Mobiili- ja videopeleissä esiintyvän mikrotransaktioansaintamallin eettisyys lasten ja nuorten näkökulmasta
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on vastata kysymykseen, onko mobiili- ja videopeleissä suosiossa oleva mikrotransaktioihin perustuva ansaintamalli eettinen lasten ja nuorten näkökulmasta tarkasteltuna. Tutkimuksessa perehdytään mobiili- ja videopeleissä esiintyviin mikrotransaktioihin ja virtuaalihyödykkeisiin. Käsitteet avataan tarkemmin lukijalle, sekä perehdytään niihin liittyviin aiheisiin, kuten yllätyslaatikoihin. Tutkielmassa käsitellään mikrotransaktioansaintamallin rahallista suuruutta, sekä lasten ja nuorten pelaajamääriä ikäryhmittäin. Tutkimuksessa pohditaan eettisyyttä jo olemassa olevien tutkimusten ja aiheeseen liittyvän uutisoinnin avulla.
The purpose of this research is to answer the question: is the microtransaction revenue model that is widely used in mobile and video games ethical in the scope of children and youth. In this research paper microtransactions and virtual goods are introduced to the reader. Concepts will be explained more thoroughly to the reader and the topics that are connected to those concepts are examined which includes for example loot boxes. This research paper discusses microtransactions’ revenue size and the number of players in children and youth by age groups. This research paper reflects ethics by utilizing earlier research from published research articles as well as news that are linked to the subject.
The purpose of this research is to answer the question: is the microtransaction revenue model that is widely used in mobile and video games ethical in the scope of children and youth. In this research paper microtransactions and virtual goods are introduced to the reader. Concepts will be explained more thoroughly to the reader and the topics that are connected to those concepts are examined which includes for example loot boxes. This research paper discusses microtransactions’ revenue size and the number of players in children and youth by age groups. This research paper reflects ethics by utilizing earlier research from published research articles as well as news that are linked to the subject.
Main Author
Bachelor thesis
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