Populaarimusiikkitoiminnassa koettu sukupuolittunut epäasiallisuus
Vuonna 2016 alkunsa saanut #MeToo-liike kiinnitti huomiota sukupuolitettuun vallankäyttöön ja seksuaaliseen häirintään historiallisella tavalla. Kyselytutkimukseen perustuva artikkeli valottaa tilannetta populaarimusiikin toimijoiden osalta ja selvittää, millaisia kokemuksia kyselyyn vastanneilla oli sukupuolitetusta epäasiallisuudesta. Tutkimus toteutettiin vuonna 2020, ja siihen vastasi 150 populaarimusiikin parissa toimivaa henkilöä.
This article discusses gendered inappropriateness in Finnish popular music, particularly the experiences of those who currently work professionally in the field. The survey was an anonymised online survey with provided scaled questions and open-answer options, and it received 150 replies. Based on these, we identified different types of gendered inappropriateness through which to analyse the material: disdain, discrimination and sexual harassment in professional music work and music education. Gendered disdain is often exhibited through micro aggressions such as benevolent and malevolent verbal derision or silencing of non-men in group situations through active ignoring or disrespect. In music education, gender is still a large factor when teachers and/or fellow students demonstrate condescension towards a student. There was heightened risk of sexual harassment in performance situations with all genders. Men, women and nonbinary people have all reported inappropriate treatment based on gender, which can at its worst lead to situations of discrimination and concretely inhibit their professional practice. Those who identified as non-binary often face gendered inappropriateness and more dire consequences when breaching binary gender roles than cis-gendered people. Physical sexual exploitation seemed to be rare in the Finnish popular music sphere.
This article discusses gendered inappropriateness in Finnish popular music, particularly the experiences of those who currently work professionally in the field. The survey was an anonymised online survey with provided scaled questions and open-answer options, and it received 150 replies. Based on these, we identified different types of gendered inappropriateness through which to analyse the material: disdain, discrimination and sexual harassment in professional music work and music education. Gendered disdain is often exhibited through micro aggressions such as benevolent and malevolent verbal derision or silencing of non-men in group situations through active ignoring or disrespect. In music education, gender is still a large factor when teachers and/or fellow students demonstrate condescension towards a student. There was heightened risk of sexual harassment in performance situations with all genders. Men, women and nonbinary people have all reported inappropriate treatment based on gender, which can at its worst lead to situations of discrimination and concretely inhibit their professional practice. Those who identified as non-binary often face gendered inappropriateness and more dire consequences when breaching binary gender roles than cis-gendered people. Physical sexual exploitation seemed to be rare in the Finnish popular music sphere.
Main Authors
Research article
Publication in research information system
Suomen musiikkitieteellinen seura
Original source
The permanent address of the publication
https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-202111035511Use this for linking
Review status
Peer reviewed
Published in
- Pääkkölä, A.-E., Käpylä, T., & Peltola, H.-R. (2021). Populaarimusiikkitoiminnassa koettu sukupuolittunut epäasiallisuus. Musiikki, 51(2), 55-82. https://doi.org/10.51816/musiikki.110848
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