Accumulation of sleep loss among shift-working truck drivers
Sleep loss is known to contribute to road traffic accidents. Professional drivers are vulnerable to curtailment of sleep due to long driving bouts and shift work. To fill in the gap in the literature related to the buildup of sleep loss in irregular shift systems, we recorded the sleep and working hours of 47 shift-working long-haul truck drivers during a two-week period. Sleep (time in bed) was verified by actigraphy and sleep logs. Sleepiness was measured using the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS). Individual sleep need was based on self-assessments. We examined the accumulated sleep versus self-reported sleep need across the study period, using midnights as points of observation, and the accumulated sleep loss within 72 h prior to shift end (sleep versus need, SVN72). Across the study period, the drivers’ sleep was close to their self-reported sleep need, but 45% of the drivers showed accumulated sleep loss of >6 h at least once. SVN72 averaged −1.5 h and was 2.87 h shorter in connection with morning shifts compared to day or evening shifts. Night shifts showed no such difference. During days off, sleep exceeded sleep need by 1.13 h and was not dependent on the type of preceding work shift. SVN72 showed small-to-medium negative associations with on-duty KSS even after accounting for sleep within the 24 h prior to the shift end. Our results show that long-haul truck drivers are exposed to severe levels of accumulated sleep loss while working irregular shifts, but they can catch up on their lost sleep, especially during days off.
Main Authors
Research article
Publication in research information system
Taylor & Francis
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Review status
Peer reviewed
Published in
Chronobiology International
- Onninen, J., Pylkkönen, M., Tolvanen, A., & Sallinen, M. (2021). Accumulation of sleep loss among shift-working truck drivers. Chronobiology International, 38(9), 1344-1353.
Additional information about funding
This work was supported by the Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation; Finnish Work Environment Fund under Grant [109378]; and Nordic Programme on Health and Welfare under Grant [74809].
Copyright© Taylor & Francis, 2021