How do early family systems predict emotion recognition in middle childhood?

Facial emotion recognition (FER) is a fundamental element in human interaction. It begins to develop soon after birth and is important in achieving developmental tasks of middle childhood, such as developing mutual friendships and acquiring social rules of peer groups. Despite its importance, FER research during middle childhood continues to be rather limited. Moreover, research is ambiguous on how the quality of one's early social-emotional environment shapes FER development, and longitudinal studies spanning from infancy to later development are scarce. In this study, we examine how the cohesive, authoritarian, disengaged and enmeshed family system types, assessed during pregnancy and infancy, predict children's FER accuracy and interpretative biases towards happiness, fear, anger and sadness at the age of 10 years (N = 79). The results demonstrated that children from disengaged families (i.e., highly distressed relationships) show superior FER accuracy to those from cohesive families (i.e., harmonious and stable relationships). Regarding interpretative biases, children from cohesive families showed a greater fear bias compared to children from disengaged families. Our findings suggest that even in a relatively low-risk population, variation in the quality of children's early family relationships may shape children's subsequent FER development, perhaps as an evolution-based adaptation to their social-emotional environment.
Published in
Social Development
  • Laamanen, P., Kiuru, N., Flykt, M., Vänskä, M., Hietanen, J. K., Peltola, M. J., Kurkela, E., Poikkeus, P., Tiitinen, A., & Lindblom, J. (2022). How do early family systems predict emotion recognition in middle childhood?. Social Development, 31(1), 196-211.
CC BY-NC-ND 4.0Open Access
Additional information about funding
This research was supported in part by grants from Academy of Finland (PI Raija-Leena Punamäki, grant #2501308988; PI Jallu Lindblom, grant #323845) and Eino Jutikkala Fund of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters.
Copyright© 2021 The Authors. Social Development published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
