Jääkiekkoilijoiden kaksoisura
Urheilun ja opiskelun yhdistävä kaksoisura on ollut urheilijoiden, laji-ihmisten, poliitikkojen ja tutkijoiden puheenaiheena koko 2000-luvun. Jatkuvasti etenevän ammattimaistumiskehityksen myötä urheilussa menestyminen vaatii yhä suurempia urheilu-uraan kohdistuvia panostuksia. Samanaikaisesti koulutuksen merkitys yhteiskunnassa on kasvanut. Urheilu-uran ohella kouluttautuminen on työkalu uran jälkeiseen elämään sopeutumisen helpottamiseksi. Jääkiekko on suomalaisessa urheilukulttuurissa urheilulaji, joka mahdollistaa täyden ammattilaisuuden ja muodostaa samalla omanlaisensa kaksoisuraympäristön. Liigakiekon yhdistäminen korkeakouluopiskeluun onkin Suomessa kenttä, jolla kaksoisuran ominaispiirteet korostetusti ilmenevät.
Tässä liikunnan yhteiskuntatieteiden pro gradu -tutkielmassa tutkittiin viiden korkeakoulussa opiskelevan aktiivisen ammattijääkiekkoilijan kaksoisuravalintaan vaikuttaneita tekijöitä eli kaksoisuraan liittyviä rakenteita ja kaksoisuran kannalta merkityksellisiä yksilön resursseja. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena. Aineisto kerättiin viidellä puolistrukturoidulla teemahaastattelulla, jotka analysoitiin teoriaohjaavan sisällönanalyysin metodein. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen perusta rakentuu ranskalaisen sosiologin Pierre Bourdieun pääomaan ja kenttäteoriaan liittyvän käsitteistön varaan.
Tutkimustulokset osoittavat jääkiekkoilijoiden olleen tyytyväisiä valintaansa opiskella urheilu-uran rinnalla. Kaksoisuramahdollisuuksiin vaikuttavat sekä käytettävissä olevat pääomat että urheilu- ja opiskelumaailmoiden eriävät vaatimukset. Kahden uran yhteensovittamisen onnistuminen vaatii erityistä suunnitelmallisuutta, mutta usein myös joustoa joko urheilijan tai kaksoisuraan liittyvän avainhenkilön, kuten valmentajan tai opettajan, toimesta. Korkeakouluissa valtakunnallista kaksoisurarakennetta ei ole havaittavissa. Ammattilaisuus vähentää opiskeluun liittyvää taloudellista stressiä.
Toimenpiteet kaksoisuran edistämiseksi ovat parantaneet kokemusta jääkiekon ja opiskelun yhdistämisen edellytyksistä. Samanaikaisesti jääkiekossa tapahtuva ammattimaistumiskehitys sitoo urheilijoiden resursseja yhä enemmän. Kaksoisuran suorittaminen nähdään arvokkaana, mutta se ei onnistu ilman erityispanostuksia. Kyseessä näyttäisikin olevan taistelu kaksoisuratoimien ja urheilun kasvavien vaatimusten välillä.
Dual career has been object of interest among athletes, politicians, and researchers, trough the 21st century. Professionalism is pushing sports towards the more competitive practises, and athletes are forced to make sports-based decisions throughout their careers. At the same time, competition is getting harder in working life and education is having a greater meaning in our society. Dual career is considered as one possible answer to make transition away from sport easier. Dual career environment is structured differently in different sports. Ice hockey is major professional sport in Finnish sporting culture. Dual career in higher education and national level ice hockey may be seen as the top example about features of dual career in Finland. In this master’s thesis the dual career environment and capitals of professional ice hockey players in higher education were examined. Research is qualitative. Five ice hockey players took part for half-structured thematic interviews. Interviews were then examined trough the methods of theory-guided content analysis. Aim of the research was to investigate why athletes decide to educate themselves during sports career and what kind of effect dual career structures have on that. Theoretical framework of the thesis is based on Pierre Bourdieu’s theory on fields and capital. Research shows that players are happy with their decision to study while being professional athletes. Changes to have successful dual career vary depending on persons capital and differing expectations in academic and athletic worlds. Planning plays a key role in well-going dual career, but more than often that is not enough. Coaches and teachers have a major role in dual career in ice hockey since personally customized practises are often needed. In Finland dual career is not well-supported in higher education where there is no national dual career structure. Professionalism in ice hockey is making studying less stressful at times because athletes financial well-being is not depending on studying. Progression in dual career methods has been helping athletes to combine two careers. At the same time, more and more demanding sports life is making that combining more challenging. Development in dual career environment can be seen as competition between new dual career customs and demands of professionalized sports life.
Dual career has been object of interest among athletes, politicians, and researchers, trough the 21st century. Professionalism is pushing sports towards the more competitive practises, and athletes are forced to make sports-based decisions throughout their careers. At the same time, competition is getting harder in working life and education is having a greater meaning in our society. Dual career is considered as one possible answer to make transition away from sport easier. Dual career environment is structured differently in different sports. Ice hockey is major professional sport in Finnish sporting culture. Dual career in higher education and national level ice hockey may be seen as the top example about features of dual career in Finland. In this master’s thesis the dual career environment and capitals of professional ice hockey players in higher education were examined. Research is qualitative. Five ice hockey players took part for half-structured thematic interviews. Interviews were then examined trough the methods of theory-guided content analysis. Aim of the research was to investigate why athletes decide to educate themselves during sports career and what kind of effect dual career structures have on that. Theoretical framework of the thesis is based on Pierre Bourdieu’s theory on fields and capital. Research shows that players are happy with their decision to study while being professional athletes. Changes to have successful dual career vary depending on persons capital and differing expectations in academic and athletic worlds. Planning plays a key role in well-going dual career, but more than often that is not enough. Coaches and teachers have a major role in dual career in ice hockey since personally customized practises are often needed. In Finland dual career is not well-supported in higher education where there is no national dual career structure. Professionalism in ice hockey is making studying less stressful at times because athletes financial well-being is not depending on studying. Progression in dual career methods has been helping athletes to combine two careers. At the same time, more and more demanding sports life is making that combining more challenging. Development in dual career environment can be seen as competition between new dual career customs and demands of professionalized sports life.
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Master thesis
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https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-202110265352Use this for linking