Neuvostoliitto ja suomalainen soitonopetus : rajoja ja mahdollisuuksia
Artikkelissa käsitellään suomalaisen instrumenttiopetuksen kehitystä. Fokuksessa on Neuvostoliiton vaikutus erityisesti pianon- ja viulunsoiton opetukseen ajanjaksona, jolloin suomalainen musiikkikoulutus kehittyi voimakkaasti, 1960-luvulta 1980-luvulle.
This article discusses the development of teaching of musical instruments in Finland. The focus is fixed on the Soviet impact during the decades when Finnish music education was strongly developing, from the 1960s to 1980s. The focus is, in particular, the teaching of two instruments, the piano and the violin. Both received still noticeable influences from the top musicians and their methods in Soviet Union. Attention is paid both on structures and certain individuals and their impact. The article also pays attention to the Soviet motives to support the development of Finnish music education by sending esteemed music professionals to Finland. Soviet professionals arrived both for shorter master courses from the mid-1960s, and from the late 1960s for prolonged periods in regional music colleges suffering from shortage of competent teachers. Also, the Soviet Union granted scholarships to promising young Finnish musicians to continue their studies in the Soviet Union.
This article discusses the development of teaching of musical instruments in Finland. The focus is fixed on the Soviet impact during the decades when Finnish music education was strongly developing, from the 1960s to 1980s. The focus is, in particular, the teaching of two instruments, the piano and the violin. Both received still noticeable influences from the top musicians and their methods in Soviet Union. Attention is paid both on structures and certain individuals and their impact. The article also pays attention to the Soviet motives to support the development of Finnish music education by sending esteemed music professionals to Finland. Soviet professionals arrived both for shorter master courses from the mid-1960s, and from the late 1960s for prolonged periods in regional music colleges suffering from shortage of competent teachers. Also, the Soviet Union granted scholarships to promising young Finnish musicians to continue their studies in the Soviet Union.
Main Author
Research article
Publication in research information system
Suomen musiikkitieteellinen seura
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Review status
Peer reviewed
Published in
- Mikkonen, S. (2021). Neuvostoliitto ja suomalainen soitonopetus : rajoja ja mahdollisuuksia. Musiikki, 51(3), 74-105.
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