A software for simulating dispersive properties of multilayered phononic crystal membranes
Tässä tutkielmassa kehitetty uudenlainen Kalvo-ohjelmisto simuloi monikerroksisten sylinterireikähilaisten fononikidekalvojen dispersioita äärelliselementtimenetelmää (FEM) käyttäen. Havainnollistavan systemaattisen fononikidetutkimuksen simulaatioissa käytettiin neljää erilaista laboratoriossa usein käytettyä materiaalia: piinitridiä (Si3N4), alumiinioksidia (Al2O3), polystyreeniä (PS) ja lyijyä (Pb). Vastaavan laajuista systemaattista tutkimusta ei ole aiemmin kyetty tekemään.
Aiemmista simulaatioista tunnetaan, että sylinterireikäisellä Si3N4-fononikiteellä, jonka täyttöaste F = 0.7, hilavakio a = 1000 nm ja kalvonpaksuus hSi3N4 = 400 nm, on spektriaukko, jonka suhteellinen koko w/M ≈ 0.202. Osoittautui, että tätä spektriaukkoa on mahdollista laajentaa lisäämällä kalvoon kerros toista materiaalia. Ohjelmistoa käyttäen löydettiin uusi rakenne, jolla hilan spektriaukon suh- teelliseksi kooksi saatiin simuloitua ≈0.234 (kun F = 0.7) käyttäen Si3N4–Al2O3-kaksikerroskalvoa, jonka hSi3N4 = 340 nm ja hAl2O3 = 130 nm. Tällä materiaalikonfiguraatiolla on spektriaukko vain kun F > 0.58. Tämä spektriaukko laajenee nopeasti täyttöastetta kasvatettaessa, kunnes F > 0.68, minkä jälkeen aukon laajanemistahti hidastuu merkittävästi. Si3N4-kalvon spektriaukkoa ei saatu laajennet- tua polystyreeni- tai lyijykerroksilla. Fononikiteen dispersiorelaatiot muuttuvat, jos toinen kaksikerroskalvon materiaaleista jaetaan kahtia ympäröimään toista materiaalia, eritoten jos jaettava materiaali on jäykempi kahdesta. Esimerkiksi Si3N4–PS- ja PS–Si3N4–PS-kalvoilla on spektriaukko, kun hPS:hSi3N4 = 1:10 ja F = 0.7, mutta vastaavalla Si3N4–PS–Si3N4-kalvolla ei.
Ohjelmisto osoittautui hyödylliseksi monikerroksisten fononikiteiden dispersiorelaatioiden systemaattiseen tutkimukseen.
This thesis introduces Kalvo, a new type of software developed for simulating the dispersions of multilayered phononic crystal membranes with a cylindrical hole lattice, using the finite element method (FEM). The simulations in a demonstrative systematic study used four different materials commonly used in laboratory: silicon nitride (Si3N4), aluminum oxide (Al2O3), polystyrene (PS) and lead (PS). A systematic study of this scale has not been possible before. It is known from prior simulations that a Si3N4 phononic crystal with cylindrical hole lattice, filling factor F = 0.7, lattice constant a = 1000 nm and Si3N4 membrane thickness hSi3N4 = 400 nm, has a relative band gap w/M ≈ 0.202. Using the software, it was found out that this band gap could be increased to ≈0.234 (for F = 0.7), by using a Si3N4–Al2O3 dual layer membrane with hSi3N4 = 340 nm and hAl2O3 = 130 nm. For this configuration of materials, the band gap exists only when F > 0.58. This band gap widens rapidly as filling factor is increased, until F > 0.68, after which the rate of increasing decreases significantly. The Si3N4 membrane’s band gap could not be widened with layers of polystyrene or lead. The band structure of a phononic crystal is changed if one of the materials in a dual layer membrane is distributed into two layers surrounding the other material, especially if the stiffer of the two materials is distributed. For instance, a band gap exists for a Si3N4–PS and PS–Si3N4–PS membranes with hPS to hSi3N4 ratio of 1:10 and F = 0.7, but not for Si3N4–PS–Si3N4. The software proved to be useful for systematically studying the band structures of multilayered phononic crystals.
This thesis introduces Kalvo, a new type of software developed for simulating the dispersions of multilayered phononic crystal membranes with a cylindrical hole lattice, using the finite element method (FEM). The simulations in a demonstrative systematic study used four different materials commonly used in laboratory: silicon nitride (Si3N4), aluminum oxide (Al2O3), polystyrene (PS) and lead (PS). A systematic study of this scale has not been possible before. It is known from prior simulations that a Si3N4 phononic crystal with cylindrical hole lattice, filling factor F = 0.7, lattice constant a = 1000 nm and Si3N4 membrane thickness hSi3N4 = 400 nm, has a relative band gap w/M ≈ 0.202. Using the software, it was found out that this band gap could be increased to ≈0.234 (for F = 0.7), by using a Si3N4–Al2O3 dual layer membrane with hSi3N4 = 340 nm and hAl2O3 = 130 nm. For this configuration of materials, the band gap exists only when F > 0.58. This band gap widens rapidly as filling factor is increased, until F > 0.68, after which the rate of increasing decreases significantly. The Si3N4 membrane’s band gap could not be widened with layers of polystyrene or lead. The band structure of a phononic crystal is changed if one of the materials in a dual layer membrane is distributed into two layers surrounding the other material, especially if the stiffer of the two materials is distributed. For instance, a band gap exists for a Si3N4–PS and PS–Si3N4–PS membranes with hPS to hSi3N4 ratio of 1:10 and F = 0.7, but not for Si3N4–PS–Si3N4. The software proved to be useful for systematically studying the band structures of multilayered phononic crystals.
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Master thesis
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