Käyttöoikeuksien hallinnan ja piratismin suhde videopeleissä
Tutkielmassa kartoitetaan käyttöoikeuksien hallinnan (englanniksi Digital Rights Management, DRM) toteutuksien kehittymistä vastauksena ohjelmistopiratismiin, alkaen aikaisten kotitietokoneiden ajalta, painottuen kuitenkin Internetin mukana tulleeseen digitaalisen jakelun aikaan. Tutkielma tarkastelee tätä kehitystä videopelialan näkökulmasta, tarvittaessa verraten näkökulmia samanlaisia kasvukipuja kokeneiden alojen – kuten musiikkialan – kanssa. Tutkielman tavoite on selvittää kuinka hyödyllisiä tai haitallisia DRM-toteutukset todellisuudessa ovat videopelipiratismin torjumisessa. Tutkielmassa selviää, että toimivimmat DRM-toteukset ovat joko pelilaitteen raudassa (kuten pelikonsoleissa) toteutettuja tai ominaisuuksia, jotka ovat olemassa pelaajan iloksi tai ovat muuten pelistä erottamattomia. Hakkerit tulevat vääjäämättä murtamaan sellaiset ohjelmistopohjaiset DRM-lukot, joiden ainoa tehtävä on lisenssin puuttuessa estää pelin pelaaminen, ja jakamaan pelin piraattiversiota Internetissä maailmanlaajuisesti. Aineisto oli paljolti spekuloivaa, jonka vuoksi lisätutkimusta voisi tehdä kokoamalla konkreettisempia lukuja sellaisten pelien myynneistä ja laittomista latauksista, joissa on eri tasoisia DRM-toteutuksia. Tutkielma on muodoltaan kirjallisuuskatsaus.
The study looks at how digital rights management (DRM) methods evolved in response to software piracy starting from the era of early home computers, yet focusing on the era of Internet and the age of digital distribution that came with it. This development is examined from the perspective of the video game industry, comparing perspectives with similar industries when necessary, such as the music industry. The aim of the study is to examine how useful or harmful DRM methods really are in deterring piracy. The study shows that the most effective DRM methods are either implemented into the hardware of the gaming platform (such as in video game consoles) or features that exist for the delight of the player or are otherwise inseparable from the game. If a DRM lock exists for the sole purpose of blocking the user’s access to a game in the case of a missing license, hackers will inevitably crack it and distribute the cracked version globally online. The material used in the study was largely speculative, so a potential future study on the topic could include compiling more concrete statistics on both sales and illegal downloads of video games with different levels of DRM implementations. The study has been conducted as a literature review.
The study looks at how digital rights management (DRM) methods evolved in response to software piracy starting from the era of early home computers, yet focusing on the era of Internet and the age of digital distribution that came with it. This development is examined from the perspective of the video game industry, comparing perspectives with similar industries when necessary, such as the music industry. The aim of the study is to examine how useful or harmful DRM methods really are in deterring piracy. The study shows that the most effective DRM methods are either implemented into the hardware of the gaming platform (such as in video game consoles) or features that exist for the delight of the player or are otherwise inseparable from the game. If a DRM lock exists for the sole purpose of blocking the user’s access to a game in the case of a missing license, hackers will inevitably crack it and distribute the cracked version globally online. The material used in the study was largely speculative, so a potential future study on the topic could include compiling more concrete statistics on both sales and illegal downloads of video games with different levels of DRM implementations. The study has been conducted as a literature review.
Main Author
Bachelor thesis
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https://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:jyu-202108274674Use this for linking