Akillesjänteen Youngin moduulin määrittäminen voima- ja venymätiedon sekä leikkausaaltoelastografian avulla
Leikkausaaltoelastografialla voidaan tutkia revenneen jänteen elastisia ominaisuuksia jo kuntoutuksen alkuvaiheessa. Jänteen muodonmuutoskäyttäytymiseen liittyy lukuisia jänteen ominaisuuksia. Perinteisesti jänteen jäykkyys on määritetty yhdistämällä voima- ja venymätiedot. Tässä työssä pyrittiin selvittämään, eroaako leikkausaaltoelastografian ja perinteisen menetelmän yhteys, jos muutetaan perinteisessä menetelmässä käytettyä lihassupistuksen ohjeistusta. Mahdollinen ero voi auttaa selvittämään, mitä jänteen ominaisuuksia leikkausaaltoelastografian tulos kuvaa.
Tutkimukseen osallistui 15 tutkittavaa, joista 13 oli kuntoutunut äkillisestä akillesjännerepeämästä 6 kuukautta ja 2 tutkittavaa 12 kuukautta. Jänteen elastisia ominaisuuksia arvioitiin passiivisesta tilanteesta mitatun leikkausaaltoelastografian avulla sekä perinteisellä menetelmällä, jossa käytettiin nopeaa MVC, hidasta MVC ja 10 % MVC lihassupistusta.
Passiivisesta terveestä jalasta määritetyn leikkausaaltoelastografian Youngin moduulin tulokset olivat vahvasti yhteydessä saman jalan 10 % MVC suorituksesta määritetyn Youngin moduulin kanssa (rho = 0,725 ja p < 0,01). Terveen jalan hitaasta MVC suorituksesta määritetty Youngin moduuli oli myös yhteydessä leikkausaaltoelastografian arvoon (rho = 0,471 ja p < 0,05). Terveen jalan menetelmien tulosten välinen yhteys oli tilastollisesti merkitsevästi vahvempi (Z = 2,071 ja p < 0,05) kuin kuntoutuvan jalan vastaava yhteys. Supistusnopeudella ei ollut merkitystä menetelmien väliseen yhteyteen.
Koska näiden kahden menetelmän välinen yhteys oli heikompi kuntoutuvalla jalalla, leikkaus- aaltoelastografian validiteettia jännerepeämätutkimuksissa olisi hyvä tutkia enemmän. Tämän tutkimuksen tulokset antavat viitteitä, joiden mukaan leikkausaaltoelastografialla passiivisesta jalasta määritetty arvo edustaa jänteen venymäkäyttäytymistä pienillä venymillä. Menetelmää käytettäessä on tärkeää arvioida, onko tieto pienillä venymillä vaikuttavista ominaisuuksista arvokasta.
Elastic properties of a ruptured tendon can be evaluated at early stages of rehabilitation by using shear wave elastography. Many distinct properties can affect the deformation of the tendon. Traditionally Young’s modulus of tendon is evaluated from synchronized data of force and deformation. The purpose of this study was to examine whether the correlation between shear wave elastography and a traditional method would differ when the type of muscle contraction used in the traditional method was changed. Potential differences would help to understand which properties of the tendon shear wave elastography actually images. 15 participants volunteered for this study. 13 of them had suffered from an acute tendon rupture 6 months before the measurements, and 2 of them 12 months before the measurements. The elastic properties of the tendon were evaluated by using shear wave elastography in a passive situation, as well as by using the traditional method where participants performed fast MVC, slow MVC, and 10% MVC muscle contractions. The results of the shear wave elastography measurements of a healthy and passive leg correlated strongly with the Young’s modulus measured by the traditional method during 10% MVC contraction (rho = 0,725 and p < 0,01). The Young’s modulus measured during the slow MVC contraction of the healthy leg also correlated with the elastography measurements of the healthy leg (rho = 0,471 and p < 0,05). The correlation of a healthy leg between these two methods was statistically significantly stronger (Z = 2,071 and p < 0,05) than the corresponding correlation of an injured leg. Contraction velocity did not affect the correlation between these two methods. The results of this study showed that the correlation between shear wave elastography and the traditional method was weaker in the case of the injured leg. Thus, the validity of shear wave elastography in studying a ruptured tendon should be further investigated. Based on the results of this study, the elastography measurements of the passive leg represent the deformation of the tendon with small-scale strains. Therefore, it would be important to evaluate if the information of properties with small-scale strains is valuable.
Elastic properties of a ruptured tendon can be evaluated at early stages of rehabilitation by using shear wave elastography. Many distinct properties can affect the deformation of the tendon. Traditionally Young’s modulus of tendon is evaluated from synchronized data of force and deformation. The purpose of this study was to examine whether the correlation between shear wave elastography and a traditional method would differ when the type of muscle contraction used in the traditional method was changed. Potential differences would help to understand which properties of the tendon shear wave elastography actually images. 15 participants volunteered for this study. 13 of them had suffered from an acute tendon rupture 6 months before the measurements, and 2 of them 12 months before the measurements. The elastic properties of the tendon were evaluated by using shear wave elastography in a passive situation, as well as by using the traditional method where participants performed fast MVC, slow MVC, and 10% MVC muscle contractions. The results of the shear wave elastography measurements of a healthy and passive leg correlated strongly with the Young’s modulus measured by the traditional method during 10% MVC contraction (rho = 0,725 and p < 0,01). The Young’s modulus measured during the slow MVC contraction of the healthy leg also correlated with the elastography measurements of the healthy leg (rho = 0,471 and p < 0,05). The correlation of a healthy leg between these two methods was statistically significantly stronger (Z = 2,071 and p < 0,05) than the corresponding correlation of an injured leg. Contraction velocity did not affect the correlation between these two methods. The results of this study showed that the correlation between shear wave elastography and the traditional method was weaker in the case of the injured leg. Thus, the validity of shear wave elastography in studying a ruptured tendon should be further investigated. Based on the results of this study, the elastography measurements of the passive leg represent the deformation of the tendon with small-scale strains. Therefore, it would be important to evaluate if the information of properties with small-scale strains is valuable.
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Master thesis
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