Iteratiiviset rekonstruktiomenetelmät röntgentomografiassa
Iteratiiviset rekonstruktiomenetelmät ovat nousseet varteenotettaviksi vaihtoehdoiksi analyyttisen rekonstruktion rinnalle röntgentomografiassa, jossa suodatettu takaisinprojektio (FBP) on ollut laajasti käytetyin rekonstruktiomenetelmä viime vuosikymmenten aikana sen laskennallisen nopeutensa ansiosta. Tietokoneiden laskentatehon kasvaminen ja iteratiivisten menetelmien kehittyminen ovat konkretisoineet niiden käyttömahdollisuudet eri röntgentomografian sovelluskohteissa. Erityisesti statistiset ja mallipohjaiset menetelmät ovat osoittaneet kykyä kuvata rekonstruktioprosessia FBP-menetelmää tarkemmin, mikä on tehnyt mahdolliseksi laadukkaampien kuvien muodostamisen vähäisemmillä artefakteilla ja säteilyannoksella.
Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan erilaisia algebrallisia, statistisia ja mallipohjaisia iteratiivisia rekonstruktiomenetelmiä kirjallisuuskatsauksen muodossa. Tutkimusaineiston ja menetelmien teoreettisen taustan pohjalta tuodaan esille, kuinka iteratiivisilla menetetelmillä voidaan rekonstruoida tarkempia kuvia vähäisemmillä artefakteilla sekä pienemmällä säteilyannoksella samalla pitäen laskenta-ajan käytännöllisenä.
Iterative reconstruction methods have become viable alternatives to the analytical reconstruction in x-ray computed tomography, where filtered back projection (FBP) has been the most widely used method in the past decades because of its computational speed. Increased computational power of current workstations and improvements in iterative methods have concretized their potential use in the different applications of computed tomography. Especially statistical and model-based methods have shown their ability to describe the reconstruction process in more detail than FBP-method which has made it possible to reconstruct higher quality images with less artifacts and at a lower radiation dose. This thesis examines various algebraic, statistical and model-based iterative reconstruction methods in the form of a literature review. Based on the research material and the theoretical background of the methods, it is presented how the iterative methods can be used to reconstruct more accurate images with less artifacts as well as at a lower radiation dose while keeping the reconstruction time practical.
Iterative reconstruction methods have become viable alternatives to the analytical reconstruction in x-ray computed tomography, where filtered back projection (FBP) has been the most widely used method in the past decades because of its computational speed. Increased computational power of current workstations and improvements in iterative methods have concretized their potential use in the different applications of computed tomography. Especially statistical and model-based methods have shown their ability to describe the reconstruction process in more detail than FBP-method which has made it possible to reconstruct higher quality images with less artifacts and at a lower radiation dose. This thesis examines various algebraic, statistical and model-based iterative reconstruction methods in the form of a literature review. Based on the research material and the theoretical background of the methods, it is presented how the iterative methods can be used to reconstruct more accurate images with less artifacts as well as at a lower radiation dose while keeping the reconstruction time practical.
Main Author
Bachelor thesis
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