Matalan kynnyksen liikunta helsinkiläisissä urheiluseuroissa : politiikka-analyysi lasten ja nuorten seuratoiminnan harrastusmahdollisuuksista
Liikunnan yhteiskunnallinen polarisoituminen on tunnistettu liikuntapoliittisesti ajankohtaisena haasteena. Urheiluseuroja rahoittava julkinen sektori haluaisi kehittää kilpaurheilukeskeisen toiminnan rinnalla entistä monipuolisempaa harrastustoimintaa. Tätä on pyritty edistämään matalan kynnyksen liikunnalla, jotta yhä useampi lapsi tai nuori kykenisi osallistumaan harrastustoimintaan heidän taitotasostansa tai sosioekonomisesta asemasta riippumatta.
Tutkimus on luonteeltaan liikuntapoliittinen politiikka-analyysi, joka tarjoaa toimenpide-ehdotuksia matalan kynnyksen liikunnan edistämiseksi urheiluseurojen näkökulmasta. Tutkielman teoreettisessa osiossa määritellään urheiluseurojen liikuntapoliittinen asema lasten ja nuorten liikuttajana sekä määritellään matalan kynnyksen liikunnan käsitettä. Empiirinen osio toteutettiin yhteistyössä Helsingin kaupungin liikuntapalveluiden kanssa. Tavoitteena oli selvittää kvantitatiivisen kyselytutkimuksen avulla, miten helsinkiläiset seurat määrittelevät matalan kynnyksen liikunnan sekä kuinka alhaisella kynnyksellä 10–19-vuotiaat harrastajat kykenevät osallistumaan toimintaan. Lisäksi selvitettiin seurojen näkemyksiä matalan kynnyksen harrastusmahdollisuuksien kehittämiskohteista yhteiskunnassa.
Helsinkiläiset urheiluseurat (n=115) määrittelivät matalan kynnyksen liikunnan edullisena alhaisen taitotasovaatimuksen toimintana, johon kuka tahansa kykenee osallistumaan. Tulokset osoittivat seuratoiminnan osallistumiskynnyksen nousevan erityisesti murrosikäisillä harrastajilla korkeampien harrastuskustannusten ja harrastusintensiteetin sekä rajallisempien harrastusmahdollisuuksien vuoksi. Seurat nimesivät matalan kynnyksen liikunnan edistämisen keskeisimmiksi keinoiksi valmennuksellisten ja tilankäytöllisten resurssien julkisen tukemisen sekä poikkihallinnollisen yhteistyön vahvistamisen.
Tutkimus osoitti matalan kynnyksen harrastusmahdollisuuksien olevan riippuvaisia seuran toimintaympäristöstä ja resursseista. Yhteiskunnallisen vaikuttavuuden kannalta voidaankin pohtia, kenelle toimintaa halutaan tulevaisuudessa suunnata. Tällä hetkellä matalan kynnyksen liikunta ymmärretään ensisijaisesti liikunnasta syrjäytymässä olevien palveluina, jonka erityisesti moni kilpaurheiluseura kokee irrallisena omasta lajitoiminnastaan. Käsitettä voitaisiinkin suunnata osittain myös lajitoiminnan kontekstiin, jolloin urheiluseurat pyrkivät madaltamaan säännöllisen harrastustoimintansa osallistumiskynnystä omista lähtökohdistaan.
The social polarization of physical activity has been identified as a challenge from the point of view of sport policies. The public sector, which funds sports clubs, would like to develop a more diverse possibilities to participate alongside competitive sports. Efforts have been made to improve this through low-threshold sporting activities so that more and more children and youth are able to take part in leisure activities, regardless of their skill level or socio-economic status. The study is a sports policy -analysis that provides proposals for measures to promote low-threshold sporting activities from the perspective of sports clubs. The theoretical part of the thesis defines the sports policy position of sports clubs as instructor of children and youth and defines the concept of low-threshold sports. The empirical section was carried out in co-operation with the City of Helsinki's Sports Department. The aim was to find out, with the help of a quantitative survey, how sport clubs in Helsinki define low-threshold sports and how easily children aged 10–19 can participate in their activity. In addition, the aim was to investigate how low-threshold activities in society could be improved. Sports clubs in Helsinki (n = 115) defined low-threshold sports as a low-skill activity in which anyone can participate. The results showed that the threshold for participation in club activities increased, especially for adolescents, due to the higher cost-intensity of activities and more limited opportunities to participate. Sport clubs identified public support for coaching and space-based resources as well as strengthening cross-administrative cooperation as key means of promoting low-threshold sports in society. The study showed that low-threshold opportunities depend on the club’s operating environment and resources. From the point of view of social impact, it is possible to consider to whom the activities are to be directed in the future. At present, low-threshold sport is primarily understood as a service for those who are normally excluded from exercise, which many competitive sports clubs perceive as separate from their own activities. The concept could thus be further opened to the context of actual sports activities, in which case sports clubs would seek to lower the threshold of their regular activity from their own point of view.
The social polarization of physical activity has been identified as a challenge from the point of view of sport policies. The public sector, which funds sports clubs, would like to develop a more diverse possibilities to participate alongside competitive sports. Efforts have been made to improve this through low-threshold sporting activities so that more and more children and youth are able to take part in leisure activities, regardless of their skill level or socio-economic status. The study is a sports policy -analysis that provides proposals for measures to promote low-threshold sporting activities from the perspective of sports clubs. The theoretical part of the thesis defines the sports policy position of sports clubs as instructor of children and youth and defines the concept of low-threshold sports. The empirical section was carried out in co-operation with the City of Helsinki's Sports Department. The aim was to find out, with the help of a quantitative survey, how sport clubs in Helsinki define low-threshold sports and how easily children aged 10–19 can participate in their activity. In addition, the aim was to investigate how low-threshold activities in society could be improved. Sports clubs in Helsinki (n = 115) defined low-threshold sports as a low-skill activity in which anyone can participate. The results showed that the threshold for participation in club activities increased, especially for adolescents, due to the higher cost-intensity of activities and more limited opportunities to participate. Sport clubs identified public support for coaching and space-based resources as well as strengthening cross-administrative cooperation as key means of promoting low-threshold sports in society. The study showed that low-threshold opportunities depend on the club’s operating environment and resources. From the point of view of social impact, it is possible to consider to whom the activities are to be directed in the future. At present, low-threshold sport is primarily understood as a service for those who are normally excluded from exercise, which many competitive sports clubs perceive as separate from their own activities. The concept could thus be further opened to the context of actual sports activities, in which case sports clubs would seek to lower the threshold of their regular activity from their own point of view.
Main Author
Master thesis
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