Nettikiusaaminen kyberrikollisuuden muotona
Nettikiusaaminen on vakava ilmiö, joka on 2000-luvun alusta lähtien vakiinnuttanut asemaansa etenkin lasten ja nuorten keskuudessa. Nettikiusaamisen on todettu aiheuttavan etenkin uhreissa mutta myös kiusaajissa masennusta, itsetunnon laskua, toivottomuutta ja yksinäisyyttä, jotka ovat esiasteita itsetuhoisuudelle. Toistaiseksi nettikiusaamisen tutkimus on tuottanut jokseenkin ristiriitaisia tuloksia, ja keinot ilmiön torjumiseen ovat olleet sen mukaisia.
Myös kyberrikollisuus on yleistynyt ja aiheuttaa vahinkoja etenkin taloudellisesti, mutta myös muilla tavoin, kuten suoraan fyysiseen maailmaan vaikuttamalla. Toisin kuin nettikiusaamisen kohdalla, kyberrikollisuutta on onnistuttu
torjumaan melko tehokkaasti jo vuosikymmeniä. Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastelemme nettikiusaamista osana kyberrikollisuutta, tavoitteena pyrkiä selvittämään voidaanko nettikiusaaminen nähdä kyberrikollisuuden muotona ja onko
kyberrikollisuuden torjunnan keinoja mahdollista hyödyntää nettikiusaamisen
Cyberbullying is a grave phenomenon that has established itself since the beginning of the 21st century, especially among children and youth. Cyberbullying has been found to cause depression, loss of self-esteem, hopelessness, and loneliness, all of which are precursors to self-harm, especially in victims but also in bullies. So far research into cyberbullying has yielded somewhat conflicting results, and the means to combat the phenomenon have been in line with it. Cybercrime has also become more widespread and causes damage, especially economically, but also in other ways, such as by directly affecting the physical world. Unlike cyberbullying, cybercrime has been tackled quite effectively for decades. In this thesis, we look at cyberbullying as part of cybercrime, with the aim of finding out whether cyberbullying can be seen as a form of cybercrime and whether the means of combating cybercrime can be utilized in the fight against cyberbullying.
Cyberbullying is a grave phenomenon that has established itself since the beginning of the 21st century, especially among children and youth. Cyberbullying has been found to cause depression, loss of self-esteem, hopelessness, and loneliness, all of which are precursors to self-harm, especially in victims but also in bullies. So far research into cyberbullying has yielded somewhat conflicting results, and the means to combat the phenomenon have been in line with it. Cybercrime has also become more widespread and causes damage, especially economically, but also in other ways, such as by directly affecting the physical world. Unlike cyberbullying, cybercrime has been tackled quite effectively for decades. In this thesis, we look at cyberbullying as part of cybercrime, with the aim of finding out whether cyberbullying can be seen as a form of cybercrime and whether the means of combating cybercrime can be utilized in the fight against cyberbullying.
Main Author
Bachelor thesis
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