Comparison of the ecotoxicological effects of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA) on the freshwater microbial community
Perfluorattujen karboksyylihappojen (PFCAs) pysyvyys, biokertyvyys, toksisuus sekä laaja levinneisyys ympäristöön huolestuttaa ja niiden ekotoksikologisista vaikutuksista vesistöjen mikrobeihin on verrattain vähän tutkittua tietoa. Tämän vuoksi, tässä tutkimuksessa selvitin, miten kaksi tunnettua PFCA-yhdistettä, perfluorioktaani- (PFOA) ja perfluoriheksaanihappo (PFHxA), vaikuttavat järven mikrobiyhteisön monimuotoisuuteen ja rakenteeseen sekä kokonaisbiovolyymiin ja soluhengitykseen. Tulokseni osoittivat, että molemmat yhdisteet voivat suurilla pitoisuuksilla muuttaa mikrobiyhteisön rakennetta, mutta eivät vaikuta sen monimuotoisuuteen. Lisäksi molemmat yhdisteet suurilla pitoisuuksilla vähentävät biovolyymiä, mutta eivät inhiboi nettohengitystä. Työni tulosten myötä ymmärrämme paremmin PFCA-yhdisteiden ekotoksisuutta ja voimme luotettavammin arvioida niiden käyttöön liittyviä ympäristöriskejä.
The ubiquitous presence of perfluorinated carboxylic acids (PFCAs) around the globe has attracted increasing attention, due to their persistency, bioaccumulation, and toxicity. Nevertheless, the ecotoxicological effects of the compounds on aquatic microorganisms have remained understudied. Hence, the present study focused on determining the effects of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA) on the diversity, structure, microbial growth, and respiration of a freshwater microbial community. My results suggested that both compounds at high concentration changed the structure of the microbial community, but the diversity was not affected. Moreover, both compounds decreased the microbial biovolume at higher concentrations, but the net microbial respiration, in turn, was not inhibited by the compounds. This study helped to better understand the ecotoxicity of PFCAs and to assess the environmental risks associated with their use.
The ubiquitous presence of perfluorinated carboxylic acids (PFCAs) around the globe has attracted increasing attention, due to their persistency, bioaccumulation, and toxicity. Nevertheless, the ecotoxicological effects of the compounds on aquatic microorganisms have remained understudied. Hence, the present study focused on determining the effects of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA) on the diversity, structure, microbial growth, and respiration of a freshwater microbial community. My results suggested that both compounds at high concentration changed the structure of the microbial community, but the diversity was not affected. Moreover, both compounds decreased the microbial biovolume at higher concentrations, but the net microbial respiration, in turn, was not inhibited by the compounds. This study helped to better understand the ecotoxicity of PFCAs and to assess the environmental risks associated with their use.
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Master thesis
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