Impact of Si on the high-temperature oxidation of AlCr(Si)N coatings

The resistance of wear protective coatings against oxidation is crucial for their use at high temperatures. Here, three nanocomposite AlCr(Si)N coatings with a fixed Al/Cr atomic ratio of 70/30 and a varying Si-content of 0 at.%, 2.5 at.% and 5 at.% were analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetric analysis and X-ray in order to understand the oxidation behavior depending on their Si-content. Additionally, a partially oxidized AlCrSiN coating with 5 at.% Si on a sapphire substrate was studied across the coating thickness by depth-resolved cross-sectional X-ray nanodiffraction and scanning trans-mission electron microscopy to investigate the elemental composition, morphology, phases and residual stress evolution of the oxide scale and the non-oxidized coating underneath. The results reveal enhanced oxidation properties of the AlCr(Si)N coatings with increasing Si-content, as demonstrated by a retarded onset of oxidation to higher temperatures from 1100°C for AlCrN to 1260°C for the Si-containing coatings and a simultaneous deceleration of the oxidation process. After annealing of the AlCrSiN sample with 5 at.% Si at an extraordinary high temperature of 1400°C for 60 min in ambient air, three zones developed throughout the coating strongly differing in their composition and structure: (i) a dense oxide layer comprising an Al-rich and a Cr-rich zone formed at the very top, followed by (ii) a fine-grained transition zone with incomplete oxidation and (iii) a non-oxidized zone with a porous structure. The varying elemental composition of these zones is furthermore accompanied by micro-structural variations and a complex residual stress development revealed by cross-sectional X-ray nanodiffraction. The results provide a deeper understanding of the oxidation behavior of AlCr(Si)N coatings depending on their Si-content and the associated elemental, microstructural and residual stress evolution during high-temperature oxidation.
Main Authors
Articles Research article
Publication in research information system
Elsevier Ltd; Chinese Society for Metals.
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Review status
Peer reviewed
Published in
Journal of Materials Science and Technology
  • Jäger, N., Meindlhumer, M., Zitek, M., Spor, S., Hruby, H., Nahif, F., Julin, J., Rosenthal, M., Keckes, J., Mitterer, C., & Daniel, R. (2022). Impact of Si on the high-temperature oxidation of AlCr(Si)N coatings. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 100, 91-100.
CC BY 4.0Open Access
Additional information about funding
The work has been financially supported by Christian Doppler Research Association. The financial support by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic A airs and the National Foundation for Research, Technology and Development is gratefully acknowledged.
Copyright© 2021 Chinese Society for Metals
