presents and problematizes the research on knowledge regimes. The article problematizes the background assumption that the knowledge producers of one regime form one homogeneous organization field and discusses the consequences of giving up this assumption for further research. The article uses the nested case study of Finland to demonstrate the possibilities opened by the removal of the background assumption. The analysis suggests that in Finland there is no homogeneous national knowledge regime but sectorally variegated knowledge regimes.
An ideational turn occurred in political economy scholarship in the 1990s. During the last decade systematic research attention has been paid to the production and channelling of ideas into political-economic decision-making. One of the key theories in comparative political economy has been that of knowledge regimes, which focuses on the institutional and organizational devices that produce ideas and expertise for national political-economic decision-making. This article presents and problematizes the research on knowledge regimes. The article problematizes the background assumption that the knowledge producers of one regime form one homogeneous organization field and discusses the consequences of giving up this assumption for further research. The article uses the nested case study of Finland to demonstrate the possibilities opened by the removal of the background assumption. The analysis suggests that in Finland there is no homogeneous national knowledge regime but sectorally variegated knowledge regimes.
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Research article
Publication in research information system
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Review status
Peer reviewed
Published in
Poliittinen talous
- Sorsa, V.-P., Alaja, A., & Kaitila, J. (2021). Suomen tiedontuotannon regiimi : yksi vai monta?. Poliittinen talous, 9.
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