Monimediaisen kieltenopetuksen vaikutuksia oppijan autonomiaan, motivaatioon ja vapaa-ajan kielen käyttöön
This dissertation on foreign language learning aims to clarify the impact of multimodal pedagogy on the learning process of learners who study German as an optional B2 language at comprehensive school. The dissertation pertains to the field of applied language studies, and its theoretical framework is based on the multimodal learning model. Language learning is approached through the sociocultural conception of learning, and the perspective on learning is ecological. The aim is to examine how multimodal pedagogy affects the autonomy and motivation of learners of German, what its effects on teaching are, and what kinds of learners it especially suits. In addition, the dissertation explores the roles of learner and teacher in an autonomous learning process and how learners’ autonomous learning process can be supported. A further focus of analysis is how a learner’s idea of language and its learning will affect learning.
The study is qualitative action research implemented as longitudinal classroom research. The research data were collected from a group of students in a B2 German class during Years 8 and 9 at comprehensive school (N = 14). The data comprise four questionnaires, two interviews, eight learning tasks, related out-puts and feedback questionnaires, and the learners’ visual narratives. The research method is qualitative content analysis complemented by quantitative analysis on part of the data.
The results of the study show that multimodal pedagogy has a positive impact on learner autonomy and motivation as well as supports their development. It also provides a more structured idea of the way this is realised for different learners. The study complies with earlier research suggesting that learners’ active participation in planning and implementing the learning process strengthens their study motivation. It also demonstrates that the learning process is affected by several simultaneous factors, which is why it is important to consider learning as an entity. The results can be applied in teaching foreign languages and developing learning materials based on multimodal pedagogy. The study offers language teachers examples of the use of multimodal pedagogy in teaching and of things to consider for a successful learning process. It also identifies obstacles that prevent learners from benefiting from multimodal pedagogy and presents forms of support that teachers can use in such situations.
Keywords: multimodal pedagogy, learner autonomy, motivation, conception of language learning, language learning process, multilingualism
Jyväskylän yliopistoISBN
978-951-39-8905-7ISSN Search the Publication Forum
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- JYU Dissertations [834]
- Väitöskirjat [3535]
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