Hydroksyyliradikaalien muodostuminen järviveteen biogeenisessä Fentonin reaktiossa
Tässä Pro gradu -tutkielmassa etsitään kokeellisesti vastausta siihen, osallistuvatko makean veden heterotrofiset bakteerit vesiympäristössä tapahtuvaan, voimakkaasti hapettavia hydroksyyliradikaaleja (•OH) muodostavaan, Fentonin reaktioon. Tarkastellun mekanismin oletettiin aktivoituvan bakteerien oksidoreduktaasientsyymien välityksellä, jotka katalysoivat välillisesti vetyperoksidin (H2O2) muodostumista. Ferrorauta (Fe2+) toimi vedessä reaktion katalyyttina, minkä vuoksi rautapitoisissa humusvesissä reaktion odotettiin tapahtuvan nopeammin. Mekanismia testattiin kahdessa erilaisessa järvivedessä, joista toinen oli humuksinen (korkea DOC) ja rautapitoinen Nimetön ja toinen kirkasvetisempi (matala DOC) ja vähärautainen Vesijärvi. Tutkimuksen pääpainona oli mitata korkean erotuskyvyn nestekromatografialla (HPLC) järvivesinäytteissä syntyviä hydroksyyliradikaaleja käyttämällä kumariinia (2H 1 bentsopyran-2-oni) koetinmolekyylinä. Hydroksyyliradikaaleja muodostui molemmissa järvivesissä, mutta tulokset viittasivat abioottiseen muodostumisprosessiin biogeenisen Fentonin reaktion sijaan. •OH:n mitatuissa konsentraatioissa oli kuitenkin merkittäviä eroja järvien välillä, joiden pääteltiin johtuvan (1) järvien erilaisista DOC-pitoisuuksista (2) rautapitoisuudesta, (3) raudan kyvystä kompleksoitua humusmolekyyleihin ja mahdollisesti (4) järvien erilaisista mikrobiyhteisöistä, jotka reagoivat hydroksyyliradikaaleihin eri tavoin.
This study examines the possible involvement of fresh water heterotrophic bacteria in a series of chemical reactions that produce highly reactive and strongly oxidizing hydroxyl radicals (•OH) in aquatic environment. This mechanism leading to •OH producing reaction (Fenton reaction) was suggested to be triggered by bacterial oxidoreductase enzymes, through which bacteria indirectly catalyze the formation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in water column. Since ferrous iron (Fe2+) catalyzes Fenton reaction, iron content in water column creates favourable conditions for the reaction to proceed. The mechanism was monitored in humic lake water (Nimetön), rich in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and iron, along with non humic lake water (Vesijärvi) with poor iron content and low amount of DOC. The focus of the study was to measure hydroxyl radicals generated in the lake water samples by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using coumarin (2H 1 Benzopyran-2-one) as a probe molecule. Hydroxyl radicals were present in both lake waters though instead of the biogenic Fenton reaction the results strongly suggested that an abiotic process was responsible for the •OH-formation in the water samples. Cumulative concentrations of •OH between the two lakes were observed to be significantly different, which were concluded to be due to (1) differences in the DOC concentrations, (2) the iron contents of the lake waters, (3) the tendency of humic substances to chelate iron in water column, leading to the formation of complexes, and finally (4) the differences between microbial communities and microbial responses against aquatic ROS-formation.
This study examines the possible involvement of fresh water heterotrophic bacteria in a series of chemical reactions that produce highly reactive and strongly oxidizing hydroxyl radicals (•OH) in aquatic environment. This mechanism leading to •OH producing reaction (Fenton reaction) was suggested to be triggered by bacterial oxidoreductase enzymes, through which bacteria indirectly catalyze the formation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in water column. Since ferrous iron (Fe2+) catalyzes Fenton reaction, iron content in water column creates favourable conditions for the reaction to proceed. The mechanism was monitored in humic lake water (Nimetön), rich in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and iron, along with non humic lake water (Vesijärvi) with poor iron content and low amount of DOC. The focus of the study was to measure hydroxyl radicals generated in the lake water samples by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using coumarin (2H 1 Benzopyran-2-one) as a probe molecule. Hydroxyl radicals were present in both lake waters though instead of the biogenic Fenton reaction the results strongly suggested that an abiotic process was responsible for the •OH-formation in the water samples. Cumulative concentrations of •OH between the two lakes were observed to be significantly different, which were concluded to be due to (1) differences in the DOC concentrations, (2) the iron contents of the lake waters, (3) the tendency of humic substances to chelate iron in water column, leading to the formation of complexes, and finally (4) the differences between microbial communities and microbial responses against aquatic ROS-formation.
Main Author
Master thesis
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